commit 0f6ed584b3401fbf9c362bc089a05b7f7b1d2407
parent b43873fd1ab8d58426db34985e5098db1c79f7b8
Author: Alex Balgavy <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 11:01:14 +0200
More distributed algs notes
2 files changed, 220 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/distributed-algorithms-notes/ b/content/distributed-algorithms-notes/
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ title = 'Distributed Algorithms'
2. [Waves, trees & deadlock detection](waves-deadlock-detection)
3. [Termination detection & garbage collection](termination-detection-garbage-collection)
4. [Routing](routing)
+5. [Election algorithms](election-algorithms)
diff --git a/content/distributed-algorithms-notes/ b/content/distributed-algorithms-notes/
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+title = 'Election algorithms & minimum spanning trees'
+# Election algorithms
+Often leader process needed to coordinate distributed task.
+In election algorithm, each computation terminates in configuration where one process is leader.
+- decentralised algorithm, initializers are non-empty set of processes
+- all processes have same local algorithms
+- process IDs are unique, from totally ordered set
+## Chang-Roberts algorithm
+directed ring
+Initially only initiators active, send message with their ID
+Let active process p receive message q
+- if q < p, p dismisses the message
+- if q > p, becomes passive, and passes on message
+- if q = p, p becomes leader
+Passive processes pass on messages.
+- worst-case message: O(N²)
+- average-case message: O(N·log N)
+## Franklin's algorithm
+Undirected ring.
+Each active process p repeatedly compares own ID with IDs of nearest active neighbors on both sides.
+If such a neighbor has larger ID, then p becomes passive.
+Initially, initiators are active, noninitiators passive.
+Each round, active process p
+- sends its ID to its neighbors on either side
+- and receives IDs q and r
+ - if max{q,r} < p, then p starts another round
+ - if max{q,r} > p, then p becomes passive
+ - if max{q,r} = p, then p becomes leader
+- worst-case message: O(N·log N)
+## Dolev-Klawe-Rodeh algorithm
+Directed ring.
+Comparison of IDs of active process p and its nearest active neighbors q and r is performed at r.
+- if max{q,r} < p, then r changes its ID to p, and sends out p
+- if max{q,r} > p, then r becomes passive
+- if max{q,r} = p, then r announces this ID to all processes.
+The process that originally had ID p becomes the leader.
+Since message can overtake another message from earlier round, processes maintain round numbers and attach these to their messages.
+- worst-case message: O(N·log N)
+## Tree election algorithm for acyclic networks
+Start with wake-up phase, driven by initiators
+- initially, initiators send wake-up message to all neighbors
+- when noninitiator receives first wake-up message, it wakes up and sends a wake-up message to all neighbors
+- when processes has received a wake-up message from all its neighbors, it starts the election phase
+Election phase (local at process p):
+- p waits until it received IDs from all neighbors except one, which becomes its parent
+- p computes largest ID maxp among received IDs and its own ID
+- p sends parent request to its parent, tagged with maxp
+- if p receives parent request fromits parent, tagged with q, it computes maxp' (the maximum of maxp and q)
+- next p sends info message to all neighbors except its parent, tagged with maxp'
+- this info message forwarded through network
+- process with id maxp' becomes leader
+- message: 2.MN - 2 messages (without wake-up phase)
+## Echo algorithm with extinction
+Each initiator starts a wave, tagged with its ID
+Noninitiators join the first wave that hits them.
+At any time, each process takes part in at m ost one wave.
+When process p in wave q is hit by wave r:
+- if q < r, then p changes to wave r, abandoning all earlier messages
+- if q > r, p continues with wave q, dismissing incoming message
+- if q = r, then incoming message is treated according to echo algorithm of wave q
+If wave p executes a decide event at p, then p becomes the leader.
+- worst-case message: O(N·E)
+# Minimum spanning trees
+Undirected weighted network.
+Assume different edges have different weights.
+In minimum spanning tree, sum of weights of edges in spanning tree is minimal.
+## Fragments
+Let F be a fragment, i.e. a connected subgraph of minimum spanning tree M.
+Let e be lowest-weight outgoing edge of F.
+Then e is in M.
+## Kruskal's algorithm
+Uniprocessor algorithm for computing minimum spanning trees.
+- initially, each node forms separate fragment
+- in each step, lowest-weight outgoing edge of fragment is added to spanning tree, joining two fragments
+Also works when edges have same weight, though then minimum spanning tree may not be unique.
+## Gallager-Humblet-Spira algorithm
+Undirected weighted network in which different edges have different weights.
+Distributed computation of min spanning tree:
+- initially, each process forms a separate fragment
+- processes in fragment F together search for lowest-weight outgoing edge ef
+- when ef has been found, fragment at other end is asked to collaborate in a merge
+- worst-case message: O(E + N·log N)
+### Level, name, core edge
+Each fragment carries unique name fn and level l.
+Its level is maximum number of joins any process in fragment has experienced.
+Neighboring fragments F(fn, l) and F' = (fn', l') can be joined:
+- l < l' ∧ F →ef F': F ∪ F' = (fn', l')
+- l = l' ∧ ef = ef': F ∪ F' = (weight ef, l+1)
+Core edge of fragment is last edge that connected two sub-fragments at same level, its end points are core nodes.
+Name is the <!-- TODO: fill this from lecture! -->
+### Parameters of process
+Its state:
+- sleep (for noninitiators)
+- find (looking for lowest-weight outgoing edge)
+- found (reported a lowest-weight outgoing edge to core edge)
+Status of its channels:
+- basic edge (undecided)
+- branch edge (in spanning tree)
+- rejected (not in spanning tree)
+Name and level of its fragment.
+Its parent toward the core edge.
+### Initialization
+Noninitiators wake up when they receive a connect or test message.
+Each initiator, and noninitiator after it has woken up
+- sets its level to 0
+- sets its lowest-weight edge to branch
+- sends (connect, 0) into this channel
+- sets its other channels to basic
+- sets its state to found
+### Joining two fragments
+Let fragments F = (fn, l) and F' = (fn', l') be joined via channel pq
+- if l < l', then p sent (connect, l) to q
+ - q sends (initiate, fn', l', find/found) to p
+ - F ∪ F' inherits core edge of F'
+- if l = l', then p and q sent (connect, l) to each otehr
+ - they send (initiate, weight(p,q), l+1, find) to each other
+ - F ∪ F' gets core edge pq
+At reception of (initiate, fn, l, find/found), a process stores fn and l, sets its state to find or found, an adopts sender as its parent
+- it passes on the message through its other branch edges
+### Computing lowest-weight outgoing edge
+In case of (initiate, fn, l, find), p checks in increasing order of weight one of its basic edges pq is outgoing, by sending (test, fn, l) to q.
+While l > level(q), q postpones processing incoming test message.
+Let l ≤ level(q)
+- if q is in fragment fn, then q replies reject
+ - in this case p and q set pq to rejected
+- else, q replies accept
+When basic edge accepted, or there are no basic edges left, p stops the search and sets its state to found.
+### Reporting to core nodes
+- p waits for all its branch edges, except its parent, to report
+- p computes minimum λ of (1) these reports and (2) the weight of its lowest-weight outgoing basic edge (or ∞ if no such channel found)
+- p sends (report, λ) to its parent
+- if λ < ∞, p stores either branch edge that sent λ, or its basic edge of weight λ
+### Termination or changeroot at core nodes
+Core nodes receive reports through all their branch edges, including core edge.
+- ifemin reported value μ = ∞, the core nodes terminate
+- if μ < ∞, the core node that received μ first sends changeroot toward lowest-weight outgoing basic edge (the core edge becomes a regular branch edge)
+Ultimately changeroot reaches the process p that reported the lowest-weight outgoing basic edge.
+p sets this channel to branch, and sends (connect, level(p)) into it
+### Starting join of two fragments
+If q receives (connect, level(p)) from p, then level(q) ≥ level(p)
+Namely, either level(p) = 0, or q earlier sent accept to p.
+- if level(q) > level(p), then q sets qp to branch and sends (initiate, name(q), level(q), find/found) to p
+- as long as level(q) = level(p) and qp isn't branch edge, q postpones processing connect message
+- if level(q) = level(p) and qp is branch edge, then q sends (initiate, weight(qp), level(q) + 1, find) to p, and vice versa
+ - pq becomes core edge
+### For election
+By two extra messages at very end, core node with largest ID becomes leader.
+So this induces an election algorithm for general undirected networks.
+We must impose an order on channels of equal weight.