
Lecture notes from university.
git clone git://git.alex.balgavy.eu/lectures.alex.balgavy.eu.git
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Indentation Rules.tmPreferences (1195B)

      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      2 <plist version="1.0">
      3 <dict>
      4 	<key>scope</key>
      5 	<string>source.ruby</string>
      6 	<key>settings</key>
      7 	<dict>
      8 		<key>decreaseIndentPattern</key>
      9 		<string>^\s*([}\]]|(end|rescue|ensure|else|elsif|when)\b)</string>
     10 		<key>increaseIndentPattern</key>
     11 		<string><![CDATA[(?x)^
     12 		(\s*
     13 			(
     14 				module|class|(?:(?:private|protected|public)\s+)?def
     15 				|unless|if|else|elsif
     16 				|case|when
     17 				|begin|rescue|ensure
     18 				|for|while|until
     19 				|
     20 				(?=.*? \b(do|begin|case|if|unless)\b )
     21 				# the look-ahead above is to quickly discard non-candidates
     22 				(
     23 					"(\\.|[^\\"])*+"      # eat a double quoted string
     24 					| '(\\.|[^\\'])*+'    # eat a single quoted string
     25 					| [^#"']              # eat all but comments and strings
     26 				)*
     27 				(
     28 					\s   (do|begin|case)
     29 					| [-+=&|*/~%^<>~](?<!\$.) \s*+ (if|unless)
     30 				)
     31 			)\b
     32 			(?! [^;]*+ ; .*? \bend\b )
     33 			|
     34 			(
     35 				"(\\.|[^\\"])*+"          # eat a double quoted string
     36 				| '(\\.|[^\\'])*+'        # eat a single quoted string
     37 				| [^#"']                  # eat all but comments and strings
     38 			)*
     39 			(
     40 				\{ (?!  [^}]*+ \} )
     41 				| \[ (?! [^\]]*+ \] )
     42 			)
     43 		).*$
     44 		]]></string>
     45 	</dict>
     46 </dict>
     47 </plist>