
Vim plugin to complete files relative to the current file, unless path explicitly specified.
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relative_file_complete.vim (942B)

      1 if exists('g:loaded_relatively_complete_autoload')
      2   finish
      3 endif
      4 let g:loaded_relatively_complete_autoload = 1
      6 " Save cwd, cd to dir enclosing file, then go back to saved dir when complete done
      7 function! relative_file_complete#SaveAndRestoreOnComplete()
      8   " Save the old cwd
      9   let s:olddir = getcwd()
     11   " Locally switch to the dir enclosing current file
     12   lcd %:p:h
     14   " Defer changing cwd back until complete is done
     15   augroup relative_file_complete_reset_cwd
     16     au!
     17     au CompleteDone <buffer> call relative_file_complete#Cleanup()
     18   augroup END
     19 endfunction
     21 " When complete finishes, need to change cwd back and clear autocmd
     22 function! relative_file_complete#Cleanup()
     23   " Go back to the previous dir and remove the saved variable
     24   exe "lcd ".s:olddir
     25   unlet s:olddir
     27   " Clear the cleanup autocmd and augroup
     28   augroup relative_file_complete_reset_cwd
     29     au!
     30   augroup END
     31   augroup! relative_file_complete_reset_cwd
     32 endfunction