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workload-resources-and-controllers.md (1869B)

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      2 title = 'Workload resources and controllers'
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      4 ## Workload resources and controllers
      5 Instead of running individual pods, you create workload resources that manage set of pods based on a declared desired state.
      7 When you submit workload resource, K8s control plane configures corresponding controller.
      8 Controllers run control loops, where controller periodically makes sure that status of resource corresponds to declared desired state.
     10 Most Kubernetes objects have two fields:
     11 - spec: desired object state
     12 - status: current object state
     14 Deployment: suitable for stateless apps, like web servers. can have one or more containers.
     15 - you can scale a deployment with `kubectl edit`, or `kubectl scale deployment <name> --replicas=n`
     16 - autoscaling can happen based on conditions, e.g. `kubectl autoscale deployment <name> --min=7 --max=8 --cpu-percent=60`
     17   - this creates a HorizontalPodAutoscaler (hpa).
     19 ReplicaSet: maintains desired number of instances of a pod defined by a template
     20 - in general you can instead specify desired number of replicas in a Deployment
     22 DaemonSet: ensures pods run on each node of the cluster, even if nodes added at later time
     23 - for example, to collect a log on each node of the cluster. one tool for that is Fluentd
     25 Job: ensures that specific task completes even if pod that should run the task fails
     26 - if a node where the pod is running fails, the scheduler launches the pod on another noe
     27 - can run pods sequentially or in parallel
     29 CronJob: causes pod to execute at specific times determined by `schedule` parameter (like `cron`)
     31 Garbage Collector: responsible for deleting objects when their parent no longer exists
     32 - in foreground: parent marked for deletion, then all objects with `blockOwnerDeletion: true` are deleted, then the parent is deleted
     33 - in background: first parent deleted, then all children found and deleted.