C Standard Includes.sublime-completions (3765B)
1 { 2 "scope": "(source.c | source.objc) & (meta.preprocessor.include string.quoted.other)", 3 4 // Taken from http://en.cppreference.com/w/c/header 5 // Update as needed. 6 "completions": 7 [ 8 { "trigger": "assert.h\tstandard header", "contents": "assert.h" }, // Conditionally compiled macro that compares its argument to zero 9 { "trigger": "complex.h\tstandard header (since c99)", "contents": "complex.h" }, // (since C99) Complex number arithmetic 10 { "trigger": "ctype.h\tstandard header", "contents": "ctype.h" }, // Functions to determine the type contained in character data 11 { "trigger": "errno.h\tstandard header", "contents": "errno.h" }, // Macros reporting error conditions 12 { "trigger": "fenv.h\tstandard header (since c99)", "contents": "fenv.h" }, // (since C99) Floating-point environment 13 { "trigger": "float.h\tstandard header", "contents": "float.h" }, // Limits of float types 14 { "trigger": "inttypes.h\tstandard header (since c99)", "contents": "inttypes.h" }, // (since C99) Format conversion of integer types 15 { "trigger": "iso646.h\tstandard header (since c95)", "contents": "iso646.h" }, // (since C95) Alternative operator spellings 16 { "trigger": "limits.h\tstandard header", "contents": "limits.h" }, // Sizes of basic types 17 { "trigger": "locale.h\tstandard header", "contents": "locale.h" }, // Localization utilities 18 { "trigger": "math.h\tstandard header", "contents": "math.h" }, // Common mathematics functions 19 { "trigger": "setjmp.h\tstandard header", "contents": "setjmp.h" }, // Nonlocal jumps 20 { "trigger": "signal.h\tstandard header", "contents": "signal.h" }, // Signal handling 21 { "trigger": "stdalign.h\tstandard header (since c11)", "contents": "stdalign.h" }, // (since C11) alignas and alignof convenience macros 22 { "trigger": "stdarg.h\tstandard header", "contents": "stdarg.h" }, // Variable arguments 23 { "trigger": "stdatomic.h\tstandard header (since c11)", "contents": "stdatomic.h" }, // (since C11 Atomic types 24 { "trigger": "stdbool.h\tstandard header (since c99)", "contents": "stdbool.h" }, // (since C99) Boolean type 25 { "trigger": "stddef.h\tstandard header", "contents": "stddef.h" }, // Common macro definitions 26 { "trigger": "stdint.h\tstandard header (since c99)", "contents": "stdint.h" }, // (since C99) Fixed-width integer types 27 { "trigger": "stdio.h\tstandard header", "contents": "stdio.h" }, // Input/output 28 { "trigger": "stdlib.h\tstandard header", "contents": "stdlib.h" }, // General utilities: memory management, program utilities, string conversions, random numbers 29 { "trigger": "stdnoreturn.h\tstandard header (since c11)", "contents": "stdnoreturn.h" }, // (since C11) noreturn convenience macros 30 { "trigger": "string.h\tstandard header", "contents": "string.h" }, // String handling 31 { "trigger": "tgmath.h\tstandard header (since c99)", "contents": "tgmath.h" }, // (since C99) Type-generic math (macros wrapping math.h and complex.h) 32 { "trigger": "threads.h\tstandard header (since c11)", "contents": "threads.h" }, // (since C11) Thread library 33 { "trigger": "time.h\tstandard header", "contents": "time.h" }, // Time/date utilities 34 { "trigger": "uchar.h\tstandard header (since c11)", "contents": "uchar.h" }, // (since C11) UTF-16 and UTF-32 character utilities 35 { "trigger": "wchar.h\tstandard header (since c95)", "contents": "wchar.h" }, // (since C95) Extended multibyte and wide character utilities 36 { "trigger": "wctype.h\tstandard header (since c95)", "contents": "wctype.h" }, // (since C95) Wide character classification and mapping utilities 37 ] 38 }