commit 0a371ec7e7ca44cd089276bae1fd26fb6f1f687e
parent 163a60767e6049321d1dc1906141db84ac38df4c
Author: Alex Balgavy <>
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2023 15:51:01 +0200
libspotify: spotify script
A | scripts/libspotify.rb | | | 255 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
1 file changed, 255 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/scripts/libspotify.rb b/scripts/libspotify.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'uri'
+require 'net/http'
+require 'openssl'
+require 'json'
+require 'date'
+require 'yaml'
+require 'webrick'
+# Add easy access to hash members for JSON stuff
+class Hash
+ def method_missing(meth, *_args, &_block)
+ raise NoMethodError unless key?(meth.to_s)
+ self[meth.to_s]
+ end
+ def respond_to_missing?
+ true
+ end
+# Client to access Spotify
+class SpotifyClient
+ def set_token
+ client_id = 'c747e580651248da8e1035c88b3d2065'
+ scope = %w[
+ user-read-private
+ playlist-read-collaborative
+ playlist-modify-public
+ playlist-modify-private
+ streaming
+ ugc-image-upload
+ user-follow-modify
+ user-follow-read
+ user-library-read
+ user-library-modify
+ user-read-private
+ user-read-email
+ user-top-read
+ user-read-playback-state
+ user-modify-playback-state
+ user-read-currently-playing
+ user-read-recently-played
+ ].join('%20')
+ redirect_uri = 'http://localhost:4815/callback'
+ url = "{client_id}&response_type=token&scope=#{scope}&show_dialog=false&redirect_uri=#{redirect_uri}"
+ server = 4815,
+ Logger:'/dev/null'),
+ AccessLog: [])
+ server.mount_proc '/callback' do |_req, res|
+ res.body = <<-HTML
+ <!DOCTYPE html>
+ <html><body><script>
+ const hash = window.location.hash.substring(1);
+ fetch('/token?'+hash).then(() => {window.close()})
+ </script></body></html>
+ end
+ server.mount_proc '/token' do |req, res|
+ res.status = 200
+ @token = req.query['access_token']
+ server.stop
+ end
+ t = { server.start }
+ system 'open', url
+ t.join
+ end
+ def initialize
+ set_token
+ @base_url = URI('')
+ @http =, @base_url.port)
+ @http.use_ssl = true
+ @http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
+ end
+ def api_call_get(endpoint, params = {})
+ url = @base_url + endpoint
+ url.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
+ url_call_get url
+ end
+ def api_call_post(endpoint, body)
+ url = @base_url + endpoint
+ url_call_post url, body
+ end
+ def api_call_put(endpoint, body, params = {})
+ url = @base_url + endpoint
+ url.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
+ url_call_put url, body
+ end
+ def url_call_get(url)
+ request =
+ request['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{@token}"
+ JSON.parse(@http.request(request).read_body)
+ end
+ def url_call_post(url, body)
+ request =
+ request['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{@token}"
+ request.body = JSON.dump(body)
+ request.content_type = 'application/json'
+ JSON.parse(@http.request(request).read_body)
+ end
+ def url_call_put(url, body)
+ request =
+ request['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{@token}"
+ request.body = JSON.dump(body)
+ request.content_type = 'application/json'
+ JSON.parse(@http.request(request).read_body)
+ end
+ def api_call_get_unpaginate(endpoint, params, results_key = nil)
+ res = api_call_get endpoint, params
+ return res if res.key? 'error'
+ if results_key.nil?
+ data = res.items
+ url =
+ until url.nil?
+ res = url_call_get url
+ data += res.items
+ url =
+ end
+ else
+ data = res[results_key].items
+ url = res[results_key].next
+ until url.nil?
+ res = url_call_get url
+ data += res[results_key].items
+ url = res[results_key].next
+ end
+ end
+ data
+ end
+ def get_followed_artists
+ api_call_get_unpaginate 'me/following', { type: :artist, limit: 50 }, 'artists'
+ end
+ def get_artists_releases(artists)
+ total = artists.size
+ print "Processing 0/#{total}"
+ releases = artists.each.with_index.reduce([]) do |acc, (artist, i)|
+ print "\rProcessing #{i + 1}/#{total}"
+ response = api_call_get "artists/#{}/albums", { limit: 50, include_groups: 'album,single,appears_on' }
+ albums = response.items
+ albums.each { |album| album['release_date'] = album.release_date.split('-').size == 1 ? Date.iso8601("#{album.release_date}-01") : Date.iso8601(album.release_date) }
+ acc + albums
+ end.reject { |album| album.album_type == 'compilation' }
+ puts 'Sorting'
+ releases.sort_by { |rel| rel.release_date }
+ end
+ def add_to_playlist_if_not_present(playlist_id, tracks)
+ playlist_track_uris = api_call_get_unpaginate("playlists/#{playlist_id}/tracks", { limit: 50 }).map { |x| x.track.uri }
+ track_uris =
+ to_add = track_uris.reject { |t| playlist_track_uris.include? t }
+ puts "Adding #{to_add.size} new tracks to playlist."
+ to_add.each_slice(100) do |uris_slice|
+ body = { 'uris': uris_slice }
+ api_call_post "playlists/#{playlist_id}/tracks", body
+ end
+ end
+# Process new releases since the date in ~/.local/share/spot-last-checked, add
+# them to a tracks or albums playlist.
+def process_new_releases
+ tracks_playlist = '4agx19QeJFwPQRWeTViq9d'
+ albums_playlist = '2qYpNB8LDicKjcm5Px1dDQ'
+ client =
+ artists = client.get_followed_artists
+ releases = client.get_artists_releases artists
+ last_checked = YAML.load_file("#{ENV['HOME']}/.local/share/spot-last-checked", permitted_classes: [Date, Symbol])
+ albums, others = { |r| r.release_date >= last_checked }.partition { |x| x.album_type == 'album' }
+ albums_tracks = albums.reduce([]) do |acc, album|
+ acc + client.api_call_get_unpaginate("albums/#{}/tracks", { limit: 50 })
+ end
+ others_tracks = others.reduce([]) do |acc, album|
+ acc + client.api_call_get_unpaginate("albums/#{}/tracks", { limit: 50 })
+ end
+ puts "Processing tracks"
+ client.add_to_playlist_if_not_present tracks_playlist, others_tracks
+ puts "Processing albums"
+ client.add_to_playlist_if_not_present albums_playlist, albums_tracks
+ File.write("#{ENV['HOME']}/.local/share/spot-last-checked", YAML.dump(
+# Bulk follow artists from mpd, accessed using mpc.
+# Asks you to edit a file with artist names to choose who to follow.
+def bulk_follow_artists
+ require 'tempfile'
+ client =
+ puts 'Getting followed artists...'
+ already_following = client.get_followed_artists
+ puts "Found #{already_following.size}"
+ puts 'Getting artists from local library...'
+ all_lines = `mpc listall -f '%albumartist%'`.lines(chomp: true).uniq.reject(&:empty?)
+ puts "Found #{all_lines.size}"
+ puts 'Looking up artists on spotify...'
+ artists = []
+ total = all_lines.size
+ print "Processing 0/#{total}"
+ all_lines.each.with_index do |artist, i|
+ print "\rProcessing #{i + 1}/#{total}: #{artist}"
+ # TODO: in search, maybe look for an artist where I've already liked a song?
+ response = client.api_call_get 'search', { q: artist, type: :artist }
+ found_artist = response['artists']['items'][0]
+ if found_artist.nil?
+ warn "No artist found for #{artist}"
+ else
+ found_artist['search_query'] = artist
+ artists << found_artist unless artists.include?(found_artist)
+ end
+ end
+ puts 'Filtering already followed artists...'
+ artists_to_follow = artists.reject { |a| already_following.find { |af| af['uri'] == a['uri'] } }
+ tmpfile ='artists_to_follow')
+ begin
+ tmpfile.write( { |a| [a['name'], a['external_urls']['spotify'], a['search_query']].join("\t") }.join("\n"))
+ tmpfile.close
+ system ENV['EDITOR'], tmpfile.path
+ artists_to_follow = tmpfile.readlines(chomp: true).reduce([]) do |res, chosen|
+ name, href, _query = chosen.split("\t")
+ res << artists_to_follow.find { |a| a['name'] == name && a['external_urls']['spotify'] == href }
+ end
+ ensure
+ tmpfile.close
+ tmpfile.unlink
+ end
+ artists_to_follow.each_slice(50) do |artists_by_50|
+ ids = { _1['id'] }
+ response = client.api_call_put 'me/following', { ids: ids }, { type: :artist }
+ puts response
+ end