commit 52bfdf62230ee32d447727f6f53cb396f0887642
parent 542e38ff36fbcb69c75f574f974cfd269a9b4d7e
Author: Alex Balgavy <>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2021 10:49:05 +0200
New distributed alg notes
4 files changed, 157 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/content/distributed-algorithms-notes/ b/content/distributed-algorithms-notes/
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ title = 'Distributed Algorithms'
# Distributed Algorithms
1. [Introduction](introduction)
+2. [Waves, trees & deadlock detection](waves-deadlock-detection)
diff --git a/content/distributed-algorithms-notes/introduction/ b/content/distributed-algorithms-notes/introduction/
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Big O notation
- complexity measures show how resource consumption grows _in relation to input size_
- an algorithm with worst-case message complexity (n²) for input size n takes max in order of n² messages
- "in the order of": give or take some constant
-- f = O(g) if for some C > 0, f(n) ≤ C dot g(n) for all n ∈ ℕ
+- f = O(g) if for some C > 0, f(n) ≤ C·g(n) for all n ∈ ℕ
- f = Θ(g) if f = O(g) and g = O(f) (both upper and lower bound)
Transition systems
diff --git a/content/distributed-algorithms-notes/waves-deadlock-detection/ b/content/distributed-algorithms-notes/waves-deadlock-detection/
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+title = 'Trees & deadlock'
+# Wave algorithms
+decide event: special internal event
+In wave algorithm, each computation (wave) satisfies:
+- termination: it's finite
+- decision: contains one or more decide events
+- dependence: for each decide event e and process p, f is before e for event f at p
+## Traversal algorithms for spanning trees
+Centralised wave algorithms.
+Initiator sends around token:
+- in each computation, token first visits all processes
+- token returns to initiator who performs decide event
+Build spanning tree:
+- initiator is root
+- each noninitiator has as parent the neighbor from which it first received token
+## Spanning trees
+### Tarry's algorithm
+Undirected network.
+- process never forwards token through same channel twice
+- noninitiator only forwards token to its parent when there's no other option
+- to get depth-first search: when process receives token, it immediately sends back through same channel, if allowed by other restrictions
+- to prevent transmission through frond edge: visited processes are included in token, token isn't forward to processes in this list (unless back to parent)
+ - but gives you message complexity 2·N - 2 (for N processes) and time complexity ≤ 2·N - 2 time units
+ - each tree edge carries 2 tokens
+token travels through each channel both ways, end up at initiator
+the parent-child relation is reversal of solid arrows.
+- tree edges are solid
+- frond edges (not part of spanning tree) are dashed
+- message: 2·E messages
+- time: ≤ 2·E time units
+### Awebuch's algorithm
+- process holding token for first time informs its neighbours, except parent and process to which it forwards
+- token only forwarded when all neighbours acknowledged reception
+- token only forward to processes not yet visited (except when back to parent)
+- message: ≤ 4·E messages
+ - frond edge carries 2 info and 2 ack
+ - tree edge carries 2 tokens and maybe 1 info/ack pair
+- time: ≤ 4·N - 2 time units
+ - tree edge carries 2 tokens
+ - each process waits at most 2 time units for acks to return
+### Cidn's algorithm
+Awerbuch's but without acks.
+- token forwarded without delay
+- each process records to which process it forwarded the token last
+- if p receives token from process to which it didn't last forward, then p marks the corresponding edge as frond and dismisses the token
+- if q receives info message from p to which it last forwarded, then q marks corresponding edge as frond and continues forwarding
+- message: ≤ 4·E messages
+ - each channel carries max 2 info messages and 2 tokens
+- time: ≤ 2·N - 2 time units
+ - tree edge carries 2 tokens
+ - at least once per time unit, token forwarded through tree edge
+## Tree algorithms
+Decentralised wave algorithm for undirected acyclic networks.
+Local algorithm at process p
+- p waits until received messages from all neighbours except one, who becomes its parent
+- sends message to that parent
+- if p receives message from its parent, it decides and sends decision to its neighbours except parent
+- if p receives decision from parent, it passes on to its other neighbors
+Always two neighboring processes decide.
+## Echo algorithm
+Centralised wave algorithm for undirected networks.
+- initiator sends message to all neighbours
+- when noninitiator receives message for first time, make sender its parent and sends message to all neighbors except parent
+- when noninitiator has received message from al neighbors, sends message to its parent
+- when initiator received message from all neighbors, it decides
+- message: 2·E
+To determine largest process ID in network:
+- each process runs echo algorithm tagged by its ID
+- processes only participate in largest wave they've seen so far
+- the one that decides is TODO
+# Deadlocks
+Deadlock if cycle of processes waiting until
+- communication deadlock: another process on cycle sends some input
+- resource deadlock: resources held by other processes on cycle are released
+Both captured by N-out-of-M model: process can wait for N grants out of M requests.
+## Wait-for graph
+- Non blocked process can issue request to M other processes and becomes blocked until N of them granted.
+- Then it becomes unblocked and cancels remaining M-N requests
+- Only non-blocked processes can grant request
+Directed wait-for graph capturing these dependencies:
+- edge p→q if p sent request to q not yet canceled by p or granted by q
+During execution of basic algorithm, snapshot is taken of graph.
+Static analysis may reveal deadlocks
+- non-blocked nodes can grant requests
+- when request granted, corresponding edge removed
+- when N-out-of-M request received N grants, requester becomes unblocked (remaining M-N outgoing edges canceled)
+- when no more grants possible, nodes remaining blocked are deadlocked in this snapshot
+## Bracha-Toueg deadlock detection algorithm
+Given undirected network and basic algorithm
+- process suspecting it's deadlocked initiates Lai-Yang snapshot
+- each node takes local snapshot of
+ - requests it sent or received not yet granted/canceled
+ - grant and cancel messages in edges
+- each node computes
+ - out: nodes it sent a request to (not granted)
+ - in: nodes it received a request from (not canceled)
+- every node u keeps track of number of grants u requires to become unblocked
+ - when u receives grant message, decrements counter
+ - if counter becomes zero, sends grant messages to all nodes in 'in' set
+- if after termination of deadlock detection run, counter > 0 at initiator, then it's deadlocked in basic algorithm
+Initially notified = false and free = false at all nodes
+- initiator starts deadlock detection run by executing Notify:
+ 1. notified(node) = true
+ 2. for all w ∈ out_set(node) send notify to w
+ 3. if requests(node) == 0 then Grant(node)
+ 4. for all w ∈ out_set(node) await done from w
+- grant:
+ 1. free(node) = true
+ 2. for all w ∈ in_set(node) send grant to w
+ 3. for all w ∈ in_set(node) await ack from w
+- let u receive notify:
+ - if notified(u) == false, then u executes Notify(u)
+ - u sends back done
+- let u receive grant:
+ - if requests(u) > 0, then decrement requests(u)
+ - if requests(u) becomes 0, then execute Grant(u)
+ - u send back ack
+- when initiator received done from all nodes in its out set, checks value of its free field
+ - if still false, initiator concludes it's deadlocked
diff --git a/content/distributed-algorithms-notes/waves-deadlock-detection/wait-for-graph.png b/content/distributed-algorithms-notes/waves-deadlock-detection/wait-for-graph.png
Binary files differ.