1 +++ 2 title = "State Space Representations Intro" 3 +++ 4 # State Space Representations Intro 5 * real world is complex, state space must be _abstracted_ for problem solving 6 * abstract states map to sets of real states 7 * abstract action maps to combination of real actions 8 * abstract solution = set of real paths that are solutions in real world 9 * there may be multiple different state space representations 10 11 Problem-solving agent uses this representation: 12 1. what are actions to move between states? 13 2. what are appropriate states & initial states? 14 3. what is the cost of an action? 15 4. goal: what are the successful world states? 16 5. search: determine possible sequences of actions leading to goal, choose 'best' sequence 17 6. execute: give solution, perform actions 18 19 State space representation (example - vacuum cleaner): 20 * start with real-life problem 21 * formulate abstract problem (states, actions) 22 * formulate concrete (clean house) & algorithmic goal (be in state 7 and 8) 23 * find solution (sequence of actions to get to state 7 or 8) 24 * execute plan (clean house according to abstract solution) 25