commit e5d15ea333388851e50dc1a279ff50535452ad12
Author: Alex Balgavy <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2021 16:56:26 +0200
Initial commit
3 files changed, 230 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# vim-literate-markdown
+This is a Vim plugin that attempts to replicate a subset of the features of Emacs' org mode code handling.
+So for example, tangling the code from the current file or executing blocks of code.
+Except for Markdown files, not for Org.
+Markdown is a much more universal syntax.
+This plugin is a work in progress and far from complete, it's semi-functional but I would not recommend using it yet.
+Also there is no documentation at the moment.
diff --git a/after/ftplugin/markdown.vim b/after/ftplugin/markdown.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+command -buffer -bar Tangle call literate_markdown#Tangle()
+command -buffer -bar ExecPrevBlock call literate_markdown#ExecPreviousBlock()
+nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>LitMdExecPrevBlock :<c-u>ExecPrevBlock<CR>
+let b:undo_ftplugin = (exists('b:undo_ftplugin') ? b:undo_ftplugin.'|' : '')
+let b:undo_ftplugin .= 'delcommand Tangle | delcommand ExecPrevBlock'
+let b:undo_ftplugin .= '| nunmap <buffer> <Plug>LitMdExecPrevBlock'
diff --git a/autoload/literate_markdown.vim b/autoload/literate_markdown.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+if exists('g:loaded_literate_markdown_autoload')
+ finish
+let g:loaded_literate_markdown_autoload = 1
+" TODO: use exceptions, refactor code
+let s:codeblock_start = '^ *```[a-z]\+'
+let s:codeblock_end = '^ *```$'
+let s:tangle_directive = '<!-- *:Tangle '
+let s:result_comment_start = '<!--\nRESULT:'
+let s:result_comment_end = '^-->'
+function! s:GetFilename()
+ " TODO: add optional parameter to tangle only specific language
+ " maybe format like: <!-- :Tangle(lang) /path/to/file -->
+ let ln = search(s:tangle_directive, 'n')
+ if ln ==# 0
+ echoerr 'No :Tangle directive found'
+ return ''
+ else
+ let fname = getline(1)->matchstr(':Tangle \zs.*\ze -->')
+ if fname ==# ''
+ echoerr 'No filename set.'
+ else
+ if fname[0] !=# '/'
+ let fname = expand("%:p:h") . '/' . fname
+ endif
+ return fnameescape(fname)
+ endif
+ endif
+function! s:GetBlockEnd(start)
+ " Save the cursor
+ let rowsave = line('.')
+ let colsave = col('.')
+ " search() starts from cursor
+ call cursor(a:start, 1)
+ " nW == don't move cursor, no wrap search
+ let endblock = search(s:codeblock_end, 'nW')
+ call cursor(rowsave, colsave)
+ return endblock
+function! s:GetBlockContents(start, end)
+ " i.e. if there's no end
+ if a:end ==# 0
+ let retval = []
+ else
+ let retval = getline(a:start+1, a:end-1)
+ endif
+ return retval
+function! s:GetAllCode()
+ let codelines = []
+ let endline = line("$")
+ let curline = 1
+ while curline <=# endline
+ let block_pos_on_this_line = match(getline(curline), s:codeblock_start)
+ if block_pos_on_this_line >=# 0
+ let block_contents = s:GetBlockContents(curline, s:GetBlockEnd(curline))
+ if len(block_contents) ==# 0
+ echoerr 'No end of block starting on line '.curline
+ return []
+ else
+ let nleadingspaces = matchend(block_contents[0], '^ \+')
+ if nleadingspaces ==# -1
+ let nleadingspaces = 0
+ endif
+ if len(codelines) !=# 0
+ call add(codelines, '')
+ endif
+ call extend(codelines, map(block_contents, 'v:val['.nleadingspaces.':]'))
+ let curline += len(block_contents)+2
+ endif
+ else
+ let curline += 1
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ return codelines
+function! s:SaveLines(lines, fname)
+ if writefile(a:lines, a:fname) ==# 0
+ exe 'drop '.a:fname
+ else
+ echoerr "Could not write to file ".a:fname
+ endif
+function! s:Lang2Interpreter(lang)
+ let lang = a:lang
+ if exists('g:literate_markdown_interpreters')
+ for [interp, langnames] in items(g:literate_markdown_interpreters)
+ if index(langnames, lang) >= 0
+ return interp
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ if exists('b:literate_markdown_interpreters')
+ for [interp, langnames] in items(b:literate_markdown_interpreters)
+ if index(langnames, lang) >= 0
+ return interp
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ let lang2interp = {
+ \ 'python3': ['py', 'python', 'python3'],
+ \ 'python2': ['python2'],
+ \ 'ruby': ['rb', 'ruby'],
+ \ 'sh': ['sh'],
+ \ 'bash': ['bash']
+ \ }
+ for [interp, langnames] in items(lang2interp)
+ if index(langnames, lang) >= 0
+ return interp
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return ''
+function! s:GetBlockInterpreter(blockstart)
+ " A markdown block beginning looks like this: ```lang
+ let lang = getline(a:blockstart)[3:]
+ if empty(lang)
+ return ''
+ endif
+ let interp = s:Lang2Interpreter(lang)
+ if empty(interp)
+ echoerr 'No interpreter configured for language ' . lang
+ endif
+ return interp
+function! s:GetResultLine(blockend)
+ let rowsave = line('.')
+ let colsave = col('.')
+ call cursor(a:blockend, 1)
+ let nextblock = search(s:codeblock_start, 'nW')
+ let linenum = search(s:result_comment_start, 'cnW', nextblock)
+ call cursor(rowsave, colsave)
+ if linenum == 0
+ call append(a:blockend, ['', '<!--', 'RESULT:', '', '-->', ''])
+ let linenum = a:blockend+2
+ endif
+ return linenum+1
+function! s:ClearResult(outputline)
+ let rowsave = line('.')
+ let colsave = col('.')
+ call cursor(a:outputline, 1)
+ let resultend = search(s:result_comment_end, 'nW')
+ if resultend ==# 0
+ echoerr 'Result block has no end'
+ else
+ execute a:outputline.','.resultend.'delete _'
+ endif
+function! literate_markdown#ExecPreviousBlock()
+ let blockstart = search(s:codeblock_start, 'nbW')
+ if blockstart == 0
+ echoerr 'No previous block found'
+ return
+ endif
+ let blockend = s:GetBlockEnd(blockstart)
+ if blockend == 0
+ echoerr 'No end for block'
+ return
+ endif
+ let interp = s:GetBlockInterpreter(blockstart)
+ if empty(interp)
+ echoerr 'No interpreter specified for block'
+ return
+ endif
+ let block_contents = s:GetBlockContents(blockstart, blockend)
+ " TODO: This here will need to be different if accounting for state
+ " (try channels? jobs? hidden term? other options?)
+ let result_lines = systemlist(interp, block_contents)
+ let outputline = s:GetResultLine(blockend)
+ call s:ClearResult(outputline)
+ call append(outputline-1, ['RESULT:'] + result_lines + ['-->'])
+function! literate_markdown#Tangle()
+ let fname = s:GetFilename()
+ if fname ==# ''
+ return
+ endif
+ let lines = s:GetAllCode()
+ if len(lines) ># 0
+ call s:SaveLines(lines, fname)
+ endif