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      1 +++
      2 title = 'Networking'
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      4 # Networking
      5 Switches: operate at data link layer (layer 2)
      6 - can see available interfaces with `ip link`
      7 - can see IP address of every interface with `ip addr`
      9 Routers: operate at layer 3
     10 - can route packets across different networks
     11 - show routing table with `ip route`
     12 - add new route with `ip route add <target-subnet-cidr> via <ip-addr>`
     14 Create and list network namespaces with `ip netns`.
     16 Linux Bridge lets you connect all namespaces to an interface that works like a vritual switch:
     17 - `sudo ip link add my-bridge type bridge`
     18 - `sudo ip link set dev my-bridge up`
     20 ## Kubernetes network model
     21 Constraints:
     22 - every pod has own IP address
     23 - containers within pod share pod IP, can communicate with each other via localhost
     24 - pods on node can communicate with all pods on all nodes without NAT
     25 - agents on a node can communicate with all pods on that node
     27 You may impose restrictions on the model using Kubernetes Network Policies.
     29 Container Network Interface (CNI): formalises responsibilities of Container Runtime (creating network namespace and running plugins)
     31 Pods can be:
     32 - routable: pod IP known outside of cluster, so unique on broader network
     33 - not routable: IP not know outside of cluster, connection to outside requires SNAT to change source IP to IP address of node, return packets mapped automatically
     34   - no connections from outside cluster to pod possible, except with Kubernetes Services or Ingress
     36 ### Kubernetes Services
     37 - each pod has own IP, pods are not permanent so that IP may change over time
     38 - services define logical set of pods (maybe with selector based on labels) and specify how to access them
     40 You can access a service:
     41 - using environment variables (client pod creates identifying environment variables automatically, check with `printenv`)
     42 - using CoreDNS
     44 #### ClusterIP
     45 Service only reachable within cluster, default
     46 - defines IP only visible inside cluster, and port it listens on
     47 - requests to this port and ClusterIP forwarded to `targetPort` of pods that the service defines as targets
     48 - good for e.g. making backend pods accessible to frontend pods
     49 - load balances incoming requests to all target pods
     51 Example definition using selector:
     53 ```yaml
     54 apiVersion: v1
     55 kind: Service
     57 metadata:
     58     name: fancy-api-service
     60 spec:
     61     type: ClusterIP
     62     ports:
     63         - protocol: TCP
     64           port: 8081
     65           targetPort: 80
     66     selector:
     67         app: fancy-api
     68 ```
     70 Apply with `kubectly apply -f filename.yaml`, then check with `kubectl get svc`.
     72 Creating a service using a selector _also_ automatically adds an Endpoint object.
     74 You can create a service without a pod selector, e.g. if you need to target a pod in a different cluster.
     76 #### NodePort
     77 exposes service on each Node's IP at static port, automatically creates ClusterIP
     79 Multiple pods:
     80 - if in same node, NodePort acts as load balancer and distributes incoming traffic
     81 - if in multiple nodes, NodePort listens on same nodePort on each node IP address
     83 #### LoadBalancer
     84 exposes service externally using external load balancer, automatically creates NodePort and ClusterIP
     85 - on public cloud, implementation provided by service. if not, can use e.g. MetaLB
     87 ### Ingress
     88 Layer 7 load balancer, operates at app layer using HTTP, can route decision based on full content of message.
     89 Useful when you have multiple services you want to expose externally.
     91 To use it:
     92 1. Install Ingress Controller
     93    - e.g. NGINX Ingress controller, Google HTTPS Load Balancer
     94 2. Create Ingress Resources
     96 ### CoreDNS
     97 Provides nameserver for Kubernetes.
     98 Nameserver can be referenced from Unix machine if it has an entry in `/etc/resolv.conf`
    100 To resolve a hostname, use `nslookup` and `dig`.
    102 In microk8s, run `microk8s enable dns` to add CoreDNS.
    104 Stores its config in a file called `Corefile`; in Kubernetes, it's a ConfigMap.
    107 ## Network Policies
    108 Implemented by Network Plugin (e.g. Calico).
    110 By default, pods accept traffic from any source in Cluster.
    111 With Network Policies that select a Pod, the Pod is restricted by the union of the policies' ingress and egress rules (order of application of policies doesn't matter, it's a union).
    113 ## Calico
    114 Two types of CNI plugins:
    115 - CNI network plugins: responsible for adding/deleting pods to/from Kubernetes pod network
    116 - CNI IPAM plugins: responsible for allocating and releasing IPs for pods as they are created/deleted