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Digraphs & orientations.md (1395B)

      1 +++
      2 title = 'Digraphs & orientations'
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      4 # Digraphs & orientations
      5 Directed graphs:
      7 - to convert graph to digraph, represent each edge with two equally weighted arcs
      8 - digraph D consists of sets V(D) vertices and A(D) arcs
      9 - arc \<u,v> joins vertex u (tail) to head v
     10 - has indegree and outdegree, where the sum of all outdegrees is the same as the sum of all indegrees, which equals the number of arcs in D.
     11 - adjacency matrix is not symmetric
     12 - strict if ∀ u,v: (A[u,v]) ≤ 1 and A(u,u)=0
     13     - in english: no duplicate edges between vertices, no loops
     15 Connectivity with digraphs:
     17 - strongly connected: there is a directed path "there and back" between any two vertices
     18 - weakly connected: the underlying graph is connected (i.e. if all edges were made undirected, the graph would be connected)
     19 - strongly connected digraphs form strongly connected components
     20 - vertex v is reachable from u if there is a path (u,v)
     21 - algorithm for reachability:
     22     - Rt(u) is the set of reachable vertices from u, found after t steps.
     23     - steps:
     25         1. Set t ← 0 and R0(u) ← {u}
     26         2. Construct set Rt+1(u) ← Rt(u) Uv ∈ Rt(u) Nout(v)
     28         3. If Rt+1(u) = Rt(u), stop: R(u) ← Rt(u). Else, increment t and repeat step 2.
     30 Orientations
     32 - orientation of a simple graph is a digraph where you give every edge a direction
     33 - there is strongly connected orientation iff λ(G) ≥ 2