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      2 title = 'Requirements engineering with UML'
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      4 ## Requirements engineering with UML
      6 ### What is UML?
      7 A unified modeling language, the defacto standard for software design.
      9 pros:
     10 * not tied to a development process
     11 * can be used across the whole life cycle
     12 * general purpose, can model all sorts of shit
     13 * has different representations (graphical, but also text)
     15 main characteristics:
     16 * comprehensive: can describe all parts of a system
     17 * scalable: "zoom in" and add more details if you want
     18 * originally intended for descriptive models
     19 * now also supports prescriptive models
     21 formal modeling language — its core concepts have a well-defined meaning
     23 UML model is represented graphically with diagrams
     25 The different types:
     27 ![Diagram of diagrams](uml-diagrams.png)
     29 The ones we will use:
     30 * use case diagram: to specify the basic functionality of a software system (requirements)
     31 * class diagram: to define data structures within the system
     32 * state machine diagram: to define intra-object behavior
     33 * sequence diagram: to specify inter-object behavior and communication
     35 a UML _model_ contains everything related to the system. a _diagram_ is just a "window" on the model (shows some parts, but not necessarily everything).
     37 ### Requirements engineering
     38 the process of establishing:
     39 * features that a system should and will have
     40 * constraints under which it operates and is developed
     42 requirement can range between:
     43 * high-level abstract statement of a feature
     44 * detailed mathematical functional specification
     46 functional (what) vs non-functional (how) requirements
     47 * functional: services the system should provide, how it should react to inputs, how it should behave in specific situations, opt. what it shouldn't do.
     48     * precise — ambiguous requirements may be interpreted in different ways by developers and users
     49     * complete — they should include descriptions of _all_ facilities required
     50     * consistent — there should be no conflicts or contradictions in descriptions of system facilities
     51     * verifiable — requirements should be directly mapped to parts of system
     52 * non-functional: constraints on services/functions offered by the system, often apply to system as a whole instead of individual features/services
     53     * system properties and constraints (e.g. reliability, response time, storage requirements)
     54     * may be more critical than functional, like safety requirements
     55     * may affect overall architecture of a system instead of individual components (like organization to minimize communications between robots)
     56     * different types:
     58     ![Non-functional requirement types](non-func-requirements.png)
     60 in UML: use case diagrams for functional requirements.
     62 How to write requirements specifications:
     64 | *Notation*                   | *Description*                                                                                                                                   |
     65 |------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
     66 | Natural language             | Use numbered sentences in natural language. Each sentence is one requirement.                                                                   |
     67 | Structured natural language. | Requirements are written in natural language on standard form/template. Each field gives info about an aspect of the requirement.               |
     68 | Design description languages | Use language like programming language, but with more abstract features specifying requirements by defining an operational model of the system. |
     69 | Graphical notations          | Graphical models with text annotations. e.g. UML use case and sequence diagrams.                                                                |
     70 | Mathematical specifications  | Based on math concepts like finite-state machines or sets. Most customers don't understand this so not often used.                              |
     72 #### Natural language specification
     73 requirements are written as natural language sentences. used because it's expressive, intuitive, universal, easily understood by customers.
     75 guidelines:
     76 * invent a standard format, use it for all requirements.
     77 * use language in a consistent way ("shall" for mandatory requirements, "should" for desirable requirements)
     78 * highlight text to identify important parts of requirement
     79 * avoid use of computer jargon
     80 * include explanation (rationale) of why a requirement is needed
     82 #### Use case diagrams
     83 express expectations of customers/stakeholders.
     85 answers questions:
     86 * what is being described? (the system)
     87 * who interacts with the system? (the actors)
     88 * what can the actors do? (use cases)
     90 use case:
     91 * describes functionality expected from system under development
     92 * set of all use cases describes functionality that a system shall provide.
     93 * notations:
     95 ![Use case notations](use-case-notations.png)
     97 actors:
     98 * interact with the system by using use cases, or by being used by use cases.
     99 * represent roles that users adopt (users can have multiple roles)
    100 * not part of the system, so outside of system boundaries.
    101 * human or non-human
    102 * primary/secondary:
    103     * if primary, has main benefit of execution of use case.
    104     * if secondary, receives no direct benefit.
    105 * active or passive
    106     * active: initiates execution of the use case
    107     * passive: provides functionality for the execution of the use case
    109 ![Actor notations](actor-notations.png)
    111 relationships between use cases and actors:
    112 * actors are connected with use cases via associations (solid lines)
    113 * every actors has to communicate with at least one use case
    114 * association is always binary, multiplicities can be specified
    116 ![Relationships between actors and use cases](usecase-actor-rel.png)
    118 relationships between use cases:
    119 * «include»
    120     * behavior of one use case ('included') _is always_ integrated in the behavior of another use case ('base')
    122     ![Include relationship](usecase-include-rel.png)
    123 * «extend»
    124     * behavior of one use case ('extending') _may be_ integrated in behavior of another use case ('base')
    125     * both use cases can also be executed independently of each other
    126     * extension points are written directly in the use case. you can specify multiple extension points.
    128     ![Extensions in use cases](use-case-extensions.png)
    129 * generalization of use cases
    130     * if use case A generalizes use case B, then B inherits behavior of A and may extend/overwrite it. B also inherits all relationships form A.
    131     * A may be labeled {abstract} — cannot be executed directly, only B is executable
    133     ![Generalisation](usecase-generalisation.png)
    135 relationships between actors
    136 * generalization
    137     * actor A inherits from actor B. e.g. A can communicate with X and Y, B can only communicate with Y.
    138     * abstract actors are possible
    140     ![Actor generalization](actor-generalization.png)
    142 Description of use cases:
    143 * Name
    144 * Short description
    145 * Precondition: prerequisite for successful execution
    146 * Postcondition: system state after successful execution
    147 * Error situations: errors relevant to problem domain
    148 * System state on occurrence of an error
    149 * Actors that communicate with the use case
    150 * Trigger: events which initiate the use case
    151 * Standard process: individual steps to be taken
    152 * Alternative processes: deviations from the standard process
    154 Remember, it's an abstraction. Many small use cases with the same objective should be grouped. Don't decompose functionality into use cases.
    156 ### Summary of notation
    157 ![Requirements notation](requirement-notation-p1.png)
    159 ![Requirements notation](requirement-notation-p2.png)