commit d5404886928eab0216cccb3dc88020391b36f4a7
parent 5475f4bdc98f3d89c5eac9c449c5a4d39e022b71
Author: Alex Balgavy <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 13:55:31 +0100
Fix code formatting in lecture 2
4 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/advanced-logic-notes/lecture-2/ b/content/advanced-logic-notes/lecture-2/
@@ -45,12 +45,13 @@ A strategy for player P is subset of steps for P, and it's a winning strategy if
### Example
-<summary>PlantUML/Dot code</summary>
-digraph example {
+<summary>Dot code</summary>
+digraph states {
1 -> 2
1 -> 3
2 -> 3
@@ -59,22 +60,24 @@ digraph example {
4 -> 2
4 -> 3
-formula ◇ p ∨ □ ◇ p, in state 2.
+Generated with PlantUML, surround it with `@startdot` and `@enddot`.
-p is true in state 3.
+- formula ◇ p ∨ □ ◇ p, in state 2.
+- p is true in state 3.
Complete game tree:

-<summary>PlantUML/Dot code</summary>
+<summary>Dot code</summary>
digraph gametree {
top [label="[V] ◇ p ∨ □ ◇ p, 2"]
l11 [label="[V] ◇ p, 2"]
@@ -96,8 +99,10 @@ digraph gametree {
l32 -> l41
l33 -> l42
+Generated with PlantUML, surround it with `@startdot` and `@enddot`.
## Truth and validity
diff --git a/content/advanced-logic-notes/lecture-2/digraph.svg b/content/advanced-logic-notes/lecture-2/states.svg
diff --git a/sass/_base.scss b/sass/_base.scss
@@ -184,3 +184,6 @@ table {
text-decoration: underline;
+details summary {
+ cursor: pointer;
diff --git a/syntaxes/plantuml.sublime-syntax b/syntaxes/plantuml.sublime-syntax
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+%YAML 1.2
+# See
+name: DiagramEx
+ - wsd
+ - uml
+ - puml
+ - plantuml
+scope: source.wsd
+ obj_name: '(?xi) [a-z_] [a-z_0-9]*'
+ color: '(?xi) \# (?: \d+ | {{obj_name}} )'
+ known_color: |-
+ (?xi) (?:
+ AliceBlue | AntiqueWhite | Aqua | Aquamarine | Azure | Beige | Bisque | Black | BlanchedAlmond | Blue | BlueViolet |
+ Brown | BurlyWood | CadetBlue | Chartreuse | Chocolate | Coral | CornflowerBlue | Cornsilk | Crimson | Cyan | DarkBlue |
+ DarkCyan | DarkGoldenRod | DarkGray | DarkGreen | DarkGrey | DarkKhaki | DarkMagenta | DarkOliveGreen | DarkOrchid | DarkRed |
+ DarkSalmon | DarkSeaGreen | DarkSlateBlue | DarkSlateGray | DarkSlateGrey | DarkTurquoise | DarkViolet | Darkorange | DeepPink |
+ DeepSkyBlue | DimGray | DimGrey | DodgerBlue | FireBrick | FloralWhite | ForestGreen | Fuchsia | Gainsboro | GhostWhite | Gold |
+ GoldenRod | Gray | Green | GreenYellow | Grey | HoneyDew | HotPink | IndianRed | Indigo | Ivory | Khaki | Lavender | LavenderBlush |
+ LawnGreen | LemonChiffon | LightBlue | LightCoral | LightCyan | LightGoldenRodYellow | LightGray | LightGreen | LightGrey |
+ LightPink | LightSalmon | LightSeaGreen | LightSkyBlue | LightSlateGray | LightSlateGrey | LightSteelBlue | LightYellow | Lime |
+ LimeGreen | Linen | Magenta | Maroon | MediumAquaMarine | MediumBlue | MediumOrchid | MediumPurple | MediumSeaGreen |
+ MediumSlateBlue | MediumSpringGreen | MediumTurquoise | MediumVioletRed | MidnightBlue | MintCream | MistyRose | Moccasin |
+ NavajoWhite | Navy | OldLace | Olive | OliveDrab | Orange | OrangeRed | Orchid | PaleGoldenRod | PaleGreen | PaleTurquoise |
+ PaleVioletRed | PapayaWhip | PeachPuff | Peru | Pink | Plum | PowderBlue | Purple | Red | RosyBrown | RoyalBlue | SaddleBrown |
+ Salmon | SandyBrown | SeaGreen | SeaShell | Sienna | Silver | SkyBlue | SlateBlue | SlateGray | SlateGrey | Snow | SpringGreen |
+ SteelBlue | Tan | Teal | Thistle | Tomato | Turquoise | Violet | Wheat | White | WhiteSmoke | Yellow | YellowGreen
+ )
+ main:
+ - match: (?xi) ^ \s* ( \# | ' ) (?!.*')
+ scope: comment.line.source.wsd
+ push:
+ - meta_scope: comment.line.source.wsd
+ - match: \n
+ pop: true
+ - match: |-
+ (?xi) ^ \s*
+ \b (
+ abstract | actor | artifact | class | component | database |
+ enum | interface | object | package | participant | state |
+ usecase
+ ) \b
+ scope: support.function.source.wsd
+ push:
+ - match: '(.*)(\{)'
+ captures:
+ 1:
+ push:
+ - meta_scope: meta.block.wsd
+ - include: all_reamaining
+ - match: '\}'
+ pop: true
+ - match: ''
+ pop: true
+ - include: all_reamaining
+ # control keywords
+ - match: |-
+ (?xi) ^ \s* (
+ @enduml | @startuml | activate | again | also | alt | as | autonumber | bottom | box | break |
+ center | create | critical | deactivate | destroy | down | else | end | endif | endwhile | footbox |
+ footer | fork | group | header | hide | if | is | left | link | loop | namespace |
+ newpage | note | of | on | opt | over | page | par | partition | ref | repeat |
+ return | right | rotate | show | skin | skinparam | start | stop | title | top to bottom direction | top |
+ up | while
+ )\b
+ scope: keyword.control.source.wsd
+ - match: (?xi) \b {{obj_name}} \b
+ scope: variable.parameter.source.wsd
+ all_reamaining:
+ - match: (?xi) ^ \b title \b
+ scope: string.quoted.double.source.wsd
+ push:
+ - match: '\n'
+ scope: keyword.control.source.wsd
+ pop: true
+ # known colors
+ - match: '{{known_color}}'
+ scope: variable.source.wsd
+ - match: |-
+ (?xi) ^ \s* ( [\w\_\-]+ ) \s*
+ (
+ (?:["'].*?["'])? \s*
+ (?:
+ [\<\}\*o\.\+x\^\#\ ] (?:[\-\-]|[\.\.]){2}?\*?
+ | \*?(?:[\-\-]|[\.\.]){2} [\{\>\*o\.\+x\^\#\ ]
+ | [\<\{\*o\.\+x\^\#]\|?[-\.]? ([^\|\-\s\.]*)[\-\.]
+ | [\-\.]([^\|\-\s\.]*) [-\.]?\|?[\*o\.\+x\^\#\{\>]
+ )
+ \s* (?:["'].*?["'])? \s* ( [\w\_\-]+ )
+ )
+ captures:
+ 1:
+ 2: string.quoted.double.source.wsd
+ 3: keyword.control.source.wsd
+ 4: keyword.control.source.wsd
+ 5:
+ push:
+ - meta_scope: constant.string.source.wsd
+ - match: ':'
+ scope: keyword.control.source.wsd
+ - match: \n
+ pop: true
+ - match: (?xi) ^ ( {{obj_name}} ) [ \t]* (:)
+ captures:
+ 1:
+ 2: keyword.control.source.wsd
+ push:
+ - meta_scope: string.quoted.double.source.wsd
+ - match: \n
+ pop: true
+ - match: \"
+ scope: string.quoted.double.source.wsd
+ push:
+ - meta_scope: string.quoted.double.source.wsd
+ - match: \"
+ pop: true
+ - match: \'
+ scope: string.quoted.single.source.wsd
+ push:
+ - meta_scope: string.quoted.single.source.wsd
+ - match: \'
+ pop: true
+ - match: (?xi) \b {{obj_name}} \b
+ scope: constant.string.source.wsd