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configmaps-secrets.md (1805B)

      1 +++
      2 title = 'ConfigMaps & Secrets'
      3 +++
      4 # ConfigMaps & Secrets
      5 ConfigMap stores data that's not secret, Secret stores passwords/tokens/certs/etc.
      7 ## ConfigMap
      8 Pods get data from ConfigMaps via:
      9 - environment variables declared in spec of container in pod
     10 - CLI arguments passed to container command inside pod
     11 - read-only config files in a volume readable by the pod
     12 - container code that calls Kubernetes API to get data from ConfigMap
     14 Example ConfigMap:
     16 ```yaml
     17 apiVersion: v1
     18 kind: ConfigMap
     19 metadata:
     20 name: db-config-map
     21 data:
     22     host1: "domain.com"
     23 ```
     25 Example usage:
     27 ```yaml
     28 apiVersion: v1
     29 kind: Pod
     30 spec:
     31     containers:
     32         - name: some-container
     33           # ...
     34           env:
     35               - name: THE_HOST
     36                 valueFrom:
     37                     configMapKeyRef:
     38                         name: db-config-map
     39                         key: host1
     40 ```
     42 ## Secret
     43 Data in Secret object not encrypted, only encoded in base 64.
     45 Example:
     47 ```yaml
     48 apiVersion: v1
     49 kind: Secret
     50 metadata:
     51     name: mysecret
     52 type: Opaque
     53 data:
     54     username: YWRtaW4=
     55     password: aHVudGVyMg==
     56 ```
     58 Using the secret from a pod:
     60 ```yaml
     61 apiVersion: v1
     62 kind: Pod
     63 metadata:
     64     name: the-pod
     65 spec:
     66     containers:
     67         - name: acontainer
     68           # ...
     69           env:
     70               - name: USERNAME
     71                 valueFrom:
     72                     secretKeyRef:
     73                         name: mysecret
     74                         key: username
     75 ```
     77 ### TLS secrets
     78 To config apps with certificates to encrypt connections (like TLS), you have to keep cert private keys secure.
     79 You can use the builtin Secret type `kubernetes.io/tls` to store cert and its associated key in `tls.crt` and `tls.key` fields.
     80 You can create it from the CLI with `kubectl create secret tls my-tls-secret --cert=cert.pem --key=key.pem`.