C++ Standard Includes.sublime-completions (21728B)
1 { 2 "scope": "(source.c++ | source.objc++) & (meta.preprocessor.include string.quoted.other)", 3 4 // Taken from http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/header 5 // Update as needed. 6 "completions": 7 [ 8 // Utilities library 9 { "trigger": "cstdlib\tstandard header", "contents": "cstdlib" }, // General purpose utilities: program control, dynamic memory allocation, random numbers, sort and search 10 { "trigger": "csignal\tstandard header", "contents": "csignal" }, // Functions and macro constants for signal management 11 { "trigger": "csetjmp\tstandard header", "contents": "csetjmp" }, // Macro (and function) that saves (and jumps) to an execution context 12 { "trigger": "cstdarg\tstandard header", "contents": "cstdarg" }, // Handling of variable length argument lists 13 { "trigger": "typeinfo\tstandard header", "contents": "typeinfo" }, // Runtime type information utilities 14 { "trigger": "typeindex\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "typeindex" }, // (since C++11) std::type_index 15 { "trigger": "type_traits\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "type_traits" }, // (since C++11) Compile-time type information 16 { "trigger": "bitset\tstandard header", "contents": "bitset" }, // std::bitset class template 17 { "trigger": "functional\tstandard header", "contents": "functional" }, // Function objects, designed for use with the standard algorithms 18 { "trigger": "utility\tstandard header", "contents": "utility" }, // Various utility components 19 { "trigger": "ctime\tstandard header", "contents": "ctime" }, // C-style time/date utilites 20 { "trigger": "chrono\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "chrono" }, // (since C++11) C++ time utilities 21 { "trigger": "cstddef\tstandard header", "contents": "cstddef" }, // typedefs for types such as size_t, NULL and others 22 { "trigger": "initializer_list\tstandard header since (c++11)", "contents": "initializer_list" }, // (since C++11) std::initializer_list class template 23 { "trigger": "tuple\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "tuple" }, // (since C++11) std::tuple class template 24 { "trigger": "any\tstandard header (since c++17)", "contents": "any" }, // (since C++17) std::any class template 25 { "trigger": "optional\tstandard header (since c++17)", "contents": "optional" }, // (since C++17) std::optional class template 26 { "trigger": "variant\tstandard header (since c++17)", "contents": "variant" }, // (since C++17) std::variant class template 27 28 // Dynmamic memory management utilities 29 { "trigger": "new\tstandard header", "contents": "new" }, // Low-level memory management utilities 30 { "trigger": "memory\tstandard header", "contents": "memory" }, // Higher level memory management utilities 31 { "trigger": "scoped_allocator\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "scoped_allocator" }, // (since C++11) Nested allocator class 32 { "trigger": "memory_resource\tstandard header (since c++17)", "contents": "memory_resource" }, // (since C++17) Polymorphic allocators and memory resources 33 34 // Numeric limits 35 { "trigger": "climits\tstandard header", "contents": "climits" }, // limits of integral types 36 { "trigger": "cfloat\tstandard header", "contents": "cfloat" }, // limits of float types 37 { "trigger": "cstdint\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "cstdint" }, // (since C++11) fixed-size types and limits of other types 38 { "trigger": "cinttypes\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "cinttypes" }, // (since C++11) formatting macros , intmax_t and uintmax_t math and conversions 39 { "trigger": "limits\tstandard header", "contents": "limits" }, // standardized way to query properties of arithmetic types 40 41 // Error handling 42 { "trigger": "exception\tstandard header", "contents": "exception" }, // Exception handling utilities 43 { "trigger": "stdexcept\tstandard header", "contents": "stdexcept" }, // Standard exception objects 44 { "trigger": "system_error\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "system_error" }, // (since C++11) defines std::error_code, a platform-dependent error code 45 { "trigger": "cerrno\tstandard header", "contents": "cerrno" }, // Macro containing the last error number 46 47 // String library 48 { "trigger": "cctype\tstandard header", "contents": "cctype" }, // functions to determine the type contained in character data 49 { "trigger": "cwctype\tstandard header", "contents": "cwctype" }, // functions for determining the type of wide character data 50 { "trigger": "cstring\tstandard header", "contents": "cstring" }, // various narrow character string handling functions 51 { "trigger": "cwchar\tstandard header", "contents": "cwchar" }, // various wide and multibyte string handling functions 52 { "trigger": "cuchar\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "cuchar" }, // (since C++11) C-style Unicode character conversion functions 53 { "trigger": "string\tstandard header", "contents": "string" }, // std::basic_string class template 54 { "trigger": "string_view\tstandard header (since c++17)", "contents": "string_view" }, // (since C++17) std::basic_string_view class template 55 { "trigger": "charconv\tstandard header (since c++20)", "contents": "charconv" }, // (since C++20) std::to_chars and std::from_chars 56 57 // Containers library 58 { "trigger": "array\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "array" }, // (since C++11) std::array container 59 { "trigger": "vector\tstandard header", "contents": "vector" }, // std::vector container 60 { "trigger": "deque\tstandard header", "contents": "deque" }, // std::deque container 61 { "trigger": "list\tstandard header", "contents": "list" }, // std::list container 62 { "trigger": "forward_list\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "forward_list" }, // (since C++11) std::forward_list container 63 { "trigger": "set\tstandard header", "contents": "set" }, // std::set and std::multiset associative containers 64 { "trigger": "map\tstandard header", "contents": "map" }, // std::map and std::multimap associative containers 65 { "trigger": "unordered_set\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "unordered_set" }, // (since C++11) std::unordered_set and std::unordered_multiset unordered associative containers 66 { "trigger": "unordered_map\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "unordered_map" }, // (since C++11) std::unordered_map and std::unordered_multimap unordered associative containers 67 { "trigger": "stack\tstandard header", "contents": "stack" }, // std::stack container adaptor 68 { "trigger": "queue\tstandard header", "contents": "queue" }, // std::queue and std::priority_queue container adaptors 69 70 // Algorithms library 71 { "trigger": "algorithm\tstandard header", "contents": "algorithm" }, // Algorithms that operate on containers 72 { "trigger": "execution\tstandard header (since c++17)", "contents": "execution" }, // (C++17) Predefined execution policies for parallel versions of the algorithms 73 74 // Iterators library 75 { "trigger": "iterator\tstandard header", "contents": "iterator" }, // Container iterators 76 77 // Numerics library 78 { "trigger": "cmath\tstandard header", "contents": "cmath"}, // Common mathematics functions 79 { "trigger": "complex\tstandard header", "contents": "complex" }, // Complex number type 80 { "trigger": "valarray\tstandard header", "contents": "valarray" }, // Class for representing and manipulating arrays of values 81 { "trigger": "random\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "random" }, // (since C++11) Random number generators and distributions 82 { "trigger": "numeric\tstandard header", "contents": "numeric" }, // Numeric operations on values in containers 83 { "trigger": "ratio\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "ratio" }, // (since C++11) Compile-time rational arithmetic 84 { "trigger": "cfenv\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "cfenv" }, // (since C++11) Floating-point environment access functions 85 86 // Input/output library 87 { "trigger": "iosfwd\tstandard header", "contents": "iosfwd" }, // forward declarations of all classes in the input/output library 88 { "trigger": "ios\tstandard header", "contents": "ios" }, // std::ios_base class, std::basic_ios class template and several typedefs 89 { "trigger": "istream\tstandard header", "contents": "istream" }, // std::basic_istream class template and several typedefs 90 { "trigger": "ostream\tstandard header", "contents": "ostream" }, // std::basic_ostream, std::basic_iostream class templates and several typedefs 91 { "trigger": "iostream\tstandard header", "contents": "iostream" }, // several standard stream objects 92 { "trigger": "fstream\tstandard header", "contents": "fstream" }, // std::basic_fstream, std::basic_ifstream, std::basic_ofstream class templates and several typedefs 93 { "trigger": "sstream\tstandard header", "contents": "sstream" }, // std::basic_stringstream, std::basic_istringstream, std::basic_ostringstream class templates and several typedefs 94 { "trigger": "iomanip\tstandard header", "contents": "iomanip" }, // Helper functions to control the format or input and output 95 { "trigger": "streambuf\tstandard header", "contents": "streambuf" }, // std::basic_streambuf class template 96 { "trigger": "cstdio\tstandard header", "contents": "cstdio" }, // C-style input-output functions 97 98 // Localization library 99 { "trigger": "locale\tstandard header", "contents": "locale" }, // Localization utilities 100 { "trigger": "clocale\tstandard header", "contents": "clocale" }, // C localization utilities 101 { "trigger": "codecvt\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "codecvt" }, // (since C++11) Unicode conversion facilities 102 103 // Regular Expressions library 104 { "trigger": "regex\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "regex" }, // (since C++11) Classes, algorithms and iterators to support regular expression processing 105 106 // Atomic Operations library 107 { "trigger": "atomic\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "atomic" }, // (since C++11) Atomic operations library 108 109 // Thread support library 110 { "trigger": "thread\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "thread" }, // (since C++11) std::thread class and supporting functions 111 { "trigger": "mutex\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "mutex" }, // (since C++11) mutual exclusion primitives 112 { "trigger": "shared_mutex\tstandard header (since c++14)", "contents": "shared_mutex" }, // (since C++14) shared mutual exclusion primitives 113 { "trigger": "future\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "future" }, // (since C++11) primitives for asynchronous computations 114 { "trigger": "condition_variable\tstandard header (since c++11)", "contents": "condition_variable" }, // (since C++11) thread waiting conditions 115 116 // Filesystem library 117 { "trigger": "filesystem\tstandard header (since c++17)", "contents": "filesystem" }, // (since C++17) std::path class and supporting functions 118 119 // Experimental libraries 120 { "trigger": "experimental/algorithm\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/algorithm" }, // Standard libraries extensions and Extensions for Parallelism 121 { "trigger": "experimental/any\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/any" }, // Standard libraries extensions 122 { "trigger": "experimental/chrono\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/chrono" }, // Standard libraries extensions 123 { "trigger": "experimental/deque\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/deque" }, // Standard libraries extensions 124 { "trigger": "experimental/execution_policy\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/execution_policy" }, // Extensions for Parallelism 125 { "trigger": "experimental/exception_list\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/exception_list" }, // Extensions for Parallelism 126 { "trigger": "experimental/filesystem\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/filesystem" }, // Filesystem library 127 { "trigger": "experimental/forward_list\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/forward_list" }, // Standard libraries extensions 128 { "trigger": "experimental/future\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/future" }, // Standard libraries extensions 129 { "trigger": "experimental/list\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/list" }, // Standard libraries extensions 130 { "trigger": "experimental/functional\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/functional" }, // Standard libraries extensions 131 { "trigger": "experimental/map\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/map" }, // Standard libraries extensions 132 { "trigger": "experimental/memory\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/memory" }, // Standard libraries extensions 133 { "trigger": "experimental/memory_resource\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/memory_resource" }, // Standard libraries extensions 134 { "trigger": "experimental/numeric\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/numeric" }, // Extensions for Parallelism 135 { "trigger": "experimental/optional\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/optional" }, // Standard libraries extensions 136 { "trigger": "experimental/ratio\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/ratio" }, // Standard libraries extensions 137 { "trigger": "experimental/regex\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/regex" }, // Standard libraries extensions 138 { "trigger": "experimental/set\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/set" }, // Standard libraries extensions 139 { "trigger": "experimental/string\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/string" }, // Standard libraries extensions 140 { "trigger": "experimental/string_view\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/string_view" }, // Standard libraries extensions 141 { "trigger": "experimental/system_error\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/system_error" }, // Standard libraries extensions 142 { "trigger": "experimental/tuple\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/tuple" }, // Standard libraries extensions 143 { "trigger": "experimental/type_traits\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/type_traits" }, // Standard libraries extensions 144 { "trigger": "experimental/unordered_map\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/unordered_map" }, // Standard libraries extensions 145 { "trigger": "experimental/unordered_set\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/unordered_set" }, // Standard libraries extensions 146 { "trigger": "experimental/utility\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/utility" }, // Standard libraries extensions 147 { "trigger": "experimental/vector\tlibrary fundamentals TS", "contents": "experimental/vector" }, // Standard libraries extensions 148 149 // C compatibility headers 150 // 151 // For some of the C standard library headers of 152 // the form xxx.h, the C++ standard library both includes an 153 // identically-named header and another header of the form cxxx (all 154 // meaningful cxxx headers are listed above). With the exception of 155 // complex.h , each xxx.h header included in the C++ standard library 156 // places in the global namespace each name that the corresponding cxxx 157 // header would have placed in the std namespace. These headers are 158 // allowed to also declare the same names in the std namespace, and the 159 // corresponding cxxx headers are allowed to also declare the same names 160 // in the global namespace: including <cstdlib> definitely provides 161 // std::malloc and may also provide ::malloc. Including <stdlib.h> 162 // definitely provides ::malloc and may also provide std::malloc. This 163 // applies even to functions and function overloads that are not part of 164 // C standard library. 165 { "trigger": "assert.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "assert.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <cassert> is placed in global namespace 166 { "trigger": "ctype.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "ctype.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <cctype> is placed in global namespace 167 { "trigger": "errno.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "errno.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <cerrno> is placed in global namespace 168 { "trigger": "fenv.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "fenv.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <cfenv> is placed in global namespace 169 { "trigger": "float.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "float.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <cfloat> is placed in global namespace 170 { "trigger": "inttypes.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "inttypes.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <cinttypes> is placed in global namespace 171 { "trigger": "limits.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "limits.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <climits> is placed in global namespace 172 { "trigger": "locale.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "locale.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <clocale> is placed in global namespace 173 { "trigger": "math.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "math.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <cmath> is placed in global namespace 174 { "trigger": "setjmp.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "setjmp.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <csetjmp> is placed in global namespace 175 { "trigger": "signal.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "signal.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <csignal> is placed in global namespace 176 { "trigger": "stdarg.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "stdarg.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <cstdarg> is placed in global namespace 177 { "trigger": "stddef.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "stddef.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <cstddef> is placed in global namespace 178 { "trigger": "stdint.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "stdint.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <cstdint> is placed in global namespace 179 { "trigger": "stdio.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "stdio.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <cstdio> is placed in global namespace 180 { "trigger": "stdlib.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "stdlib.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <cstdlib> is placed in global namespace 181 { "trigger": "string.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "string.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <cstring> is placed in global namespace 182 { "trigger": "time.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "time.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <ctime> is placed in global namespace 183 { "trigger": "uchar.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "uchar.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <cuchar> is placed in global namespace 184 { "trigger": "wchar.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "wchar.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <cwchar> is placed in global namespace 185 { "trigger": "wctype.h\tstandard header (deprecated)", "contents": "wctype.h" }, // behaves as if each name from <cwctype> is placed in global namespace 186 187 // Unsupported C headers 188 // 189 // The C headers <stdatomic.h>, <stdnoreturn.h>, 190 // and <threads.h> are not included in C++ and have no cxxx equivalents. 191 192 // Empty C headers 193 // 194 // The headers <complex.h>, <ccomplex>, <tgmath.h>, and <ctgmath> do not 195 // contain any content from the C standard library and instead merely 196 // include other headers from the C++ standard library. The use of all 197 // these headers is deprecated in C++. 198 // 199 // <ccomplex> (since C++11)(deprecated in C++17) simply includes the header <complex> 200 // <complex.h> (deprecated) simply includes the header <complex> 201 // <ctgmath> (since C++11)(deprecated in C++17) simply includes the headers <complex> and <cmath>: the overloads equivalent to the contents of the C header tgmath.h are already provided by those headers 202 // <tgmath.h> (deprecated) simply includes the header <ctgmath> 203 204 // Meaningless C headers 205 // 206 // The headers <ciso646>, <cstdalign>, and <cstdbool> are meaningless in 207 // C++ because the macros they provide in C are language keywords in 208 // C++. 209 // 210 // <ciso646> empty header. The macros that appear in iso646.h in C are keywords in C++ 211 // <iso646.h> (deprecated) behaves as if each name from <ciso646> is placed in global namespace 212 // <cstdalign> (since C++11)(deprecated in C++17) defines one compatibility macro constant 213 // <stdalign.h> (deprecated) behaves as if each name from <cstdalign> is placed in global namespace 214 // <cstdbool> (since C++11)(deprecated in C++17) defines one compatibility macro constant 215 // <stdbool.h> (deprecated) behaves as if each name from <cstdbool> is placed in global namespace 216 217 ] 218 }