JavaDoc.sublime-syntax (6624B)
1 %YAML 1.2 2 --- 3 # 4 name: Javadoc 5 file_extensions: [] 6 scope: text.html.javadoc 7 hidden: true 8 9 variables: 10 id: '(?:[\p{L}_$][\p{L}\p{N}_$]*)' 11 javadoc_block_tag_terminator: (?=^\s*\*?\s*@) 12 13 contexts: 14 prototype: 15 # 16 - match: ^\s*(\*)\s*(?!\s*@) 17 captures: 18 1: punctuation.definition.comment.javadoc 19 20 main: 21 - meta_include_prototype: false 22 - match: /\*\* 23 scope: comment.block.documentation.javadoc punctuation.definition.comment.begin.javadoc 24 embed: contents 25 embed_scope: comment.block.documentation.javadoc text.html.javadoc 26 escape: \*/ 27 escape_captures: 28 0: comment.block.documentation.javadoc punctuation.definition.comment.end.javadoc 29 30 contents: 31 - meta_include_prototype: false 32 33 # Block tag in the first line (immediately after '/**'). 34 - match: \s*(?=@) 35 embed: javadoc-block-tags 36 escape: '{{javadoc_block_tag_terminator}}' 37 38 # We rely on 'escape' to pop the inner context out. 39 # 'set' unfortunately will mess up the meta scopes. 40 - match: '' 41 push: 42 - match: ^\s*(\*)?\s*(?=@) 43 captures: 44 1: punctuation.definition.comment.javadoc 45 embed: javadoc-block-tags 46 escape: '{{javadoc_block_tag_terminator}}' 47 - include: inline-formatting 48 49 inline-formatting: 50 - include: javadoc-inline-tags 51 - include: scope:text.html.basic 52 53 javadoc-block-tag-base: 54 - meta_scope: meta.block-tag.javadoc 55 - include: inline-formatting 56 57 javadoc-block-tags: 58 # 59 - match: (@)param\b 60 scope: keyword.other.documentation.param.javadoc 61 captures: 62 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.javadoc 63 push: [javadoc-block-tag-base, param-tag-parameter] 64 # 65 - match: (@)see\b 66 scope: keyword.other.documentation.see.javadoc 67 captures: 68 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.javadoc 69 push: [javadoc-block-tag-base, see-tag-content] 70 # 71 - match: (@)(throws|exception)\b 72 scope: keyword.other.documentation.throws.javadoc 73 captures: 74 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.javadoc 75 push: [javadoc-block-tag-base, reference] 76 - match: (@)(uses|provides)\b 77 scope: keyword.other.documentation.uses-or-provides.javadoc 78 captures: 79 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.javadoc 80 push: [javadoc-block-tag-base, reference] 81 - match: (@)(return|deprecated|author|version|since|apiNote|impl(?:Note|Spec)|moduleGraph|serial(?:Field|Data)?)\b 82 scope: keyword.other.documentation.javadoc 83 captures: 84 1: punctuation.definition.keyword.javadoc 85 push: javadoc-block-tag-base 86 - match: '@' 87 pop: true 88 89 param-tag-parameter: 90 - match: \S+ 91 scope: variable.parameter.javadoc 92 pop: true 93 94 see-tag-content: 95 - match: (?=['<]) 96 pop: true 97 - match: (?=\S) 98 set: reference 99 100 reference: 101 - match: (?:{{id}}\.)*{{id}}(?:#{{id}})?|#{{id}} 102 scope: 103 set: 104 - match: \( 105 scope: 106 set: 107 - match: \) 108 scope: 109 pop: true 110 - match: . 111 scope: 112 - match: '' 113 pop: true 114 115 javadoc-inline-tag-terminator: 116 - match: \} 117 scope: punctuation.section.inline-tag.end.javadoc 118 pop: true 119 120 javadoc-inline-tag-base: 121 - meta_scope: meta.inline-tag.javadoc 122 - include: javadoc-inline-tag-terminator 123 124 # Multi-line tags mustn't highlight leading asterisk. 125 javadoc-inline-tags: 126 # 127 # 128 - match: ({)((@)(?:code|literal))(?:\s+|(?=\})) 129 captures: 130 1: punctuation.section.inline-tag.begin.javadoc 131 2: keyword.other.documentation.code-or-literal.javadoc 132 3: punctuation.definition.keyword.javadoc 133 push: 134 - meta_scope: meta.inline-tag.javadoc 135 - include: javadoc-inline-tag-terminator 136 - include: code-tag-bracket-balancing 137 - match: ^\s+ 138 - match: . 139 scope: markup.raw.javadoc 140 # 141 - match: ({)((@)link(?:plain)?)\b 142 captures: 143 1: punctuation.section.inline-tag.begin.javadoc 144 2: 145 3: punctuation.definition.keyword.javadoc 146 push: [javadoc-inline-tag-base, link-tag-label, reference-in-inline-tag] 147 # 148 - match: ({)((@)value)\b 149 captures: 150 1: punctuation.section.inline-tag.begin.javadoc 151 2: keyword.other.documentation.value.javadoc 152 3: punctuation.definition.keyword.javadoc 153 push: [javadoc-inline-tag-base, reference-in-inline-tag] 154 # 155 # 156 - match: ({)((@)(?:index|extLink))\b 157 captures: 158 1: punctuation.section.inline-tag.begin.javadoc 159 2: keyword.other.documentation.javadoc 160 3: punctuation.definition.keyword.javadoc 161 push: javadoc-inline-tag-base 162 # 163 - match: ({)((@)inheritDoc)(}) 164 scope: meta.inline-tag.javadoc 165 captures: 166 1: punctuation.section.inline-tag.begin.javadoc 167 2: keyword.other.documentation.javadoc 168 3: punctuation.definition.keyword.javadoc 169 4: punctuation.section.inline-tag.end.javadoc 170 171 code-tag-bracket-balancing: 172 - match: \{ 173 scope: markup.raw.javadoc 174 push: 175 - match: \} 176 scope: markup.raw.javadoc 177 pop: true 178 - include: code-tag-bracket-balancing 179 - match: . 180 scope: markup.raw.javadoc 181 182 link-tag-label: 183 - match: \s* 184 set: 185 - meta_content_scope: meta.label.javadoc 186 - include: scope:text.html.basic 187 - match: (?=\}) 188 pop: true 189 190 reference-in-inline-tag: 191 - match: '' 192 set: reference 193 with_prototype: 194 - match: (?=\}) 195 pop: true