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solution-sets-of-linear-systems.md (2049B)

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      2 title = 'Solution sets of linear systems'
      3 template = 'page-math.html'
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      6 # Solution sets of linear systems
      7 ## Homogeneous linear systems
      8 homogeneous: if you can write it in $Ax = 0$ where A is an $m \times n$ matrix and 0 is the zero vector in $\Re^m$
      9 * always has at least one solution (the trivial solution, $x = 0$).
     10 * has a nontrivial solution iff there is a free variable
     11     * if the equation has only one free variable, the solution is a line through the origin
     12     * when there are two or more free variables, it's a line through the origin
     13 * solution set is $\text{Span} \{v_1, \ldots, v_p\}$ for suitable vectors
     15 ## Parametric vector form
     16 implicit description:
     17 * a simple equation
     18 * e.g. $10x_1 - 3x_2 - 2x_3 = 0$
     20 explicit description (parametric vector form):
     21 * the solution to the equation as a set spanned by u and v
     22 * of the form $x = su + tv$, with $s,t \in \Re$
     24 the solution set of $Ax = 0$ is $x = tv$ with $t \in \Re$.
     26 if $Ax = b$ has a solution, then you get the solution set by translating the solution set of $Ax = 0$ using any particular solution p of $Ax = b$. The set is then $x = p + tv$
     28 Writing a solution set in parametric vector form:
     29 1. Row reduce augmented matrix to echelon form
     30 2. Express each basic variable in terms of any free variables.
     31 3. Write a typical solution x as a vector, with entries depending on the (potential) free variables.
     32 4. Decompose x into a linear combination of vectors using free vars as parameters.
     34 ## Linear independence
     36 linearly independent:
     37 * set of vector equations: iff the vector equation has only the trivial solution ($x_1 = x_2 = x_3 = 0$)
     38 * columns of matrix: iff $Ax = 0$ has _only_ the trivial solution
     39 * one vector: iff v is not the zero vector
     40 * two vectors: if neither of the vectors is a multiple of the other
     42 linearly dependent:
     43 * iff at least one of the vectors is a linear combination of the others
     44 * if there are more vectors than entries in each vector
     45 * if the set contains the zero vector
     47 a set is linearly dependent iff it's not linearly independent.