_index.md (2040B)
1 +++ 2 title = "Alex's university course notes" 3 +++ 4 5 # MSc Computer Systems Security (VU Amsterdam & UVA) 6 --- 7 8 ## Subject notes: Year 2 9 * [Advanced Operating Systems](aos-notes/) 10 * [Software Security](softsec-notes/) 11 * [Hardware Security](hwsec-notes/) 12 * [Advanced Computer Networks](acn-notes/) 13 * [Software Containerisation](softcont-notes/) 14 * [Advanced Logic](advanced-logic-notes/) 15 16 ## Subject notes: Year 1 17 * [Computer & Network Security](computer-network-security/) 18 * [Logical Verification](logical-verification/) 19 * [Software Architecture](software-architecture/) 20 * [Programming Multi-Core and Many-Core Systems](programming-multi-core-and-many-core-systems) 21 * [Coding and Cryptography](coding-and-cryptography) 22 * [Binary and Malware Analysis](binary-malware-analysis-notes) 23 * [Distributed Algorithms](distributed-algorithms-notes) 24 * [Machine Learning for the Quantified Self](ml4qs-notes) 25 26 # BSc Computer Science (VU Amsterdam) 27 --- 28 29 ## Subject notes: Year 3 30 * [Equational Programming](equational-notes/) 31 * [Machine Learning](ml-notes/) **(unfinished)** 32 * [Automata & Complexity](automata-complexity-notes/) **(unfinished)** 33 * [Philosophy](philosophy-notes/) 34 35 ## Subject notes: Year 2 36 37 * [Data Structures & Algorithms](dsa-notes/) 38 * [Advanced Programming](ap-notes/) 39 * [Statistical Methods](stats-notes) 40 * [Operating Systems](os-notes) 41 * [Intelligent Systems](is-notes/) 42 * [Linear Algebra](lin-algebra-notes/) 43 * [Software Design](softdesign-notes) 44 * [Logic & Modelling](logic-modelling-notes/) 45 * [Databases](databases-notes) 46 * [A Likelihood Approach to Statistics (Honors)](likelihood-notes/notes.pdf) 47 * [Human Computer Interaction](hci-notes/) 48 49 ## Subject notes: Year 1 50 51 * [Introduction to Programming in C++](cpp-notes) 52 * [Computational thinking](compthink-notes) 53 * [Systems architecture](sysarch-notes) 54 * [Physical Computing](physcomp-notes) 55 * [Logic & sets](logicsets-notes/) 56 * [Web tech](webtech-notes) 57 * [Computer Networks](compnet-notes/) 58 * [History of Science](history-science-notes/) 59 * [Networks & graphs](networksgraphs-notes/)