commit 6c6eb05b4b5b8495d796de85bc7cfcfd98959c42
parent e399f2addb60f41bbb1ae876549c63014602354d
Author: Alex Balgavy <>
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2020 16:21:21 +0100
Logical verification: forward proofs
2 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/logical-verification/Forward b/content/logical-verification/Forward
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+title = 'Forward proofs'
+# Forward proofs
+## Structured constructs
+Structured proofs are Lean's proof terms with syntactic sugar.
+Simplest kind is lemma, possibly with argument:
+lemma add_comm (m n : Ν) :
+ add m n = add n m :=
+`fix` and `assume`: move `∀`-quantified vars/assumptions from goal into local context (like `intros`)
+`show g, from ...`: repeats goal to prove, can also be used to rephrase goal including computation
+`have h := ...` proves intermediate lemma
+`` introduces a variable
+You can enter tactic mode (backward reasoning) by using `begin..end` blocks, e.g. in a `from`
+## Calculational proofs
+Sometimes we use transitive chains of relations (e.g. `a ≥ b ≥ c`).
+In lean, you use `calc`:
+lemma two_mul (m n : Ν) :
+ 2 * m + n = m + n + m :=
+calc 2 * m + n
+ = (m + m) + n :
+ by rw two_mul
+... = m + n + m :
+ by cc
+## Dependent types
+For example, have a function `pick` taking natural number n as argument, and returning number between 0 and n.
+This means that `pick` has a dependent type: `(n : Ν) → {i : Ν | i ≤ n}` (`|` is "such that", in lean it's `//`)
+A "dependent type" means type depending on another term.
+In lean, you write a dependent type `(x : σ) → τ` as `∀x : σ, τ`
+## Curry-Howard Correspondence
+PAT = propositions as types = proofs as terms
+That is, the same lemma can be proved in multiple ways.
+As a function:
+lemma and_swap (a b : Prop) :
+ a ∧ b → b ∧ a :=
+λhab : a ∧ b, and.intro (and.elim_right hab) (and.elim_left hab)
+As a tactical proof:
+lemma and_swap (a b : Prop) :
+ a ∧ b → b ∧ a :=
+ intro hab,
+ apply and.intro,
+ apply and.elim_right,
+ exact hab,
+ apply and.elim_left,
+ exact hab
+As a structured proof:
+lemma and_swap (a b : Prop) :
+ a ∧ b → b ∧ a :=
+assume hab : a ∧ b,
+have hb : b :=
+ and.elim_right hab,
+show b ∧ a, from
+ and.intro hb (and.elim_left hab)
+## Induction by pattern matching
+Curry-Howard also means that proof by induction is like a recursively specified proof term.
+The induction hypothesis is then the name of the lemma we're proving.
+lemma reverse_append {α : Type} :
+ ∀xs ys : list α, reverse (xs ++ ys) = reverse ys ++ reverse xs
+| [] ys := by simp [reverse]
+| (x :: xs) ys := by simp [reverse, reverse_append xs ys]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/logical-verification/ b/content/logical-verification/
@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ There is a [Git repository](
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- [Backward proofs](backward-proofs/)
+- [Forward proofs](forward-proofs/)