
Lecture notes from university.
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Java.sublime-completions (4689B)

      1 {
      2   "scope": "source.java",
      4   // All the completions with a . are commented out because they cause the autocompletion system to misbehave.
      5   "completions": [
      6     // Keywords
      7     "abstract",
      8     "continue",
      9     "for",
     10     "new",
     11     "switch",
     12     "assert",
     13     "default",
     14     "goto",
     15     "package",
     16     "synchronized",
     17     "boolean",
     18     "do",
     19     "if",
     20     "private",
     21     "this",
     22     "break",
     23     "double",
     24     "implements",
     25     "protected",
     26     "throw",
     27     "byte",
     28     "else",
     29     "import",
     30     "public",
     31     "throws",
     32     "case",
     33     "enum",
     34     "instanceof",
     35     "return",
     36     "transient",
     37     "catch",
     38     "extends",
     39     "int",
     40     "short",
     41     "try",
     42     "char",
     43     "final",
     44     "interface",
     45     "static",
     46     "void",
     47     "class",
     48     "finally",
     49     "long",
     50     "strictfp",
     51     "volatile",
     52     "const",
     53     "float",
     54     "native",
     55     "super",
     56     "while",
     58     // Extracted from https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/package-summary.html
     60     // java.lang interfaces
     61     "Appendable",
     62     "AutoCloseable",
     63     "CharSequence",
     64     "Cloneable",
     65     "Comparable",
     66     "Iterable",
     67     "Readable",
     68     "Runnable",
     69     // "Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler",
     71     // java.lang Classes
     72     "Boolean",
     73     "Byte",
     74     "Character",
     75     // "Character.Subset",
     76     // "Character.UnicodeBlock",
     77     "Class",
     78     "ClassLoader",
     79     "ClassValue",
     80     "Compiler",
     81     "Double",
     82     "Enum",
     83     "Float",
     84     "InheritableThreadLocal",
     85     "Integer",
     86     "Long",
     87     "Math",
     88     "Number",
     89     "Object",
     90     "Package",
     91     "Process",
     92     "ProcessBuilder",
     93     // "ProcessBuilder.Redirect",
     94     "Runtime",
     95     "RuntimePermission",
     96     "SecurityManager",
     97     "Short",
     98     "StackTraceElement",
     99     "StrictMath",
    100     "String",
    101     "StringBuffer",
    102     "StringBuilder",
    103     "System",
    104     "Thread",
    105     "ThreadGroup",
    106     "ThreadLocal",
    107     "Throwable",
    108     "Void",
    110     // java.lang Enums
    111     // "Character.UnicodeScript",
    112     // "ProcessBuilder.Redirect.Type",
    113     // "Thread.State",
    115     // java.lang Exceptions
    116     "ArithmeticException",
    117     "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException",
    118     "ArrayStoreException",
    119     "ClassCastException",
    120     "ClassNotFoundException",
    121     "CloneNotSupportedException",
    122     "EnumConstantNotPresentException",
    123     "Exception",
    124     "IllegalAccessException",
    125     "IllegalArgumentException",
    126     "IllegalMonitorStateException",
    127     "IllegalStateException",
    128     "IllegalThreadStateException",
    129     "IndexOutOfBoundsException",
    130     "InstantiationException",
    131     "InterruptedException",
    132     "NegativeArraySizeException",
    133     "NoSuchFieldException",
    134     "NoSuchMethodException",
    135     "NullPointerException",
    136     "NumberFormatException",
    137     "ReflectiveOperationException",
    138     "RuntimeException",
    139     "SecurityException",
    140     "StringIndexOutOfBoundsException",
    141     "TypeNotPresentException",
    142     "UnsupportedOperationException",
    144     // java.lang Errors
    145     "AbstractMethodError",
    146     "AssertionError",
    147     "BootstrapMethodError",
    148     "ClassCircularityError",
    149     "ClassFormatError",
    150     "Error",
    151     "ExceptionInInitializerError",
    152     "IllegalAccessError",
    153     "IncompatibleClassChangeError",
    154     "InstantiationError",
    155     "InternalError",
    156     "LinkageError",
    157     "NoClassDefFoundError",
    158     "NoSuchFieldError",
    159     "NoSuchMethodError",
    160     "OutOfMemoryError",
    161     "StackOverflowError",
    162     "ThreadDeath",
    163     "UnknownError",
    164     "UnsatisfiedLinkError",
    165     "UnsupportedClassVersionError",
    166     "VerifyError",
    167     "VirtualMachineError",
    169     // java.lang Annotations
    170     "Deprecated",
    171     "FunctionalInterface",
    172     "Override",
    173     "SafeVarargs",
    174     "SuppressWarnings",
    177     // Extracted from https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/function/package-summary.html
    179     // java.util.function Interfaces
    180     "BiConsumer",
    181     "BiFunction",
    182     "BinaryOperator",
    183     "BiPredicate",
    184     "BooleanSupplier",
    185     "Consumer",
    186     "DoubleBinaryOperator",
    187     "DoubleConsumer",
    188     "DoubleFunction",
    189     "DoublePredicate",
    190     "DoubleSupplier",
    191     "DoubleToIntFunction",
    192     "DoubleToLongFunction",
    193     "DoubleUnaryOperator",
    194     "Function",
    195     "IntBinaryOperator",
    196     "IntConsumer",
    197     "IntFunction",
    198     "IntPredicate",
    199     "IntSupplier",
    200     "IntToDoubleFunction",
    201     "IntToLongFunction",
    202     "IntUnaryOperator",
    203     "LongBinaryOperator",
    204     "LongConsumer",
    205     "LongFunction",
    206     "LongPredicate",
    207     "LongSupplier",
    208     "LongToDoubleFunction",
    209     "LongToIntFunction",
    210     "LongUnaryOperator",
    211     "ObjDoubleConsumer",
    212     "ObjIntConsumer",
    213     "ObjLongConsumer",
    214     "Predicate",
    215     "Supplier",
    216     "ToDoubleBiFunction",
    217     "ToDoubleFunction",
    218     "ToIntBiFunction",
    219     "ToIntFunction",
    220     "ToLongBiFunction",
    221     "ToLongFunction",
    222     "UnaryOperator"
    223   ]
    224 }