1 +++ 2 title = 'Istio' 3 +++ 4 5 # Istio 6 Istio is a service mesh. 7 Provides: 8 - ingress gateway to config access to services of Cluster without configuring ROutes 9 - virtual services to create routing rules, which you could use for e.g. configuring A/B testing 10 - security: cert management, authentication policy, authorization policy 11 - observability: metrics, distributed traces, access logs 12 13 Istio architecture: 14 15  16 17 Can enable in microk8s with `microk8s enable istio`. 18 Needs a LoadBalancer, so install metallb. 19 20 Istio provides a CLI: `istioctl`. 21 22 Prometheus is used to collect metrics.