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modal-logic.wiki (2066B)

      1 %template math
      2 == Modal logic ==
      3 modal logic allows reasoning about dynamics -- futures, knowledge, beliefs, etc.
      5 modalities (unary connectives):
      6   * □ (box): sure, always, has to be, knows, guaranteed (kinda like ∀)
      7   * ◇ (diamond): possibly, sometimes, maybe, believes is possible, possible result (kinda like ∃)
      9 Kripke model `M = (W, R, L)` consists of:
     10   * W worlds
     11   * R accessibility relation
     12   * L labeling function: which propositional letters are true in which world (`w ⊩ p ↔ p ∈ L(w)`)
     14 Kripke models define truth _per world_.
     16 {{local:../img/kripke-model-and-graph.png|Kripke model and graph}}
     18 === Truth in worlds ===
     19 `M, w ⊩ Φ` means formula Φ is true in world w of Kripke model M.
     21 ◇ Φ is true in world w if there exists a world w' such that R(w, w') and Φ is true in w'.
     23 □ Φ is true in world w if Φ is true in all worlds w' with R(w, w'). special case when world has no outgoing edge, ◇ Φ never holds and □ Φ always holds.
     25 === Truth in Kripke models ===
     26 Φ is true in Kripke model `M = (W, R, L)` (i.e. M ⊨ Φ), iff x ⊩ Φ for every world x ∈ W.
     28 all propositional tautologies also hold in modal logic.
     30 === Semantic implication/entailment ===
     31 M,w ⊨ ψ in every world w in every Kripke model where M,w ⊨ Φ₁, ..., M,w ⊨ Φn.
     33 modal validity: ⊨ ψ if in every world w in ever Kripke model M holds M,w ⊨ ψ.
     35 modal logical equivalence: `Φ ≡ ψ` if `M,w ⊨ Φ ↔ M,w ⊨ ψ`. in other words, Φ ≡ ψ ↔ Φ ⊨ ψ and ψ ⊨ Φ.
     37 === Frames ===
     38 frame: Kripke model without labeling. `F = (W,R)`, W worlds, R accessibility relation
     40 Φ is valid in frame F (i.e. F ⊨ Φ) if for _every_ labeling L, Kripke model M = (W,R,L) makes Φ true.
     42 Correspondence of formulas and frame properties
     43   * reflexive:
     44     * F ⊨ □ p → p
     45     * F ⊨ p → ◇ p
     46   * symmetric:
     47     * F ⊨ q → □ ◇ q
     48     * F ⊨ ◇ □ p → p
     49   * transitive:
     50     * F ⊨ □ p → □ □ p
     51     * F ⊨ ◇ ◇ p → ◇ p
     52   * serial:
     53     * F ⊨ ◇ T
     54     * F ⊨ □ p → ◇ p
     55   * functional: □ p ↔ ◇ p