Cache (1696B)
1 +++ 2 title = 'Cache memory' 3 +++ 4 # Cache memory 5 very small, very fast 6 7 between processor and main memory, its there to be a wingman and make the main memory look good in front of the processor 8 9 locality of reference — many instructions in localised areas of the program are executed repeatedly during some time period 10 11 - temporal — recently executed is likely to be executed again soon 12 - spatial — instructions close to a recently executed instruction are likely to be executed again soon 13 14 basically, whenever some info is needed, it should be brought into the cache. and might as well grab data at adjacent addresses too. 15 16 cache block/line — set of contiguous address locations of some size 17 18 the mapping function specifies correspondence between main memory blocks and those in cache 19 20 replacement algorithm decides which blocks to remove to make space for a newly referenced word 21 22 cache hits 23 24 - processor issues read/write requests 25 - cache control circuitry determines if the requested word is in cache 26 - if read hit, data is read from cache & main memory is not involved 27 - if write hit, two options: 28 - write-through — both cache and main memory are updated 29 - write-back — update only cache location and mark block with an associated flag bit (dirty/modified bit), main memory is updated later 30 31 cache misses: 32 33 - read miss — the block containing the requested word is copied from main memory into cache, then the word is forwarded to the processor 34 - load-through — alternative approach where word is sent to processor as soon as it’s read from memory. less waiting time for processor, more complex circuitry. 35 - write miss — info is written directly into main memory