
Vim plugin to run visually selected range of lines as Vim commands.
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visualrun.vim (593B)

      1 if exists('g:loaded_visualrun_autoload')
      2   finish
      3 endif
      4 let g:loaded_visualrun_autoload = 1
      6 function! visualrun#JoinSelection() abort
      7   try
      8     " Get selected text (restore @x in the 'finally' block)
      9     let x_save = @x
     10     silent! normal! gv"xy
     12     " Split & prepare the lines
     13     let lines = @x->split('\v'."\n".'(\s*\\)@!')
     14     call map(lines, 'substitute(v:val, "\\v\\n\\s*\\", "", "g")')
     15     call filter(lines, 'v:val !~ "^\s*$"')
     17     " All lines will be executed as one command
     18     return lines->join("\n")
     19   finally
     20     " Restore previous @x
     21     let @x = x_save
     22   endtry
     23 endfunction