commit 7fc5f9da77d007b617d0e86b020cea7a32cda166
parent 1bffba6aefe9dbc6df6cb97b8b54fbb36addc4e7
Author: Alex Balgavy <>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 20:57:45 +0100
Updated README
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -18,24 +18,27 @@ Scripts:
* `class-dump`: dumps classes from binary file
* `clonedisk`: clones one disk to another
* `Desktop`: an Automator application that changes the desktop background to a random image on login
+* `dashedit.rb`: script to allow Dash submissions from the commandline. Largely useless to anyone except me.
* `epub-convert`: uses Calibre's ebook converter program to convert anything to an epub
* `executable`: my first script. Makes any file executable, along with further options. Usage: `executable`
* `gfx2gfx`: convert SWF into PDF. Usage: `gfx2gfx page.swf -o page.pdf`
* `icalBuddy`: can extract information about events from the iCal application
* `itunes_style_getter`: can find and set the genre in a track in iTunes (along with its Ruby helper), using the Discogs database (you need an API key). Usage: click/play a track in iTunes, and run the program.
* `linkdir`: symlink all files/folders from source dir to target dir. Usage: `linkdir $source` to create symlinks in cwd, `linkdir $source $target` otherwise.
-* `mdvl`: markdown renderer in Python
+* `mdvl`: markdown renderer in Python
* ``: can scrape and download CloudFlare-protected websites. Usage: `python3`
* `mp3tagger.jar`: a Java application to tag MP3 files
* `percerr.rb`: a very simple thing for calculating percent error. Just run the Ruby script.
* `play`: a command line music player. Shows album art, or a visualiser if there is no album art. Set a $MUSIC_DIR in your profile, then run `play`.
* `radio`: a command-line radio player, can play various music streams from the internet. Also has a visualiser, turn it off by passing `-n` on startup.
* ``: change macos spaces by smacking the side of your screen (if you have a laptop). Yeah, like physically.
+* `ss-interceptor`: temporarily change where macOS stores your screenshots. Run with the new directory as the first argument.
* `strip-html-tags`: remove HTML tags from a file
* `tag`: a command-line `mp3tagger.jar`. Usage: `tag filename.mp3`
* `topdf`: converts a file to a PDF using cupsfilter. Works well on docx files. Usage: `topdf file [file2 file3 file4...]`
* `updatemaster`: the ultimate all-in-one update script (Brew, Cask, MAS, pip, etc.). Run with `-h` to see options.
* `upx.out`: Fixes a fucked CORE keygen. Check Info.plist in bundle. If the version is lower than system version, and the crash log says "UPX compressed binary", just run `upx.out -d $coreKeygenBinaryPath` and you good.
* `usbmux`, `tcprelay`: port forwarding. If you want to SSH to a jailbroken iPhone over USB, you can run `tcprelay 22:2222` to forward local port 2222 to the iPhone's SSH port (22), and then `ssh -p 2222 root@localhost`.
+* `vimwiki_md`: convert vimwiki files to markdown, using the vimwiki_md_ex expressions file for sed. Still a work-in-progress and probably very buggy.
* `wattpad-scrape`: downloads a Wattpad book as an EPUB file. Usage: `wattpad-scrape $wattpad_url`
* `xld`: X lossless decoder CLI.