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lectures-gpu.md (9417B)

      1 +++
      2 title = 'GPU programming'
      3 +++
      5 # GPU computing
      6 GPUs are better performing, more power efficient, but not easy to program well/efficiently.
      8 CPU:
      9 - few complex cores
     10 - lots of on-chip memory & control logic
     12 GPU:
     13 - many simple cores
     14 - little memory & control
     16 NVIDIA GPU architecture
     17 - many slim cores, sets grouped into 'multiprocessors' with shared memory
     18 - various memory spaces -- on-chip, off-chip global, separate CPU and GPU memories
     19 - work as accelerators, with CPU as the host
     20 - CPU offloads work to GPU, symmetric multi-threading
     21 - execution model SIMT: single instruction, multiple threads (with hardware scheduler)
     23 ## Programming GPUs
     24 - Kernel is the parallel program.
     25 - Device code manages the parallel program.
     27 Low level models: CUDA, OpenCL, and variations
     29 CUDA:
     30 - mapping of hardware into programming model
     31     - thread hierarchy that maps to cores, configurable at logical level
     32     - memory spaces mapping to physical memory spaces, usable through variable scopes and types
     33 - symmetric multithreading: write code for single thread, instantiate as many as needed
     34 - SIMT: single instruction on multiple threads at the same time
     35 - thread hierarchy:
     36     - each thread executes same kernel code
     37     - one thread one core
     38     - threads grouped into thread blocks, where only those in same block can cooperate
     39     - all thread blocks logically organised in grid (1D/2D/3D). the grid specifies how many instances run the kernel
     40 - parallelization for GPUs: map data/work to threads, write computation for 1 thread. organise threads in blocks, and blocks in grids.
     42 CUDA program organisation:
     43 - device code: GPU code, i.e. kernels and GPU functions
     44     - sequential, write for one thread & execute for all
     45 - host code: CPU code
     46     - instantiate grid, run the kernel
     47     - handles memory management
     48 - host-device communicate is explicit/implicit via PCI/e or NVLink
     50 Example of code:
     52 ```c
     53 // GPU kernel code
     54 __global__ myKernel(int n, int *dataGPU) {
     55     myProcess(dataGPU);
     56 }
     58 // GPU device code
     59 __device__ myProcess(int *dataGPU) {
     60     // code
     61 }
     63 // CPU code
     64 int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
     65     myKernel<<<100, 10>>>(1000, myData);
     66 }
     67 ```
     69 Compiling CUDA:
     70 - use nvcc
     71 - separates source code into device code (GPU) and host code (CPU)
     73 Execution flow loop:
     74 1. GPU memory allocation
     75 2. Transfer data CPU → GPU
     76 3. CPU calls GPU kernel
     77 4. GPU kernel executes
     78 5. Transfer data GPU → CPU
     79 6. GPU memory release
     81 Creating a CUDA application
     82 1. Identify function to offload
     83 2. Determine mapping of operations and data to threads
     84 3. Write kernels & device functions (sequential, per-thread)
     85 4. Determine block geometry, i.e. threads per block and blocks per grid
     86 5. Write host code: memory initialization, kernel launch, inspect results
     87 6. Optimize kernels
     89 GPU data transfer models
     90 - explicit allocation and management: allocated twice, copied explicitly on demand, allows asynchronous copies
     91 - implicit unified memory: allocated once, implicitly moved/copied when needed, potentially prefetched
     93 ## Example: vector add
     94 First, the sequential code:
     96 ```c
     97 void vector_add(int size, float *a, float *b float *c) {
     98     for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
     99         c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
    100     }
    101 }
    102 ```
    104 What does each thread compute? One addition per thread, each thread uses different element. To find out which, compute mapping of grid to data.
    106 Example with CUDA:
    108 ```c
    109 // GPU kernel code
    110 // compute vector sum c = a+b
    111 // each thread does one pair-wise addition
    112 __global__ void vector_add(float *a, float *b, float *c) {
    113     int i = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x; // mapping
    114     if (i<N) c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
    115 }
    117 // Host CPU code
    118 int main() {
    119     N = 5000;
    120     int size = N * sizeof(float);
    121     float *hostA = malloc(size);
    122     float *hostB = malloc(size);
    123     float *hostC = malloc(size);
    125     // initialize A, B arrays
    127     // allocate device memory
    128     cudaMalloc(&deviceA, size);
    129     cudaMalloc(&deviceB, size);
    130     cudaMalloc(&deviceC, size);
    132     // transfer data from host to device
    133     cudaMemcpy(deviceA, hostA, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    134     cudaMemcpy(deviceB, hostB, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    136     // launch N/256 blocks of 256 threads each
    137     vector_add<<< N/256+1, 256 >>>(deviceA, deviceB, deviceC);
    139     // transfer result back from device to host
    140     cudaMemcpy(hostC, deviceC, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    142     cudaFree(deviceA);
    143     cudaFree(deviceB);
    144     cudaFree(deviceC);
    145     free(hostA);
    146     free(hostB);
    147     free(hostC);
    148 }
    149 ```
    151 With OpenACC:
    153 ```c
    154 void vector_add(int size, float *a, float *b float *c) {
    155     #pragma acc kernels, copyin(a[0:n],b[0:n]), copyout(c[0:n])
    156     for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    157         c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
    158     }
    159 }
    160 ```
    162 ## Execution model
    163 ### Task queue & GigaThread engine
    164 Host: tasks for GPU pushed into queue ("default stream"), execute in order
    166 Device: GigaThread engine manages GPU workload, dispatches blocks to multiprocessors (SMs)
    167 - blocks divided into warps (groups of 32 threads)
    168 - per SM, warps submitted to warp schedulers, which issue instructions
    170 Scheduling: mapping and ordering application blocks on hardware resources
    172 Context switching: swapping state and data of blocks that replace each other
    174 Block scheduling:
    175 - one block runs on one SM, to completion without preemption
    176 - undefined block execution order, any should be valid
    177 - same application runs correctly on SMs with different numbers of cores (performance may differ)
    179 Warp scheduling:
    180 - blocks divided into warps ("wavefronts" in AMD)
    181 - threads in warp execute in lock-step
    182     - same operation in every cycle
    183 - warps mapped onto cores, concurrent warps per SM limited by hardware resources
    184 - undefined warp execution order
    185 - very fast context switching, stalled warps immediately replaced. no fairness guarantee
    186 - if all warps stalled, no instruction issued so performance lost
    187     - main reason is waiting on global memory
    188     - if need to read global memory often, maximize occupancy: active warps divided by max active warps
    189     - resources allocated for entire block
    190     - potential occupancy limiters: register usage, shared memory usage, block size
    191     - to figure out used resources, use compiler flags: `nvcc -Xptxas -v`
    192 - divergence:
    193     - when each thread does something different, worst case is 1/32 performance
    194     - depends on if branching is data or ID-dependent. if ID, consider changing grouping of threads. if data, consider sorting.
    195     - non-diverging warps have no performance penalty, so here branches are not expensive
    196     - best to avoid divergence at warp-level with logical operators, lazy decisions, etc.
    198 ## Memory spaces
    199 Multiple device memory scopes:
    200 - per-thread local memory
    201 - per-SM shared memory: each block has own shared memory, like explicit software cache, data accessible to all threads in same block
    202     - declared with e.g. `__shared__ float arr[128];`
    203     - not coherent, `__syncthreads()` required to make writes visible to other threads
    204     - good to use when caching pattern not regular, or when data reuse
    205 - device/global memory: GPU frame buffer, any thread can use
    206     - allocated and initialized by host program (`cudaMalloc()`, `cudaMemcpy()`)
    207     - persistent, values re retained between kernels
    208     - not coherent, writes by other threads might not be visible until kernel finishes
    209 - constant memory: fast memory for read-only data
    210     - defined as global variable: `__constant float speed_of_light = 0.299792458`, or initialize with `cudaMemcpyToSymbol`
    211     - read-only for GPU, cannot be accessed directly by host
    212 - texture memory: read-only, initialized with special constructs on CPU and used with special functions on GPU
    213 - registers store thread-local scalars/constant size arrays. stored in SM register file.
    215 Unified/managed memory
    216 - all processors see single coherent memory image with common address space
    217 - no explicit memory copy calls needed
    218 - performance issues with page faults, scheduling of copies, sync
    219 - behaviour is hardware-generation dependent
    221 avoid expensive data movement, keeping most operations on device including init.
    222 prefetch managed memory when needed.
    223 use explicit memory copies.
    225 Prefetching: move data to GPU prior to needing it
    227 Advise: establish location where data resides, only copy data on demand on non-residing device
    229 Host (CPU) manages device (GPU) memory, and copies it back and forth.
    231 Example with unified memory:
    233 ```c
    234 __global__ void AplusB(int *ret, int a, int b) {
    235     ret[threadIdx.x] = a + b + threadIdx.x;
    236 }
    238 int main() {
    239     int *ret, i;
    240     cudaMallocManaged(&ret, 1000 * sizeof(int));
    241     AplusB<<< 1, 1000 >>>(ret, 10, 100);
    242     cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    243     for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) printf("%d ", host_ret[i]);
    244     cudaFree(ret);
    245 }
    246 ```
    248 Example with explicit copies
    250 ```c
    251 __global__ void AplusB(int *ret, int a, int b) {
    252     ret[threadIdx.x] = a + b + threadIdx.x;
    253 }
    255 int main() {
    256     int *ret, i;
    257     cudaMalloc(&ret, 1000 * sizeof(int));
    258     AplusB<<< 1, 1000 >>>(ret, 10, 100);
    259     int *host_ret = malloc(1000 * sizeof(int));
    260     cudaMemcpy(host_ret, ret, 1000 * sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDefault);
    261     for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) printf("%d ", host_ret[i]);
    262     free(host_ret); cudaFree(ret);
    263 }
    264 ```
    266 Memory coalescing
    267 - combining multiple memory accesses into one transaction.
    268 - group memory accesses in as few memory transactions as possible.
    269 - stride 1 access patterns preferred.
    270 - structure of arrays is often better than array of structures.