1 +++ 2 title = 'Multithreading' 3 +++ 4 # Multithreading 5 each process in the operating system has a thread 6 7 thread — thread of control whose state consists of contents of program counter and other processor registers (a specific process) 8 9 two or more threads can run on different processors, executing either same part of program on different data, or different parts of a program, or different programs 10 11 multitasking two or more programs on same processor 12 13 time slicing — OS selects process that’s not blocked and lets it run for a short period of time 14 15 context switching — OS selects a different process at the end of the time slice 16 17 timer interrupt — interrupt-service routine to switch from one process to another 18 19 hardware multithreading: 20 21 - processor has several identical sets of registers, each for a different thread 22 - this includes multiple program counters 23 - makes context switching simple & fast, just change a hardware pointer to use a different set of registers, in one clock cycle 24 25 coarse-grained multithreading: on a cache miss during Load/Store, switch to a different thread and continue fetching/executing other instructions 26 27 fine-grained/interleaved multithreading: switch threads after every instruction is fetched, increasing processor throughput