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Euler_ edges matter.md (1932B)

      1 +++
      2 title = 'Euler: edges matter'
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      4 # Euler: edges matter
      5 mnemonic: Euler starts with E, so edges matter.
      7 Euler tour
      9 - traverses each edge exactly once, start=end
     10 - A connected graph has Euler tour iff all vertices have even degrees
     11 - Fleury’s algorithm for Euler tour:
     13     1. Trail P consists of single vertex u
     14     2. While E(P) ≠ E(G) do:
     15         1. Let v be last vertex added to P
     16         2. choose an edge <v,w> in (G-E(P)).
     18             - <v,w> is only allowed to be a cut edge if there is no other option.
     20         3. add it to P
     22 - Hierholzer’s algorithm for Euler tour
     23     - First, find a closed trail from some vertex
     24     - for each vertex *u* that has adjacent edges that are not part of the trail, find a closed trail on that vertex (starting and ending in *u*), then add the trail to the tour
     25     - [surreal video explaining this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3k5_oooad8U)
     27 Euler trail
     29 - traverses each edge exactly once, but is open
     30 - connected graph G has Euler trail iff it has exactly 2 vertices of odd degree
     32 Chinese postman problem (also, Bridges of Konigsberg)
     34 - problem:
     35     - in weighted graph, each edge has real-valued weight
     36     - all edges are passed at least once, total travelled dist is minimal
     37     - find closed walk of minimal length
     38 - Solution:
     39     - let G be connected, weighted graph
     40     - Let v1, …, v2k be odd degree vertices in G
     41     - Algorithm:
     43         1. For each pair of distinct odd-degree vertices vi and vj, find minimum-weight path Pij
     45         2. Construct weighted complete graph on 2k vertices in which vertex vi and vj are joined by an edge having weight w(Pij)
     47         3. Find set E of k edges {e1, …, ek} such that:
     49             - the sum of their weights is minimal
     50             - no two edges are incident on same vertex
     52         4. For each edge e ∈ E, with e=<vi, vj>, duplicate edges of Pi,j in graph G
     54         5. Find Euler tour in resulting graph