commit 2f0332063ea2b5d260b5358da6df5fa741d1b85d
parent 146a3bb9d27c9cea73fe6c1169c2dcd1d4ce461e
Author: Alex Balgavy <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 22:06:29 +0100
epr epub reader
Former-commit-id: e14b4a7dd262434942907c8e7bc9140c839d9cec
A | scripts/ | | | 433 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
1 file changed, 433 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+Key binding:
+ Help : ?
+ Quit : q
+ Scroll down : ARROW DOWN j
+ Scroll up : ARROW UP k
+ Page down : PGDN J SPC
+ Page up : PGUP K
+ Next chapter : ARROW RIGHT l
+ Prev chapter : ARROW LEFT h
+ Beginning of ch : HOME g
+ End of ch : END G
+ Shrink : -
+ Enlarge : =
+ TOC : t
+ Metadata : m
+import curses
+import zipfile
+import locale
+import sys
+import re
+import os
+import textwrap
+import json
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from urllib.parse import unquote
+from html.entities import html5
+locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
+# code = locale.getpreferredencoding()
+statefile = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), ".config/.epr")
+if os.path.exists(statefile):
+ with open(statefile, "r") as f:
+ state = json.load(f)
+ state = {}
+# key bindings
+SCROLL_DOWN = {curses.KEY_DOWN, ord("j")}
+SCROLL_UP = {curses.KEY_UP, ord("k")}
+PAGE_DOWN = {curses.KEY_NPAGE, ord("J"), ord(" ")}
+PAGE_UP = {curses.KEY_PPAGE, ord("K")}
+CH_NEXT = {curses.KEY_RIGHT, ord("l")}
+CH_PREV = {curses.KEY_LEFT, ord("h")}
+CH_HOME = {curses.KEY_HOME, ord("g")}
+CH_END = {curses.KEY_END, ord("G")}
+SHRINK = ord("-")
+WIDEN = ord("=")
+META = ord("m")
+TOC = ord("t")
+FOLLOW = 10
+QUIT = {ord("q"), 3}
+HELP = {ord("?")}
+NS = {"DAISY" : "",
+ "OPF" : "",
+ "CONT" : "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container",
+ "XHTML" : "",
+ "EPUB" : ""}
+LINEPRSRV = 0 # default = 2
+class Epub:
+ def __init__(self, fileepub):
+ self.path = os.path.abspath(fileepub)
+ self.file = zipfile.ZipFile(fileepub, "r")
+ cont = ET.parse("META-INF/container.xml"))
+ self.rootfile = cont.find("CONT:rootfiles/CONT:rootfile", NS).attrib["full-path"]
+ self.rootdir = os.path.dirname(self.rootfile) + "/" if os.path.dirname(self.rootfile) != "" else ""
+ cont = ET.parse(
+ # EPUB3
+ self.version = cont.getroot().get("version")
+ if self.version == "2.0":
+ self.toc = self.rootdir + cont.find("OPF:manifest/*[@id='ncx']", NS).get("href")
+ elif self.version == "3.0":
+ self.toc = self.rootdir + cont.find("OPF:manifest/*[@properties='nav']", NS).get("href")
+ def get_meta(self):
+ meta = []
+ # why problematic
+ cont = ET.fromstring(
+ for i in cont.findall("OPF:metadata/*", NS):
+ if i.text != None:
+ meta.append([re.sub("{.*?}", "", i.tag), i.text])
+ return meta
+ def get_contents(self):
+ contents = []
+ cont = ET.parse(
+ manifest = []
+ for i in cont.findall("OPF:manifest/*", NS):
+ # EPUB3
+ if i.get("id") != "ncx" and i.get("properties") != "nav":
+ manifest.append([
+ i.get("id"),
+ i.get("href")
+ ])
+ else:
+ toc = self.rootdir + unquote(i.get("href"))
+ spine = []
+ for i in cont.findall("OPF:spine/*", NS):
+ spine.append(i.get("idref"))
+ for i in spine:
+ for j in manifest:
+ if i == j[0]:
+ contents.append(unquote(j[1]))
+ manifest.remove(j)
+ # TODO: test is break necessary
+ break
+ namedcontents = []
+ toc = ET.parse(
+ # EPUB3
+ if self.version == "2.0":
+ navPoints = toc.findall("DAISY:navMap//DAISY:navPoint", NS)
+ elif self.version == "3.0":
+ navPoints = toc.findall("XHTML:body/XHTML:nav[@EPUB:type='toc']//XHTML:a", NS)
+ for i in contents:
+ name = "unknown"
+ for j in navPoints:
+ # EPUB3
+ if self.version == "2.0":
+ if i == unquote(j.find("DAISY:content", NS).get("src")):
+ name = j.find("DAISY:navLabel/DAISY:text", NS).text
+ break
+ elif self.version == "3.0":
+ if i == unquote(j.get("href")):
+ name = "".join(list(j.itertext()))
+ break
+ namedcontents.append([
+ name,
+ self.rootdir + i
+ ])
+ return namedcontents
+def toc(stdscr, ebook, index, width):
+ rows, cols = stdscr.getmaxyx()
+ hi, wi = rows - 4, cols - 4
+ Y, X = 2, 2
+ toc = curses.newwin(hi, wi, Y, X)
+ toc.keypad(True)
+ toc.addstr(1,2, "Table of Contents")
+ toc.addstr(2,2, "-----------------")
+ key_toc = 0
+ def pad(src, id, top=0):
+ pad = curses.newpad(len(src), wi - 2 )
+ pad.keypad(True)
+ pad.clear()
+ for i in range(len(src)):
+ if i == id:
+ pad.addstr(i, 0, "> " + src[i][0], curses.A_REVERSE)
+ else:
+ pad.addstr(i, 0, " " + src[i][0])
+ # scrolling up
+ if top == id and top > 0:
+ top = top - 1
+ # steady
+ elif id - top <= rows - Y -9:
+ top = top
+ # scrolling down
+ else:
+ top = id - rows + Y + 9
+ pad.refresh(top,0, Y+4,X+4, rows - 5, cols - 6)
+ return top
+ src = ebook.get_contents()
+ toc.refresh()
+ top = pad(src, index)
+ while key_toc != TOC and key_toc not in QUIT:
+ if key_toc in SCROLL_UP and index > 0:
+ index -= 1
+ top = pad(src, index, top)
+ if key_toc in SCROLL_DOWN and index + 1 < len(src):
+ index += 1
+ top = pad(src, index, top)
+ if key_toc == FOLLOW:
+ reader(stdscr, ebook, index, width, 0)
+ key_toc = toc.getch()
+ toc.clear()
+ toc.refresh()
+ return
+def meta(stdscr, ebook):
+ rows, cols = stdscr.getmaxyx()
+ hi, wi = rows - 4, cols - 4
+ Y, X = 2, 2
+ meta = curses.newwin(hi, wi, Y, X)
+ meta.keypad(True)
+ meta.addstr(1,2, "Metadata")
+ meta.addstr(2,2, "--------")
+ key_meta = 0
+ mdata = []
+ src = ""
+ for i in ebook.get_meta():
+ data = re.sub("<[^>]*>", "", i[1])
+ data = re.sub("\t", "", data)
+ mdata += textwrap.fill(i[0] + " : " + data, wi - 6).splitlines()
+ src_lines = mdata
+ pad = curses.newpad(len(src_lines), wi - 2 )
+ pad.keypad(True)
+ for i in range(len(src_lines)):
+ pad.addstr(i, 0, src_lines[i])
+ y = 0
+ meta.refresh()
+ pad.refresh(y,0, Y+4,X+4, rows - 5, cols - 6)
+ while key_meta != META and key_meta not in QUIT:
+ if key_meta in SCROLL_UP and y > 0:
+ y -= 1
+ if key_meta in SCROLL_DOWN and y < len(src_lines) - hi + 4:
+ y += 1
+ pad.refresh(y,0, 6,5, rows - 5, cols - 5)
+ key_meta = meta.getch()
+ meta.clear()
+ meta.refresh()
+ return
+def help(stdscr):
+ rows, cols = stdscr.getmaxyx()
+ hi, wi = rows - 4, cols - 4
+ Y, X = 2, 2
+ help = curses.newwin(hi, wi, Y, X)
+ help.keypad(True)
+ help.addstr(1,2, "Help")
+ help.addstr(2,2, "----")
+ key_help = 0
+ src = __doc__
+ src_lines = src.split("\n")
+ pad = curses.newpad(len(src_lines), wi - 2 )
+ pad.keypad(True)
+ for i in range(len(src_lines)):
+ pad.addstr(i, 0, src_lines[i])
+ y = 0
+ help.refresh()
+ pad.refresh(y,0, Y+4,X+4, rows - 5, cols - 6)
+ while key_help not in HELP and key_help not in QUIT:
+ if key_help == SCROLL_UP and y > 0:
+ y -= 1
+ if key_help == SCROLL_DOWN and y < len(src_lines) - hi + 4:
+ y += 1
+ if key_help == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
+ break
+ pad.refresh(y,0, 6,5, rows - 5, cols - 5)
+ key_help = help.getch()
+ help.clear()
+ help.refresh()
+ return
+def to_text(src, width):
+ while True:
+ try:
+ root = ET.fromstring(src)
+ break
+ except Exception as ent:
+ ent = str(ent)
+ ent ="(?<=undefined entity &).*?;(?=:)", ent).group()
+ src = re.sub("&" + ent, html5[ent], src.decode("utf-8")).encode("utf-8")
+ body = root.find("XHTML:body", NS)
+ text = []
+ # for i in body.findall("*", NS):
+ # for i in body.findall(".//XHTML:p", NS):
+ for i in body.findall(".//*"):
+ if re.match("{"+NS["XHTML"]+"}h[0-9]", i.tag) != None:
+ for j in i.itertext():
+ text.append(j.rjust(width//2 + len(j)//2 - RIGHTPADDING))
+ text.append("")
+ elif re.match("{"+NS["XHTML"]+"}p", i.tag) != None:
+ par = ET.tostring(i, encoding="utf-8").decode("utf-8")
+ par = re.sub("<[^>]*>", "", par)
+ par = re.sub("\t", "", par)
+ par = textwrap.fill(par, width)
+ text += par.splitlines() + [""]
+ return text + [""]
+def reader(stdscr, ebook, index, width, y=0):
+ k = 0
+ rows, cols = stdscr.getmaxyx()
+ x = (cols - width) // 2
+ stdscr.clear()
+ stdscr.refresh()
+ content =[index][1]).read()
+ src_lines = to_text(content, width)
+ pad = curses.newpad(len(src_lines), width + 2) # + 2 unnecessary
+ pad.keypad(True)
+ for i in range(len(src_lines)):
+ pad.addstr(i, 0, src_lines[i])
+ pad.addstr(i, width//2 - 10 - RIGHTPADDING, "-- End of Chapter --", curses.A_REVERSE)
+ pad.refresh(y,0, 0,x, rows-1,x+width)
+ while True:
+ # if k == QUIT or k == 3:
+ if k in QUIT:
+ for i in state:
+ state[i]["lastread"] = str(0)
+ state[ebook.path]["lastread"] = str(1)
+ state[ebook.path]["index"] = str(index)
+ state[ebook.path]["width"] = str(width)
+ state[ebook.path]["pos"] = str(y)
+ with open(statefile, "w") as f:
+ json.dump(state, f, indent=4)
+ exit()
+ if k in SCROLL_UP:
+ if y > 0:
+ y -= 1
+ # if y == 0 and index > 0:
+ # reader(stdscr, ebook, index-1, width)
+ if k in PAGE_UP:
+ if y >= rows - LINEPRSRV:
+ y -= rows - LINEPRSRV
+ else:
+ y = 0
+ if k in SCROLL_DOWN:
+ if y < len(src_lines) - rows:
+ y += 1
+ # if y + rows >= len(src_lines):
+ # reader(stdscr, ebook, index+1, width)
+ if k in PAGE_DOWN:
+ if y + rows - 2 <= len(src_lines) - rows:
+ y += rows - LINEPRSRV
+ else:
+ y = len(src_lines) - rows
+ if y < 0:
+ y = 0
+ if k in CH_NEXT and index < len(ebook.get_contents()) - 1:
+ reader(stdscr, ebook, index+1, width)
+ if k in CH_PREV and index > 0:
+ reader(stdscr, ebook, index-1, width)
+ if k in CH_HOME:
+ y = 0
+ if k in CH_END:
+ y = len(src_lines) - rows
+ if y < 0:
+ y = 0
+ if k == TOC:
+ toc(stdscr, ebook, index, width)
+ if k == META:
+ meta(stdscr, ebook)
+ if k in HELP:
+ help(stdscr)
+ if k == WIDEN and (width + 2) < cols:
+ width += 2
+ reader(stdscr, ebook, index, width)
+ return
+ if k == SHRINK and width >= 22:
+ width -= 2
+ reader(stdscr, ebook, index, width)
+ return
+ if k == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
+ curses.resize_term(rows, cols)
+ rows, cols = stdscr.getmaxyx()
+ # TODO
+ if cols <= width:
+ width = cols - 2
+ reader(stdscr, ebook, index, width)
+ pad.refresh(y,0, 0,x, rows-1,x+width)
+ k = pad.getch()
+def main(stdscr, file):
+ stdscr.keypad(True)
+ curses.curs_set(0)
+ stdscr.clear()
+ stdscr.refresh()
+ rows, cols = stdscr.getmaxyx()
+ epub = Epub(file)
+ if epub.path in state:
+ idx = int(state[epub.path]["index"])
+ width = int(state[epub.path]["width"])
+ y = int(state[epub.path]["pos"])
+ else:
+ state[epub.path] = {}
+ idx = 1
+ y = 0
+ width = 80
+ if cols <= width:
+ width = cols - 2
+ y = 0
+ reader(stdscr, epub, idx, width, y)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ file = False
+ for i in state:
+ if not os.path.exists(i):
+ del state[i]
+ elif state[i]["lastread"] == str(1):
+ file = i
+ if not file:
+ print("ERROR: Found no last read file.")
+ print(__doc__)
+ else:
+ curses.wrapper(main, file)
+ elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] not in ("-h", "--help"):
+ curses.wrapper(main, sys.argv[1])
+ else:
+ print(__doc__)+
\ No newline at end of file