commit d0c0ca37ee664496089295a720c036daf9b3944d
parent 79e79e11100395562e6a868bb1ebdaa2121613e7
Author: Alex Balgavy <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2021 13:43:57 +0200
Distributed algorithms notes
4 files changed, 161 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/ b/content/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ title = "Alex's university course notes"
* [Programming Multi-Core and Many-Core Systems](programming-multi-core-and-many-core-systems)
* [Coding and Cryptography](coding-and-cryptography)
* [Binary and Malware Analysis](binary-malware-analysis-notes)
+* [Distributed Algorithms](distributed-algorithms-notes)
# BSc Computer Science (VU Amsterdam)
diff --git a/content/distributed-algorithms-notes/ b/content/distributed-algorithms-notes/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+title = 'Distributed Algorithms'
+# Distributed Algorithms
+1. [Introduction](introduction)
diff --git a/content/distributed-algorithms-notes/introduction/ b/content/distributed-algorithms-notes/introduction/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+title = 'Introduction'
+# Intro
+## Distributed vs uniprocessor
+- Lack of knowledge on global state: process has no up-to-date knowledge on states of other processes
+- lack of global time frame
+- nondeterminism
+## Communication in distributed system
+Main paradigms:
+- message passing
+- shared memory
+Asynchronous communication: sending and receiving are independent events (synchronous is the opposite)
+Communication protocol detects and corrects errors during message passing
+Assumptions we make:
+- strongly connected network (every node/process can reach any other node)
+- each process knows only its neighbors (only local knowledge)
+- message passing for communication
+- asynchronous communication
+- channels can be non-FIFO (messages can overtake each other)
+- channels don't lose, duplicate, or mess up messages
+- delay of messages in channels is arbitrary, but not infinite
+- stable network and processes don't crash
+- processes have unique IDs
+Directed vs bidirectional channels
+- directed: one way
+- bidirectional: messages can go both ways
+complexity measures:
+- message complexity: total num messages exchanged
+- bit complexity: total num bits exchanged
+- time complexity: amount of time consumed (assume even processing takes no time, message received max one time unit after it's sent)
+- space complexity: amount of memory needed for the processes
+- we consider worst- and average-case complexity
+Big O notation
+- complexity measures show how resource consumption grows _in relation to input size_
+- an algorithm with worst-case message complexity (n²) for input size n takes max in order of n² messages
+- "in the order of": give or take some constant
+- f = O(g) if for some C > 0, f(n) ≤ C dot g(n) for all n ∈ ℕ
+- f = Θ(g) if f = O(g) and g = O(f) (both upper and lower bound)
+Transition systems
+- global state of distributed system is a "configuration"
+- configuration evolves in discrete steps called "transitions"
+- transition system:
+ - TODO: he's going too fast
+Execution: sequence γ₀ γ₁ γ₂... of configurations that
+- either is infinite,
+- or ends in terminal configuration such that
+ - γ₀ ∈ L and
+ - γⱼ → γⱼ₊₁ for j = 0,1,2,...
+- configuration is reachable if there is a sequence of transitions from an initial state to it
+States and events
+- configuration of distributed system: states at its processes & messages in its channels
+- transition associated to event (or two events if synchronous) at one (or two) of its processes
+- events: internal, send, receive
+- initiator process: if its first even is internal or send
+ - algorithm is centralised if only one initiator
+ - decentralized if more than one
+- predicate on configurations of an algorithm
+- safety property is always true in each configuration ("something bad will never happen")
+- liveness property is true in some configuration of each execution ("something good will eventually happen")
+- assertion P on configurations is invariant if:
+ - holds for all initial states
+ - if holds in states on both sides of transitions
+- each invariant is a safety property
+Causal order
+- in configuration of async system, applicable events at different processes are independent
+- causal order (≺ symbol) on occurrences of evens in execution is smallest transitive relation st
+ - in english, if a happens before b, then a ≺ b
+ - full definition:
+ - if events a,b at same process, and a occurs before b, then a ≺ b
+ - if a send and b corresponding receive, then a ≺ b
+ - _irreflexive!_ (you clearly can't have a before b _and_ b before a)
+- if neither a ⪯ b nor b ⪯ a, then a and b are concurrent
+- permutation of concurrent events in execution doesn't affect result of execution
+- these permutations form a computation
+## Clocks
+Lamport's clock
+- logical clock C maps occurrences of events in computation to a partially ordered set, such that a ≺ b ⇒ C(a) < C(b)
+- Lamport's clock LC assigns to each event a the length of k of longest causality chain a₁ ≺ ... ≺ aₓ = a
+- LC can be computed at runtime:
+ - one list of clock values per process, length of the list is same as number of messages
+ - each message increases the clock value by 1
+ - on a receive, wait until the corresponding send is done, and then the receive has the incremented clock value
+Vector clock
+- given processes p₀...pₓ₋₁
+- each process has a list of vectors (k₀..kₓ₋₁) that are clock values corresponding to processes (e.g. k₀ is first process, k₁ is second process, etc.)
+- a message increments the process' clock value by 1
+- a receive message also takes the maximum of the other clock values in the process' vector and the values in the vector of the process with the corresponding send message
+## Snapshots
+snapshot of execution of distributed algorithm should return configuration of execution in the same computation
+distinguish: basic messages of underlying distributed algorithm, control messages of snapshot algorithm
+snapshot of basic execution contains
+- local snapshot of basic state of each process
+- channel state of basic messages in transit for each channel
+meaningful snapshot: if configuration of execution in same computation as actual execution
+- for each message m, sender, p, receiver q, must agree whether m is pre- or post-snapshot
+### Chandy-Lamport algorithm
+assumes directed network with FIFO channels.
+1. Some node takes a snapshot, starts recording on channels, then sends out marker messages across all channels before any other mesages
+2. When a node receives the marker control message:
+ - if this is the first one it received:
+ - take a snapshot (record its own state)
+ - mark the corresponding channel as empty
+ - start recording on all other channels
+ - send out marker messages on _all_ channels, before any other messages
+ - else:
+ - stop recording the corresponding channel
+ - set that channel's state to all messages received since the snapshot
+[This is a very good explanation](
+- message: Θ(E) (with E number of channels)
+- worst-case time: (D) (with D the diameter)
+### Lai-Yang algorithm
+allows that channels are non-FIFO
+- initiators take local snapshot of their state
+- when process takes local snapshot, appends 'true' to each outgoing basic message
+- if process that hasn't yet taken snapshot receives message with 'true', or control message, for the first time, it takes local snapshot before reception of the message
+- channel state is basic messages without 'true' that receives after its local snapshot
+- processes count how many basic messages without 'true' they sent/received for each channel
+- when p takes a snapshot, p sends a control message to q, telling q how many basic messages without 'true' were sent to pq
+- for multiple snapshots, each snapshot has sequence number and basic message carries sequence number of last snapshot at sender instead of 'true'
diff --git a/content/distributed-algorithms-notes/introduction/vector-clock.png b/content/distributed-algorithms-notes/introduction/vector-clock.png
Binary files differ.