
Vim plugin to make writing colorschemes easier by providing a clean slate, and using a simpler/more readable syntax.
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commit bbdc0f5d01f18efb7657f5f8cd7e45e7b5131a02
parent d7665b26bb170f89d781467c6e86b48806318cd3
Author: Alex Balgavy <>
Date:   Thu,  5 Mar 2020 21:31:22 +0100

A few changes

Mautoload/schemer.vim | 187++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
Msyntax/schemer.vim | 2+-
2 files changed, 114 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

diff --git a/autoload/schemer.vim b/autoload/schemer.vim @@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ if exists('g:loaded_schemer_autoload') endif let g:loaded_schemer_autoload = 1 -" the 6 value iterations in the xterm color cube "{{{2 +" Color functions from +" the 6 value iterations in the xterm color cube let s:valuerange6 = [ 0x00, 0x5F, 0x87, 0xAF, 0xD7, 0xFF ] -"" the 4 value iterations in the 88 color xterm cube "{{{2 +"" the 4 value iterations in the 88 color xterm cube let s:valuerange4 = [ 0x00, 0x8B, 0xCD, 0xFF ] " -"" 16 basic colors "{{{2 +"" 16 basic colors let s:basic16 = [ \ [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ], \ [ 0xCD, 0x00, 0x00 ], @@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ if ($ComSpec =~# '^\%(command\.com\|cmd\.exe\)$' && let &t_Co=16 endif -" xterm-8 colors "{{{2 +" xterm-8 colors let s:xterm_8colors = { \ 'black': '#000000', \ 'darkblue': '#00008B', @@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ let s:xterm_8colors = { \ 'grey': '#E5E5E5' \ } -" xterm-16 colors "{{{2 +" xterm-16 colors let s:xterm_16colors = { \ 'darkgrey': '#7F7F7F', \ 'darkgray': '#7F7F7F', @@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ let s:xterm_16colors = { " add the items from the 8 color xterm variable to the 16 color xterm call extend(s:xterm_16colors, s:xterm_8colors) -" W3C Colors "{{{2 +" W3C Colors let s:w3c_color_names = { \ 'aliceblue': '#F0F8FF', \ 'antiquewhite': '#FAEBD7', @@ -239,7 +240,7 @@ let s:w3c_color_names = { \ 'yellowgreen': '#9ACD32' \ } -" X11 color names taken from "{{{2 +" X11 color names taken from "*checkout*/xc/programs/rgb/rgb.txt?rev=1.2 let s:x11_color_names = { \ 'snow': '#FFFAFA', @@ -902,7 +903,7 @@ let s:x11_color_names = { \ } " Functions, to highlight certain types {{{1 -function! s:ColorRGBValues(val) "{{{2 +function! s:ColorRGBValues(val) let s:position = getpos('.') if <sid>IsInComment() " skip coloring comments @@ -937,7 +938,7 @@ function! s:ColorRGBValues(val) "{{{2 endif endfunction -function! s:ColorHSLValues(val) "{{{2 +function! s:ColorHSLValues(val) let s:position = getpos('.') if <sid>IsInComment() " skip coloring comments @@ -957,7 +958,7 @@ function! s:ColorHSLValues(val) "{{{2 endif endfu -function! s:PreviewColorName(color) "{{{2 +function! s:PreviewColorName(color) let s:position = getpos('.') let name=tolower(a:color) let clr = s:colors[name] @@ -968,7 +969,7 @@ function! s:PreviewColorName(color) "{{{2 endif endfu -function! s:PreviewColorHex(match) "{{{2 +function! s:PreviewColorHex(match) let s:position = getpos('.') if <sid>IsInComment() " skip coloring comments @@ -1006,7 +1007,7 @@ function! s:PreviewColorHex(match) "{{{2 endif endfunction -function! s:PreviewColorTerm(pre, text, post) "{{{2 +function! s:PreviewColorTerm(pre, text, post) " a:pre: Ansi-Sequences determining the highlighting " a:text: Text to color " a:post: Ansi-Sequences resetting the coloring (might be empty) @@ -1044,7 +1045,7 @@ function! s:PreviewColorTerm(pre, text, post) "{{{2 return a:pre . a:text. a:post endif endfunction -function! s:PreviewColorNroff(match) "{{{2 +function! s:PreviewColorNroff(match) let s:position = getpos('.') let clr_Dict = {} let color = [] @@ -1075,7 +1076,7 @@ function! s:PreviewColorNroff(match) "{{{2 return a:match endif endfunction -function! s:PreviewTaskWarriorColors(submatch) "{{{2 +function! s:PreviewTaskWarriorColors(submatch) " a:submatch is something like 'black on rgb141' " this highlighting should overrule e.g. colorname highlighting @@ -1148,7 +1149,7 @@ function! s:PreviewTaskWarriorColors(submatch) "{{{2 endtry endfunction -function! s:PreviewVimColors(submatch) "{{{2 +function! s:PreviewVimColors(submatch) " a:submatch is something like 'black on rgb141' " this highlighting should overrule e.g. colorname highlighting @@ -1196,7 +1197,7 @@ function! s:PreviewVimColors(submatch) "{{{2 endtry endfunction -function! s:PreviewVimHighlightDump(match) "{{{2 +function! s:PreviewVimHighlightDump(match) " highlights dumps of :hi " e.g "SpecialKey xxx term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=124 guifg=Cyan @@ -1232,7 +1233,7 @@ function! s:PreviewVimHighlightDump(match) "{{{2 endtry endfunction -function! s:PreviewVimHighlight(match) "{{{2 +function! s:PreviewVimHighlight(match) " like colorhighlight plugin, " schemer highlight statements in .vim files let s:position = getpos('.') @@ -1268,12 +1269,12 @@ function! s:PreviewVimHighlight(match) "{{{2 endtry endfunction -function! s:IsInComment() "{{{1 +function! s:IsInComment() return s:skip_comments && \ synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line('.'), col('.'),1)), 'name') == "Comment" endfu -function! s:DictFromList(dict, list) "{{{1 +function! s:DictFromList(dict, list) let dict = copy(a:dict) let match = filter(a:list, 'v:val =~# ''=''') for item in match @@ -1283,19 +1284,19 @@ function! s:DictFromList(dict, list) "{{{1 return dict endfunction -function! s:GetPatternLiteral(pat) "{{{1 +function! s:GetPatternLiteral(pat) return '\V'. substitute(escape(a:pat, '\\'), "\n", '\\n', 'g') endfu -function! s:Term2RGB(index) "{{{1 +function! s:Term2RGB(index) " Return index in colortable in RRGGBB form return join(map(copy(s:colortable[a:index]), 'printf("%02X", v:val)'),'') endfu -function! s:Reltime(...) "{{{1 +function! s:Reltime(...) return exists("a:1") ? reltime(a:1) : reltime() endfu -function! s:PrintColorStatistics() "{{{1 +function! s:PrintColorStatistics() if get(g:, 'schemer_debug', 0) echohl Title echom printf("Colorstatistics at: %s", strftime("%H:%M")) @@ -1308,7 +1309,7 @@ function! s:PrintColorStatistics() "{{{1 endif endfu -function! s:ColorInit(...) "{{{1 +function! s:ColorInit(...) let s:force_hl = !empty(a:1) let s:term_true_color = (exists('+tgc') && &tgc) let s:stop = 0 @@ -1510,7 +1511,7 @@ function! s:ColorInit(...) "{{{1 endif endfu -function! s:AddOffset(list) "{{{1 +function! s:AddOffset(list) return a:list let result=[] for val in a:list @@ -1522,7 +1523,7 @@ function! s:AddOffset(list) "{{{1 endfor return result endfu -function! s:SwapColors(list) "{{{1 +function! s:SwapColors(list) if empty(a:list[0]) && empty(a:list[1]) return a:list elseif s:swap_fg_bg > 0 @@ -1534,7 +1535,7 @@ function! s:SwapColors(list) "{{{1 endif endfu -function! s:FGforBG(bg) "{{{1 +function! s:FGforBG(bg) " takes a 6hex color code and returns a matching color that is visible let fgc = g:schemer_fgcontrast if fgc == -1 @@ -1553,7 +1554,7 @@ function! s:FGforBG(bg) "{{{1 end endfunction -function! s:DidColor(clr, pat) "{{{1 +function! s:DidColor(clr, pat) let idx = index(w:match_list, a:pat) if idx > -1 let attr = <sid>SynID(a:clr) @@ -1564,7 +1565,7 @@ function! s:DidColor(clr, pat) "{{{1 return 0 endfu -function! s:DoHlGroup(group, Dict) "{{{1 +function! s:DoHlGroup(group, Dict) if !s:force_hl let syn = <sid>SynID(a:group) if !empty(syn) @@ -1624,7 +1625,7 @@ function! s:DoHlGroup(group, Dict) "{{{1 call s:Exe(hi) endfunction -function! s:Exe(stmt) "{{{1 +function! s:Exe(stmt) "Don't error out for invalid colors try exe a:stmt @@ -1636,7 +1637,7 @@ function! s:Exe(stmt) "{{{1 endtry endfu -function! s:SynID(group, ...) "{{{1 +function! s:SynID(group, ...) let property = exists("a:1") ? a:1 : 'fg' let c1 = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), property) " since when can c1 be negative? Is this a vim bug? @@ -1648,7 +1649,7 @@ function! s:SynID(group, ...) "{{{1 endif endfu -function! s:GenerateColors(dict) "{{{1 +function! s:GenerateColors(dict) let result=copy(a:dict) if !has_key(result, 'bg') && has_key(result, 'ctermbg') @@ -1685,7 +1686,7 @@ function! s:GenerateColors(dict) "{{{1 return result endfunction -function! s:SetMatcher(pattern, Dict) "{{{1 +function! s:SetMatcher(pattern, Dict) let param = s:GenerateColors(a:Dict) let clr = get(param, 'name', '') if empty(clr) @@ -1696,7 +1697,7 @@ function! s:SetMatcher(pattern, Dict) "{{{1 call s:SetMatch(clr, a:pattern, param) endfunction -function! s:SetMatch(group, pattern, param_dict) "{{{1 +function! s:SetMatch(group, pattern, param_dict) call s:DoHlGroup(a:group, a:param_dict) if has_key(a:param_dict, 'pos') call matchaddpos(a:group, a:param_dict.pos, s:default_match_priority) @@ -1716,7 +1717,7 @@ function! s:SetMatch(group, pattern, param_dict) "{{{1 call add(w:match_list, a:pattern) endif endfunction -function! s:Xterm2rgb16(color) "{{{1 +function! s:Xterm2rgb16(color) " 16 basic colors let r=0 let g=0 @@ -1727,7 +1728,7 @@ function! s:Xterm2rgb16(color) "{{{1 return [ r, g, b ] endfunction -function! s:Xterm2rgb88(color) "{{{1 +function! s:Xterm2rgb88(color) " 16 basic colors let r=0 let g=0 @@ -1755,7 +1756,7 @@ function! s:Xterm2rgb88(color) "{{{1 return rgb endfunction -function! s:Xterm2rgb256(color) "{{{1 +function! s:Xterm2rgb256(color) " 16 basic colors let r=0 let g=0 @@ -1780,7 +1781,7 @@ function! s:Xterm2rgb256(color) "{{{1 return rgb endfunction -function! s:RoundColor(...) "{{{1 +function! s:RoundColor(...) let result = [] let minlist = [] let min = 1000 @@ -1809,7 +1810,7 @@ function! s:RoundColor(...) "{{{1 return result endfunction -function! s:Check16ColorTerm(rgblist, minlist) "{{{1 +function! s:Check16ColorTerm(rgblist, minlist) " We only check those values for 256 color terminals here: " [205,0,0] [0,205,0] [205,205,0] [205,0,205] " [0,205,205] [0,0,238] [92,92,255] @@ -1855,7 +1856,7 @@ function! s:Check16ColorTerm(rgblist, minlist) "{{{1 return a:rgblist endfunction -function! s:Ansi2Color(chars) "{{{1 +function! s:Ansi2Color(chars) " chars look like this "  if !exists("s:term2ansi") @@ -1962,7 +1963,7 @@ function! s:Ansi2Color(chars) "{{{1 return [(empty(fground) ? 'NONE' : fground), (empty(bground) ? "NONE" : bground)] endfunction -function! s:TermConceal(pattern) "{{{1 +function! s:TermConceal(pattern) " Conceals a list of patterns if exists("b:Schemer_did_syntax") return @@ -1975,7 +1976,7 @@ function! s:TermConceal(pattern) "{{{1 setl cocu=nv cole=2 let b:Schemer_did_syntax=1 endfu -function! s:GetColorPattern(list) "{{{1 +function! s:GetColorPattern(list) "let list = map(copy(a:list), ' ''\%(-\@<!\<'' . v:val . ''\>-\@!\)'' ') "let list = map(copy(a:list), ' ''\%(-\@<!\<'' . v:val . ''\>-\@!\)'' ') let list = copy(a:list) @@ -1983,18 +1984,18 @@ function! s:GetColorPattern(list) "{{{1 return '\%#=1\%(\<\('.join(copy(a:list), '\|').'\)\>\)' endfunction -function! s:GetMatchList() "{{{1 +function! s:GetMatchList() " this is window-local! return filter(getmatches(), ' =~ ''^\(Color_\w\+\)\|NONE''') endfunction -function! s:CheckTimeout(pattern, force) "{{{1 +function! s:CheckTimeout(pattern, force) " Abort, if pattern is not found within 100 ms and force " is not set return (!empty(a:force) || search(a:pattern, 'cnw', '', 100)) endfunction -function! s:SaveRestoreOptions(save, dict, list) "{{{1 +function! s:SaveRestoreOptions(save, dict, list) if a:save return s:SaveOptions(a:list) else @@ -2009,7 +2010,7 @@ function! s:SaveRestoreOptions(save, dict, list) "{{{1 endif endfun -function! s:SaveOptions(list) "{{{1 +function! s:SaveOptions(list) let save = {} for item in a:list if item !~ '^@' @@ -2034,11 +2035,11 @@ function! s:SaveOptions(list) "{{{1 return save endfunction -function! s:StripParentheses(val) "{{{1 +function! s:StripParentheses(val) return split(matchstr(a:val, '^\(hsl\|rgb\)a\?\s*(\zs[^)]*\ze)'), '\s*,\s*') endfunction -function! s:ApplyAlphaValue(rgb) "{{{1 +function! s:ApplyAlphaValue(rgb) " Add Alpha Value to RGB values " takes a list of [ rr, gg, bb, aa] values " alpha can be 0-1 @@ -2076,7 +2077,7 @@ function! s:ApplyAlphaValue(rgb) "{{{1 endif endfunction -function! s:HSL2RGB(h, s, l, ...) "{{{1 +function! s:HSL2RGB(h, s, l, ...) let s = a:s + 0.0 let l = a:l + 0.0 if l <= 0.5 @@ -2094,7 +2095,7 @@ function! s:HSL2RGB(h, s, l, ...) "{{{1 return printf("%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b) endfunction -function! s:Hue2RGB(m1, m2, h) "{{{1 +function! s:Hue2RGB(m1, m2, h) let h = (a:h + 0.0)/360 if h < 0 let h = h + 1 @@ -2113,7 +2114,7 @@ function! s:Hue2RGB(m1, m2, h) "{{{1 return round(res * 255) endfunction -function! s:Rgb2xterm(color) "{{{1 +function! s:Rgb2xterm(color) " selects the nearest xterm color for a rgb value like #FF0000 " hard code values for 000000 and FFFFFF, they will be called many times " so make this fast @@ -2177,7 +2178,7 @@ function! s:Rgb2xterm(color) "{{{1 endif endfunction -function! s:Warn(msg) "{{{1 +function! s:Warn(msg) let msg = 'Schemer: '. a:msg echohl WarningMsg echomsg msg @@ -2185,14 +2186,14 @@ function! s:Warn(msg) "{{{1 let v:errmsg = msg endfu -function! s:LoadSyntax(file) "{{{1 +function! s:LoadSyntax(file) unlet! b:current_syntax exe "sil! ru! syntax/".a:file. ".vim" endfu -function! s:HasGui() "{{{1 +function! s:HasGui() return has("gui_running") || (exists("+tgc") && &tgc) endfu -function! s:HasColorPattern() "{{{1 +function! s:HasColorPattern() let _pos = winsaveview() try if !exists("s:colornamepattern") @@ -2212,7 +2213,7 @@ function! s:HasColorPattern() "{{{1 endtry endfunction -function! s:PrepareHSLArgs(list) "{{{1 +function! s:PrepareHSLArgs(list) let hsl=a:list let hsl[0] = (matchstr(hsl[0], '\d\+') + 360)%360 let hsl[1] = (matchstr(hsl[1], '\d\+') + 0.0)/100 @@ -2222,7 +2223,7 @@ function! s:PrepareHSLArgs(list) "{{{1 endif return s:HSL2RGB(hsl[0], hsl[1], hsl[2]) endfu -function! s:SyntaxMatcher(enable) "{{{1 +function! s:SyntaxMatcher(enable) if !a:enable return endif @@ -2260,7 +2261,7 @@ function! s:SyntaxMatcher(enable) "{{{1 endfor endfu -function! s:ColorOff() "{{{1 +function! s:ColorOff() for _match in s:GetMatchList() sil! call matchdelete( endfor @@ -2274,7 +2275,7 @@ function! s:ColorOff() "{{{1 unlet! b:Schemer_did_syntax w:match_list s:conceal endfu -function! s:DoColor(force, line1, line2, ...) "{{{1 +function! s:DoColor(force, line1, line2, ...) " initialize plugin try if v:version < 800 && !has('nvim') @@ -2428,7 +2429,7 @@ function! s:DoColor(force, line1, line2, ...) "{{{1 call winrestview(_a) endfu -function! s:rgb2term(arg,bang) "{{{1 +function! s:rgb2term(arg,bang) if a:arg =~ '^rgb' let clr = s:StripParentheses(a:arg) let color = printf("#%02X%02X%02X", clr[0], clr[1], clr[2]) @@ -2447,7 +2448,7 @@ function! s:rgb2term(arg,bang) "{{{1 return tcolor endfu -function! s:AutoCmds(enable) "{{{1 +function! s:AutoCmds(enable) if a:enable && !get(g:, 'schemer_debug', 0) aug Schemer au! @@ -2478,7 +2479,7 @@ function! s:AutoCmds(enable) "{{{1 endif endfu -function! s:LocalFTAutoCmds(enable) "{{{1 +function! s:LocalFTAutoCmds(enable) if a:enable aug FTSchemer au! @@ -2527,7 +2528,7 @@ function! s:LocalFTAutoCmds(enable) "{{{1 endif endfu -function! s:ColorWinEnter(...) "{{{1 +function! s:ColorWinEnter(...) let force = a:0 ? a:1 : 0 " be fast! if !force @@ -2554,7 +2555,7 @@ function! s:ColorWinEnter(...) "{{{1 call setpos('.', _c) endfu -function! s:ColorLine(force, start, end) "{{{1 +function! s:ColorLine(force, start, end) if get(b:, 'Schemer_changedtick', 0) == b:changedtick && empty(a:force) " nothing to do return @@ -2639,28 +2640,66 @@ function! Schemer#ProcessFile(file) abort endwhile let outlines = [] - let outlines = outlines->add("set background=".background) - let outlines = outlines->add("if version > 580") - let outlines = outlines->add(" highlight clear") - let outlines = outlines->add(" if exists(\"syntax_on\")") - let outlines = outlines->add(" syntax reset") - let outlines = outlines->add(" endif") - let outlines = outlines->add("endif") - let outlines = outlines->add("let g:colors_name = \"".(a:file->substitute(".*/", "", "")->substitute("\.schemer", "", ""))."\"") + " Insert the preamble + call add(outlines, "set background=".background) + call add(outlines, "if version > 580") + call add(outlines, " highlight clear") + call add(outlines, " if exists(\"syntax_on\")") + call add(outlines, " syntax reset") + call add(outlines, " endif") + call add(outlines, "endif") + call add(outlines, "let g:colors_name = \"".(a:file->substitute(".*/", "", "")->substitute("\.schemer", "", ""))."\"") + + call add(outlines, "\" Highlight group definitions") for item in primary let itemline = "hi ".item[0]." guifg=".item[1]." guibg=".item[2] let itemline .= " ctermfg=".(item[1] ==# "NONE" ? "NONE" : s:rgb2term(item[1][1:-1], 1)) let itemline .= " ctermbg=".(item[2] ==# "NONE" ? "NONE" : s:rgb2term(item[2][1:-1], 1)) let itemline .= " cterm=".item[3]." gui=".item[3] - let outlines = outlines->add(itemline) + call add(outlines, itemline) endfor + call add(outlines, "\" Link definitions") for from_grp in keys(links) let to_grp = links[from_grp] - let outlines = outlines->add("hi! link ".from_grp." ".to_grp) + call add(outlines, "hi! link ".from_grp." ".to_grp) endfor + + call add(outlines, "\" Code to clear any groups that are not defined") + + " Inspired by + let defined_groups = links->keys()->extend(primary->deepcopy()->map("v:val[0]")) + call add(outlines, "let s:DefinedColors=".string(defined_groups->deepcopy()->map('tolower(v:val)'))) + call add(outlines, "function! s:ClearUndefinedColors(colors)") + call add(outlines, " let undefined_groups = filter(a:colors->keys()->map('tolower(v:val)'), 'index(s:DefinedColors, tolower(v:val)) < 0')") + call add(outlines, " call map(undefined_groups, \"execute('highlight' . ' ' . v:val . ' ' . 'NONE')\")") + call add(outlines, "endfunction") + call add(outlines, "function! s:GetHighlights()") + call add(outlines, " let highlights = execute('highlight')") + call add(outlines, " let highlights = substitute(highlights, '\\n\\s\\+', ' ', 'g')") + call add(outlines, " let highlights = split(highlights, '\\n')") + call add(outlines, " call map(highlights, \"split(v:val, '\\\\s\\\\+xxx\\\\s\\\\+')\")") + call add(outlines, " call map(highlights, \"[copy(v:val)[0], split(copy(v:val)[1])]\")") + call add(outlines, " return highlights") + call add(outlines, "endfunction") + call add(outlines, "function! s:GetColors()") + call add(outlines, " let colors = {}") + call add(outlines, " for [group, values] in <SID>GetHighlights()") + call add(outlines, " let attributes = {}") + call add(outlines, " if values[0] ==# 'links'") + call add(outlines, " let attributes['links'] = values[-1]") + call add(outlines, " elseif values[0] !=# 'cleared'") + call add(outlines, " call map(values, \"split(v:val, '=')\")") + call add(outlines, " call map(values, \"len(v:val) == 2 ? {v:val[0]: v:val[1]} : {v:val[0] : v:val[0]}\")") + call add(outlines, " call map(values, \"extend(attributes, v:val)\")") + call add(outlines, " endif") + call add(outlines, " let colors[group] = attributes") + call add(outlines, " endfor") + call add(outlines, " return colors") + call add(outlines, "endfunction") + call add(outlines, "call <SID>ClearUndefinedColors(<SID>GetColors())") let targetfile = getenv('HOME').'/.vim/colors/'.(a:file->substitute(".*/", "", "")->substitute('\.schemer', '.vim', '')) call writefile(outlines, targetfile, "w") diff --git a/syntax/schemer.vim b/syntax/schemer.vim @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ syntax match schemerColor "#[0-9a-fA-F]\+" syntax match schemerDelims "[,.]" containedin=schemerLinkSource syntax match schemerLinkLine "^link .*$" contains=schemerLink,schemerLinkSource,schemerLinkDest syntax keyword schemerLink contained link -syntax match schemerLinkSource "\(link \)\@<=[a-zA-Z,]\+" contained +syntax match schemerLinkSource "\(link \)\@<= *[a-zA-Z,]\+" contained syntax match schemerLinkDest "[a-zA-Z]\+$" contained syntax region schemerComment start=/^ *"/ end="$" syntax region schemerPalette start="^palette:" end="\." contains=schemerPaletteKeyword,schemerPaletteColorName,schemerPaletteColorVal,schemerComment