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Connectivity.md (2227B)

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      2 title = 'Connectivity'
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      5 # Connectivity
      7 - vertices u,v are connected if there is a (u,v) path between them
      8 - graph is connected if all pairs of vertices are connected
      9 - graph is k-connected if κ(G) ≥ k
     10 - graph is k-edge-connected if λ(G) ≥ k
     11 - graph is optimally connected if λ(G) = κ(G) = min { δ(v) | v ∈ V(G) }
     12 - a component of G is a connected subgraph that isn’t contained in another connected subgraph of G
     14 Vertex & edge cuts
     16 - V* ⊂ V(G) is vertex cut if removing vertices V* disconnects the graph
     17 - E* ⊂ E(G) is edge cut if removing edges E* disconnects the graph
     18 - κ(G) is size of minimal vertex cut for G — the amount of vertices needed to disconnect G
     19 - λ(G) is size of minimal edge cut for G — the amount of edges needed to disconnect G
     20 - $\kappa_{G} \leq \lambda (G) \leq \min_{v \in V(G)} {\delta (v)}$
     21     - in english, min vertex cut ≤ min edge cut ≤ smallest degree in graph
     23 Menger’s theorem:
     25 - Let G be a connected graph, with u and v two non-adjacent vertices.
     26 - formal: “The minimum size of a vertex cut disconnecting nonadjacent vertices u ≠ v equals the maximum size of a vertex-independent set P(u,v). The minimum size of an edge cut disconnecting vertices u ≠ v equals the maximum size of an edge-independent set P(u,v)."
     27 - in english: the min number of vertices you need to remove to split vertices u and v into different components of the graph == the max number of paths from u to v that don’t share vertices. same shit for edges.
     28 - [This is a good video explanation.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUAeleBMRCQ)
     30 Harary graphs:
     32 - k-connected graphs, of the form Hk,n
     33 - forming a harary graph Hk,n:
     34     - place n vertices around a circle
     35     - if k is even — make each vertex adjacent to k/2 neighbours in each direction around circle
     36     - if k is odd and n is even — make each vertex adjacent to (k-1)/2 neighbours in each direction, and diametrically opposite vertex
     37     - if k is odd and n is odd — make each vertex adjacent to (k-1)/2. then index nodes by integers mod n, and connect node to integer+(n-1)/2 for 0≤integer≤(n-1)/2
     38         - yes, one node will have an even degree — the one labelled (n-1)/2