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      1 +++
      2 title = 'Election algorithms & minimum spanning trees'
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      4 # Election algorithms
      5 Often leader process needed to coordinate distributed task.
      6 In election algorithm, each computation terminates in configuration where one process is leader.
      8 Assumptions:
      9 - decentralised algorithm, initializers are non-empty set of processes
     10 - all processes have same local algorithms
     11 - process IDs are unique, from totally ordered set
     13 ## Chang-Roberts algorithm
     14 directed ring
     16 Initially only initiators active, send message with their ID
     18 Let active process p receive message q
     19 - if q < p, p dismisses the message
     20 - if q > p,  becomes passive, and passes on message
     21 - if q = p, p becomes leader
     23 Passive processes pass on messages.
     25 Complexity:
     26 - worst-case message: O(N²)
     27 - average-case message: O(N·log N)
     29 ## Franklin's algorithm
     30 Undirected ring.
     32 Each active process p repeatedly compares own ID with IDs of nearest active neighbors on both sides.
     34 If such a neighbor has larger ID, then p becomes passive.
     36 Initially, initiators are active, noninitiators passive.
     38 Each round, active process p
     39 - sends its ID to its neighbors on either side
     40 - and receives IDs q and r
     41     - if max{q,r} < p, then p starts another round
     42     - if max{q,r} > p, then p becomes passive
     43     - if max{q,r} = p, then p becomes leader
     45 Complexity:
     46 - worst-case message: O(N·log N)
     48 ## Dolev-Klawe-Rodeh algorithm
     49 Directed ring.
     50 Comparison of IDs of active process p and its nearest active neighbors q and r is performed at r.
     52 - if max{q,r} < p, then r changes its ID to p, and sends out p
     53 - if max{q,r} > p, then r becomes passive
     54 - if max{q,r} = p, then r announces this ID to all processes.
     56 The process that originally had ID p becomes the leader.
     58 Since message can overtake another message from earlier round, processes maintain round numbers and attach these to their messages.
     60 Complexity:
     61 - worst-case message: O(N·log N)
     63 ## Tree election algorithm for acyclic networks
     64 Start with wake-up phase, driven by initiators
     65 - initially, initiators send wake-up message to all neighbors
     66 - when noninitiator receives first wake-up message, it wakes up and sends a wake-up message to all neighbors
     67 - when processes has received a wake-up message from all its neighbors, it starts the election phase
     69 Election phase (local at process p):
     70 - p waits until it received IDs from all neighbors except one, which becomes its parent
     71 - p computes largest ID maxp among received IDs and its own ID
     72 - p sends parent request to its parent, tagged with maxp
     73 - if p receives parent request fromits parent, tagged with q, it computes maxp' (the maximum of maxp and q)
     74 - next p sends info message to all neighbors except its parent, tagged with maxp'
     75 - this info message forwarded through network
     76 - process with id maxp' becomes leader
     78 Complexity:
     79 - message: 2.MN - 2 messages (without wake-up phase)
     81 ## Echo algorithm with extinction
     82 Each initiator starts a wave, tagged with its ID
     84 Noninitiators join the first wave that hits them.
     86 At any time, each process takes part in at m ost one wave.
     88 When process p in wave q is hit by wave r:
     89 - if q < r, then p changes to wave r, abandoning all earlier messages
     90 - if q > r, p continues with wave q, dismissing incoming message
     91 - if q = r, then incoming message is treated according to echo algorithm of wave q
     93 If wave p executes a decide event at p, then p becomes the leader.
     95 Complexity:
     96 - worst-case message: O(N·E)
     98 # Minimum spanning trees
     99 Undirected weighted network.
    101 Assume different edges have different weights.
    103 In minimum spanning tree, sum of weights of edges in spanning tree is minimal.
    105 ## Fragments
    106 Let F be a fragment, i.e. a connected subgraph of minimum spanning tree M.
    108 Let e be lowest-weight outgoing edge of F.
    109 Then e is in M.
    111 ## Kruskal's algorithm
    112 Uniprocessor algorithm for computing minimum spanning trees.
    113 - initially, each node forms separate fragment
    114 - in each step, lowest-weight outgoing edge of fragment is added to spanning tree, joining two fragments
    116 Also works when edges have same weight, though then minimum spanning tree may not be unique.
    118 ## Gallager-Humblet-Spira algorithm
    119 Undirected weighted network in which different edges have different weights.
    121 Distributed computation of min spanning tree:
    122 - initially, each process forms a separate fragment
    123 - processes in fragment F together search for lowest-weight outgoing edge ef
    124 - when ef has been found, fragment at other end is asked to collaborate in a merge
    126 Complexity:
    127 - worst-case message: O(E + N·log N)
    129 ### Level, name, core edge
    130 Each fragment carries unique name fn and level l.
    132 Its level is maximum number of joins any process in fragment has experienced.
    134 Neighboring fragments F(fn, l) and F' = (fn', l') can be joined:
    135 - l < l' ∧ F →ef F': F ∪ F' = (fn', l')
    136 - l = l' ∧ ef = ef': F ∪ F' = (weight ef, l+1)
    138 Core edge of fragment is last edge that connected two sub-fragments at same level, its end points are core nodes.
    139 Name is the weight.
    141 ### Parameters of process
    142 Its state:
    143 - sleep (for noninitiators)
    144 - find (looking for lowest-weight outgoing edge)
    145 - found (reported a lowest-weight outgoing edge to core edge)
    147 Status of its channels:
    148 - basic edge (undecided)
    149 - branch edge (in spanning tree)
    150 - rejected (not in spanning tree)
    152 Name and level of its fragment.
    154 Its parent toward the core edge.
    156 ### Initialization
    157 Noninitiators wake up when they receive a connect or test message.
    159 Each initiator, and noninitiator after it has woken up
    160 - sets its level to 0
    161 - sets its lowest-weight edge to branch
    162 - sends (connect, 0) into this channel
    163 - sets its other channels to basic
    164 - sets its state to found
    166 ### Joining two fragments
    167 Let fragments F = (fn, l) and F' = (fn', l') be joined via channel pq
    168 - if l < l', then p sent (connect, l) to q
    169     - q sends (initiate, fn', l', find/found) to p
    170     - F ∪ F' inherits core edge of F'
    171 - if l = l', then p and q sent (connect, l) to each otehr
    172     - they send (initiate, weight(p,q), l+1, find) to each other
    173     - F ∪ F' gets core edge pq
    175 At reception of (initiate, fn, l, find/found), a process stores fn and l, sets its state to find or found, an adopts sender as its parent
    176 - it passes on the message through its other branch edges
    178 ### Computing lowest-weight outgoing edge
    179 In case of (initiate, fn, l, find), p checks in increasing order of weight one of its basic edges pq is outgoing, by sending (test, fn, l) to q.
    181 While l > level(q), q postpones processing incoming test message.
    183 Let l ≤ level(q)
    184 - if q is in fragment fn, then q replies reject
    185     - in this case p and q set pq to rejected
    186 - else, q replies accept
    188 When basic edge accepted, or there are no basic edges left, p stops the search and sets its state to found.
    190 ### Reporting to core nodes
    191 - p waits for all its branch edges, except its parent, to report
    192 - p computes minimum λ of (1) these reports and (2)  the weight of its lowest-weight outgoing basic edge (or ∞ if no such channel found)
    193 - p sends (report, λ) to its parent
    194 - if λ < ∞, p stores either branch edge that sent λ, or its basic edge of weight λ
    196 ### Termination or changeroot at core nodes
    197 Core nodes receive reports through all their branch edges, including core edge.
    198 - ifemin reported value μ = ∞, the core nodes terminate
    199 - if μ < ∞, the core node that received μ first sends changeroot toward lowest-weight outgoing basic edge (the core edge becomes a regular branch edge)
    201 Ultimately changeroot reaches the process p that reported the lowest-weight outgoing basic edge.
    203 p sets this channel to branch, and sends (connect, level(p)) into it
    205 ### Starting join of two fragments
    206 If q receives (connect, level(p)) from p, then level(q) ≥ level(p)
    208 Namely, either level(p) = 0, or q earlier sent accept to p.
    210 - if level(q) > level(p), then q sets qp to branch and sends (initiate, name(q), level(q), find/found) to p
    211 - as long as level(q) = level(p) and qp isn't branch edge, q postpones processing connect message
    212 - if level(q) = level(p) and qp is branch edge, then q sends (initiate, weight(qp), level(q) + 1, find) to p, and vice versa
    213     - pq becomes core edge
    215 ### For election
    216 By two extra messages at very end, core node with largest ID becomes leader.
    218 So this induces an election algorithm for general undirected networks.
    219 We must impose an order on channels of equal weight.