commit c58c9e937b9a253b38305ccb543339b2740ea24e
parent ce5ba59d3c569a486b902523eaabce1d02b29a34
Author: Alex Balgavy <>
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2020 12:19:39 +0200
radio: rewrote all in Ruby, no external 'rplayer' anymore
Former-commit-id: 7a6a8274178eff92afd03b39a0c045ba7aaa75d1
3 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)
diff --git a/scripts/radio b/scripts/radio
@@ -1,54 +1,110 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Initial config, setting $radios and $radio_names
-if [ -e ~/.radio-config ]; then
- source ~/.radio-config
-elif [ -e ~/.config/radio-config ]; then
- source ~/.config/radio-config
- echo "No radios set up. Please create a config file."
- exit 1
-while getopts ":v" opt; do
- case ${opt} in
- v )
- esac
-echo "Welcome to the command line radio player."
-PS3="Select a radio, or type q to exit: "
-select RADIO in "${radio_names[@]}"
- if [[ $RADIO = "q" ]]; then
- break
- else
- for i in "${!radio_names[@]}"; do
- if [[ "${radio_names[$i]}" = "${RADIO}" ]]; then
- if [[ "$RADIO" = "Play from music subreddit" ]]; then
- if command -v rplayer &> /dev/null; then
- rplayer
- else
- echo "rplayer not in path."
- fi
- else
- clear
- echo "Now playing $RADIO"
- echo "Loading..."
- if $VISUALISER; then
- nice -n 20 mpv ${radios[$i]} --volume=50 --script="$HOME/.config/mpv/visualizer.lua" --really-quiet -vo caca
- else
- nice -n 20 mpv ${radios[$i]} --volume=50
- fi
- break
- fi
- fi
- done
- break
- fi
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'json'
+require 'rest-client' # TODO: get rid of this gem, just use net/http
+class Subreddit
+ def initialize(name)
+ @url = "{name}/top.json?t=week&limit=100&show=all"
+ response = RestClient.get(@url)
+ data = JSON.parse(response)['data']
+ @posts = data['children']
+ end
+ def posts?
+ @posts.!empty?
+ end
+ def play
+ mpv_options = '--no-video --volume=50'
+ links = []
+ @posts.each do |post|
+ p = post['data']
+ if !p['is_self'] && p['post_hint'] != 'image'
+ links.append(title: p['title'], url: p['url'], reddit: "{p['permalink']}")
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ puts "Number of tracks: #{links.length}"
+ links.each do |link|
+ puts "\n-----\n"
+ puts "# #{link[:title]}"
+ puts "Reddit: #{link[:reddit]}"
+ puts '(press q to skip, ^C to stop)'
+ puts "Cannot play #{link[:url]}" unless system("mpv #{mpv_options} '#{link[:url]}'")
+ end
+ rescue Interrupt
+ true
+ end
+ end
+class Radio
+ CONFIG_FILE = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.config/radio/urls"
+ SUBREDDIT_CHANNEL = 'Play from music subreddit'
+ def initialize
+ unless system('command -v mpv 1>/dev/null 2>&1')
+ warn 'mpv not installed.'
+ exit 1
+ end
+ unless File.exist? "#{ENV['HOME']}/.config/radio/urls"
+ warn "Please set URLs in #{ENV['HOME']}/.config/radio/urls."
+ exit 1
+ end
+ @channels = {}
+, 'r').each do |line|
+ unless line.match?(/^\s*\#/)
+ parts = line.chomp.split(/(?<=")\s+(?=http)/)
+ @channels[parts.first.gsub('"', '')] = parts.last
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def select
+ puts "\e[H\e[2J"
+ channel_names = @channels.keys
+ user_selection = false
+ begin
+ until user_selection
+ channel_names.each_with_index do |name, i|
+ puts "#{i + 1}: #{name}"
+ end
+ print 'Enter number or press ^C to exit> '
+ user_selection = (Integer(gets) - 1) rescue false
+ if user_selection && !@channels[channel_names[user_selection]]
+ puts 'Invalid selection, please try again.'
+ user_selection = false
+ end
+ end
+ @channels[channel_names[user_selection]]
+ rescue Interrupt
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ def play(selection)
+ if selection == SUBREDDIT_CHANNEL
+ print 'Enter subreddit name: '
+ sub =
+ until sub.posts?
+ puts 'Subreddit has no music posts or does not exist.'
+ print 'Enter subreddit name: '
+ sub =
+ end
+ else
+ puts "\e[H\e[2J"
+ puts "Loading #{selection}..."
+ system 'mpv', selection, '--volume=50'
+ # visualiser: system 'mpv', selection, '--volume=50 --script="$HOME/.config/mpv/visualizer.lua" --really-quiet -vo caca'
+ end
+ end
+radio =
+while (selection =
+ result = selection
+ puts "Error playing #{selection}" unless result
diff --git a/scripts/rplayer b/scripts/rplayer
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'rest-client'
-require 'json'
-mpv_options = "--no-video --volume=50"
-def posts_of sub
- url="{sub}/top.json?t=week&limit=100&show=all"
- puts "Requesting posts from #{url}..."
- response = RestClient.get(url)
- data = JSON.parse(response)["data"]
- data["children"]
-print "Enter subreddit name: "
-sub = gets.chomp
-posts = posts_of sub
-while posts.length == 0
- puts "Subreddit has no music posts or does not exist."
- print "Enter subreddit name: "
- sub = gets.chomp
- posts = posts_of sub
-links = []
-posts.each do |post|
- p = post["data"]
- if not p["is_self"] and p["post_hint"] != "image"
- links.append(title: p["title"], url: p["url"], reddit: "{p["permalink"]}")
- end
-links.each do |link|
- puts "\n-----\n"
- puts "# #{link[:title]}"
- puts "Reddit: #{link[:reddit]}"
- puts "(press q to skip)"
- if not system("mpv #{mpv_options} '#{link[:url]}'")
- puts "Cannot play #{link[:url]}"
- end
diff --git a/vim/after/ftplugin/ruby.vim b/vim/after/ftplugin/ruby.vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+compiler rubocop