
lf integration for Vim 8.2
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lf.vim (2628B)

      1 if exists('g:loaded_lf_autoload')
      2   finish
      3 endif
      4 let g:loaded_lf_autoload = 1
      6 function! lf#LF(path, edit_cmd, user_args)
      7   " Save the edit cmd in a script variable to make it accessible in the callback
      8   let s:edit_cmd = a:edit_cmd
      9   " To revert back guioptions after changing them for Vim
     10   let oldguioptions = &guioptions
     11   " To temporarily save what files were chosen by lf
     12   let s:choice_file_path = tempname()
     14   let s:lf_cmd = ['lf', '-selection-path=' . s:choice_file_path,]
     15                 \ + a:user_args
     16                 \ + [fnameescape(expand(a:path))]
     18   if has('nvim')
     19     " To be passed down to termopen
     20     let termopen_opts = { }
     21     function! termopen_opts.on_exit(job_id, code, event)
     22       if filereadable(s:choice_file_path)
     23         for f in readfile(s:choice_file_path)
     24           exec s:edit_cmd . f
     25         endfor
     26         call delete(s:choice_file_path)
     27       endif
     28       if a:code == 0
     29         " Iterate open buffers and search for our terminal buffer - to delete
     30         " it afterwards
     31         for buf in getbufinfo()
     32           if has_key(buf.variables, 'terminal_job_id') && buf.variables.terminal_job_id == a:job_id
     33             let bufnr = buf.bufnr
     34             break
     35           endif
     36         endfor
     37         if exists(":Bclose")
     38           call execute('Bclose! ' . bufnr)
     39         elseif exists(":Bdelete")
     40           call execute('Bdelete! ' . bufnr)
     41         else
     42           " See
     43           let v:errmsg = "lf.vim: Failed to close buffer lf buffer -" .
     44                   \ "No `:Bdelete` or `:Bclose` commands were found. You can implement either of them yourself, or install either of:\n" .
     45                   \ " -\n" .
     46                   \ " -"
     47           echo v:errmsg
     48         endif
     49       endif
     50     endfunction
     51     enew
     52     " We want Lf to quit after it saves the selections
     53     call termopen(s:lf_cmd, termopen_opts)
     54     startinsert
     55   else
     56     function! s:EditCallback()
     57       if filereadable(s:choice_file_path)
     58         for f in readfile(s:choice_file_path)
     59           exec s:edit_cmd . f
     60           filetype detect
     61         endfor
     62         call delete(s:choice_file_path)
     63       endif
     64       redraw!
     65     endfunction
     66     set guioptions+=! " Make it work with MacVim
     67     let buf = term_start(join(s:lf_cmd, ' '), #{hidden: 1, term_finish: 'close'})
     68     let winid = popup_dialog(buf, #{minwidth: 150, minheight: 20, highlight: 'Normal'})
     69     let bufn = winbufnr(winid)
     70     exe 'autocmd! BufWinLeave <buffer='.bufn.'> call s:EditCallback()'
     71   endif
     72   let &guioptions=oldguioptions
     73 endfunction