Regular Expressions (Python).sublime-syntax (3698B)
1 %YAML 1.2 2 --- 3 name: Regular Expressions (Python) 4 comment: Matches Python's regular expression syntax. 5 scope: source.regexp.python 6 hidden: true 7 contexts: 8 main: 9 - match: (#)[^]\[(){}^$+*?\\|"']*$ 10 comment: 11 We are restrictive in what we allow to go after the comment character to avoid 12 false positives, since the availability of comments depend on regexp flags. 13 scope: comment.line.number-sign.regexp 14 captures: 15 1: punctuation.definition.comment.regexp 16 - match: '\\[bBAZzG]|\^|\$' 17 scope: keyword.control.anchor.regexp 18 - match: '\\[1-9][0-9]?' 19 scope: keyword.other.back-reference.regexp 20 - match: '[?+*][?+]?|\{(\d+,\d+|\d+,|,\d+|\d+)\}\??' 21 scope: keyword.operator.quantifier.regexp 22 - match: \| 23 scope: keyword.operator.or.regexp 24 - match: '\(\?\#' 25 scope: punctuation.definition.comment.begin.regexp 26 push: 27 - meta_scope: comment.block.regexp 28 - match: \) 29 scope: punctuation.definition.comment.end.regexp 30 pop: true 31 - match: '\(\?[iLmsux]+\)' 32 scope: keyword.other.option-toggle.regexp 33 - match: '(\()(\?P=([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\w*))(\))' 34 scope: keyword.other.back-reference.named.regexp 35 - match: (\()((\?=)|(\?!)|(\?<=)|(\?<!)) 36 captures: 37 1: 38 2: constant.other.assertion.regexp 39 3: meta.assertion.look-ahead.regexp 40 4: meta.assertion.negative-look-ahead.regexp 41 5: meta.assertion.look-behind.regexp 42 6: meta.assertion.negative-look-behind.regexp 43 push: 44 - meta_scope: 45 - match: \) 46 scope: 47 pop: true 48 - include: main 49 - match: '(\()(\?\(([1-9][0-9]?|[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\))' 50 comment: 51 We can make this more sophisticated to match the | character that separates 52 yes-pattern from no-pattern, but it's not really necessary. 53 captures: 54 1: 55 2: 56 3: variable.other.back-reference.regexp 57 push: 58 - meta_scope: 59 - match: \) 60 scope: 61 pop: true 62 - include: main 63 - match: '(\()((\?P<)([a-z]\w*)(>)|(\?:))?' 64 captures: 65 1: 66 3: 67 4: 68 5: 69 6: 70 push: 71 - meta_scope: 72 - match: \) 73 scope: 74 pop: true 75 - include: main 76 - include: character-class 77 character-class: 78 - match: '\\[wWsSdDhH]|\.' 79 scope: constant.character.character-class.regexp 80 - match: \\. 81 scope: constant.character.escape.backslash.regexp 82 - match: '(\[)(\^)?' 83 captures: 84 1: punctuation.definition.character-class.begin.regexp 85 2: keyword.operator.negation.regexp 86 push: 87 - meta_scope: constant.other.character-class.set.regexp 88 - match: \] 89 scope: punctuation.definition.character-class.end.regexp 90 pop: true 91 - include: character-class 92 - match: '((\\.)|.)\-((\\.)|[^\]])' 93 scope: constant.other.character-class.range.regexp 94 captures: 95 2: constant.character.escape.backslash.regexp 96 4: constant.character.escape.backslash.regexp