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     11 <div id="Object-oriented design patterns in UML"><h2 id="Object-oriented design patterns in UML">Object-oriented design patterns in UML</h2></div>
     12 <p>
     13 design pattern: a reusable form of solution to a common design problem (like a 'template')
     14 </p>
     16 <p>
     17 not a finished design, cannot be transformed directly into source code
     18 </p>
     20 <p>
     21 not prescriptive, so don't memorize them. it's important to understand when and why they're needed.
     22 </p>
     24 <p>
     25 speaking of, they're not always needed. don't over-complicate shit, you'll end up with a dumpster fire that nobody can maintain.
     26 </p>
     28 <p>
     29 essential parts of a design pattern
     30 </p>
     31 <ul>
     32 <li>
     33 Pattern name
     35 <ul>
     36 <li>
     37 provides common vocab for software designers
     39 </ul>
     40 <li>
     41 Intent
     43 <ul>
     44 <li>
     45 What does the design pattern do?
     47 <li>
     48 What is its rationale and intent?
     50 <li>
     51 What design issue/problem does it address?
     53 </ul>
     54 <li>
     55 Solution
     57 <ul>
     58 <li>
     59 the basic elements providing solution to the problem (structure, participants, collaborations)
     61 </ul>
     62 <li>
     63 Consequences
     65 <ul>
     66 <li>
     67 results and trade offs by applying the pattern
     69 </ul>
     70 </ul>
     72 <div id="Object-oriented design patterns in UML-Creational"><h3 id="Creational">Creational</h3></div>
     73 <p>
     74 how objects can be created (maintainability, control, extensibility)
     75 </p>
     77 <p>
     78 we study the singleton and factory method. then there are also abstract factory, object pool, and prototype.
     79 </p>
     81 <div id="Object-oriented design patterns in UML-Creational-Singleton"><h4 id="Singleton">Singleton</h4></div>
     82 <table>
     83 <tr>
     84 <th>
     85 Name
     86 </th>
     87 <th>
     88 Singleton
     89 </th>
     90 </tr>
     91 <tr>
     92 <td>
     93 Intent
     94 </td>
     95 <td>
     96 To ensure that only one instance of a class is allowed in a system. <br>Controlled access to a single object is needed
     97 </td>
     98 </tr>
     99 <tr>
    100 <td>
    101 Solution
    102 </td>
    103 <td>
    104 <img src="img/singleton-solution-diagram.png" alt="Singleton solution diagram" />
    105 </td>
    106 </tr>
    107 <tr>
    108 <td>
    109 Consequences
    110 </td>
    111 <td>
    112 Controlled access to sole instance <br> Reduced name space (fewer 'global' variables) <br> permits variable number of instances
    113 </td>
    114 </tr>
    115 </table>
    117 <p>
    118 Implementation
    119 </p>
    121 <pre java>
    122 public class SingleObject {
    123     // private constructor, cannot be instantiated from outside
    124     private SingleObject(){}
    126     // create the one single instance
    127     private static SingleObject instance = new SingleObject();
    129     // get the only instance
    130     public static SingleObject getInstance() {
    131         return instance;
    132     }
    134     public void showMessage() {
    135         System.out.println("Hello world!");
    136     }
    137 </pre>
    139 <div id="Object-oriented design patterns in UML-Creational-Factory method"><h4 id="Factory method">Factory method</h4></div>
    140 <table>
    141 <tr>
    142 <th>
    143 Name
    144 </th>
    145 <th>
    146 Factory method
    147 </th>
    148 </tr>
    149 <tr>
    150 <td>
    151 Intent
    152 </td>
    153 <td>
    154 to abstract process of object creation so that type of created object can be determined at run time <br> to make design more customizable in terms of which objects can be created <br> avoiding the <code>new</code> operator because you don't want to hard code the class to be instantiated
    155 </td>
    156 </tr>
    157 <tr>
    158 <td>
    159 Solution
    160 </td>
    161 <td>
    162 <img src="img/factory-method-diagram.png" alt="Factory method diagram" />
    163 </td>
    164 </tr>
    165 <tr>
    166 <td>
    167 Consequences
    168 </td>
    169 <td>
    170 end up with dedicated class to create instances of objects <br> can pass arguments to the class to control the features of the objects
    171 </td>
    172 </tr>
    173 </table>
    175 <p>
    176 Implementation
    177 </p>
    179 <pre java>
    180 public class ShapeFactory {
    181     public Shape getShape(String shapeTYpe) {
    182         if (shapeType == null) {
    183             return null;
    184         }
    185         if (shapeType.equalsIgnoreCase("CIRCLE")) {
    186             return new Circle();
    187         }
    188         else if (shapeType.equalsIgnoreCase("RECTANGLE")) {
    189             return new Rectangle();
    190         }
    191         else if (shapeType.equalsIgnoreCase("SQUARE")) {
    192             return new Square();
    193         }
    195         return null;
    196     }
    197 }
    198 </pre>
    200 <div id="Object-oriented design patterns in UML-Structural"><h3 id="Structural">Structural</h3></div>
    201 <p>
    202 how to form larger structures (management of complexity, efficiency)
    203 </p>
    205 <p>
    206 adapter is studied in this course. also have proxy, bridge, decorator, facade, flyweight, composite, private class data.
    207 </p>
    209 <div id="Object-oriented design patterns in UML-Structural-Adapter"><h4 id="Adapter">Adapter</h4></div>
    210 <table>
    211 <tr>
    212 <th>
    213 Name
    214 </th>
    215 <th>
    216 Adapter
    217 </th>
    218 </tr>
    219 <tr>
    220 <td>
    221 Intent
    222 </td>
    223 <td>
    224 to convert interface of class into another interface <br> to let two or more classes with incompatible interfaces work together <br> to wrap an existing class with a new one <br> to have a kinda homogeneous interface that masks diversity of some set of various objects
    225 </td>
    226 </tr>
    227 <tr>
    228 <td>
    229 Solution
    230 </td>
    231 <td>
    232 <img src="img/adapter-diagram-1.png" alt="Adapter diagram 1" /> <img src="img/adapter-diagram-2.png" alt="Adapter diagram 2" />
    233 </td>
    234 </tr>
    235 <tr>
    236 <td>
    237 Consequences
    238 </td>
    239 <td>
    240 single class is responsible to join functionalities of independent/incompatible classes
    241 </td>
    242 </tr>
    243 </table>
    245 <p>
    246 Implementation
    247 </p>
    249 <pre java>
    250 public class Wrapper {
    251     // the wrapped object
    252     private LegacyComponent legacyComponent;
    254     // constructor
    255     public Wrapper (LegacyComponent instance) {
    256         this.legacyComponent = instance;
    257     }
    259     // call to wrapped method
    260     public int doThis() {
    261         int result = 0;
    262         float value = this.legacyComponent.doThat();
    263         // magic the value into an integer somehow, then
    264         return result;
    265     }
    266 }
    267 </pre>
    269 <div id="Object-oriented design patterns in UML-Behavioral"><h3 id="Behavioral">Behavioral</h3></div>
    270 <p>
    271 how responsibilities can be assigned to objects (objects decoupling, flexibility, better communication)
    272 </p>
    274 <p>
    275 we study observer and chain of responsibility. there are also command, interpreter, iterator, mediator, memento, null object, state, strategy, template method, and visitor.
    276 </p>
    278 <div id="Object-oriented design patterns in UML-Behavioral-Observer"><h4 id="Observer">Observer</h4></div>
    279 <table>
    280 <tr>
    281 <th>
    282 Name
    283 </th>
    284 <th>
    285 Observer
    286 </th>
    287 </tr>
    288 <tr>
    289 <td>
    290 Intent
    291 </td>
    292 <td>
    293 to let some object(s) be notified of state changes in other objects in the system <br> when on object changes state, all dependents are notified and updated automatically
    294 </td>
    295 </tr>
    296 <tr>
    297 <td>
    298 Solution
    299 </td>
    300 <td>
    301 <img src="img/observer-diagram.png" alt="Observer diagram" />
    302 </td>
    303 </tr>
    304 <tr>
    305 <td>
    306 Consequences
    307 </td>
    308 <td>
    309 supports broadcast communication <br> state changes in object(s) should trigger behavior in other objects <br> you can reuse objects without reusing their observers and v-v. <br> you can remove observers without changing the subjects
    310 </td>
    311 </tr>
    312 </table>
    314 <p>
    315 Implementation
    316 </p>
    318 <pre java>
    319 public abstract class Observer {
    320     protected Subject subject;
    321     public abstract void update();
    322 }
    324 class MappingRover extends Observer {
    325     // specify observed subject in constructor
    326     public MappingRover(Subject subject) P
    327         this.subject = subject;
    328         subject.attach(this);
    329     }
    331     // observers "pull" information
    332     public void update() {
    333         if (this.subject.getState() == 0) {
    334             // map the environment
    335         }
    336         else {
    337             // "come back home", whatever that means
    338         }
    339     }
    340 }
    341 public abstract class Subject {
    342     private List&lt;Observer&gt; observers = new ArrayList&lt;Observer&gt;();
    343     private int state;
    345     public int getState() { ... }
    346     public void setState(int state) { ... } // and notify all observers
    347     public void attach(Observer observer) { ... } // add to observers list
    348     public void detach(Observer observer) { ... } //remove from observers list
    350     public void notifyAllObservers() { ... } // run the update function for each observer in list
    351 }
    353 public static void main(String[] args) {
    354     CentralStation cs = new CentralStation();
    355     cs.setState(0);
    357     MappingRover rover1 = new MappingRover(cs);
    358     CameraRover rover2 = new CameraRover(cs);
    359     CameraRover rover3 = new CameraRover(cs);
    361     cs.setState(1);
    362 }
    363 </pre>
    365 <div id="Object-oriented design patterns in UML-Behavioral-Chain of responsibility"><h4 id="Chain of responsibility">Chain of responsibility</h4></div>
    366 <table>
    367 <tr>
    368 <th>
    369 Name
    370 </th>
    371 <th>
    372 Chain of responsibility
    373 </th>
    374 </tr>
    375 <tr>
    376 <td>
    377 Intent
    378 </td>
    379 <td>
    380 avoid coupling sender of request to receiver by giving more than one object a chance to handle request <br> chain receiving objects and pass request along chain until an object handles it (sequential)
    381 </td>
    382 </tr>
    383 <tr>
    384 <td>
    385 Solution
    386 </td>
    387 <td>
    388 <img src="img/chain-of-responsibility-diagram.png" alt="Chain of responsibility diagram" />
    389 </td>
    390 </tr>
    391 <tr>
    392 <td>
    393 Consequences
    394 </td>
    395 <td>
    396 Reduced coupling between objects (every object needs to know its successor) <br> handler(s) are not known a priori and a request might be unhandled <br> you can change responsibilities by changing chain at runtime
    397 </td>
    398 </tr>
    399 </table>
    401 <p>
    402 Implementation
    403 </p>
    405 <pre java>
    406 public class Task {
    407     private Coordinate coords;
    408     private RequestEnum request;
    410     // basic getters and setters
    411     public Coordinate getcoords() { ... }
    412     public setCoords(Coordinate coords) { ... }
    414     public RequestEnum getRequest() { ... }
    415     public setRequest(RequestEnum request) { ... }
    416 }
    418 public enum RequestEnum {
    419     PICTURE, MAP;
    420 }
    422 public class Coordinate {
    423     private float lat, lon;
    425     // basic getters and setters
    426     public float getLat() { ... };
    427     public setLat(float lat) { ... };
    428     public float getLon() { ... };
    429     public setLon(float lon) { ... };
    430 }
    432 public abstract class TaskHandler {
    433     TaskHandler successor;
    434     publicc void setSuccessor(TaskHandler successor) {
    435         this.successor = successor;
    436     }
    437     public abstract void handleRequest(Task task);
    438 }
    440 public class CameraRover extends TaskHandler {
    441     public void handleRequest(Task task) {
    442         if (task.request == RequestEnum.PICTURE) {
    443             // take a picture
    444         }
    445         else {
    446             // pass on to successor
    447             if (successor != null) {
    448                 successor.handleRequest(request);
    449             }
    450         }
    451     }
    452 }
    454 public class Main {
    455     public static TaskHandler setUpChain() {
    456         MapRover mapper = new MapRover();
    457         CameraRover photographer1 = new CameraRover();
    458         CameraRover photographer2 = new CameraRover();
    459         CameraRover photographer3 = new CameraRover();
    461         return mapper;
    462     }
    463     public static void main(Striing[] args) {
    464         TaskHandler chain = setUpChain;
    466         chain.handleRequest(...);
    467     }
    468 }
    469 </pre>
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