1 = Machine Learning = 2 3 design of a learning element is affected by: 4 * which components of performance element are to be learned 5 * what feedback is available to learn these components 6 * what representation is used for the components 7 8 offline learning: learn based on some data, then apply results to situation 9 10 feedback types (get input, make decision, learn based on feedback): 11 * supervised learning: correct answers for each example. 12 * only positive examples 13 * positive and negative examples 14 * unsupervised learning: no correct answers given 15 * semi-supervised learning: learn which questions to ask (active learning) 16 * reinforcement learning: occasional rewards 17 18 {{file:img/neurons-vs-nn.png}} 19 20 == Learning problems == 21 22 Classification 23 * use: from data to discrete classes. 24 * examples: handwriting recognition, spam filtering, facial recognition. 25 26 Regression 27 * use: predicting a numeric value 28 * examples: stock market, weather predictions 29 30 Ranking 31 * use: comparing items 32 * examples: web search 33 34 Collaborative filtering 35 * use: take some else's information, based on that, give prediction 36 * examples: recommendation systems (books, movies/shows) 37 38 Clustering 39 * use: discovering structure/patterns in data 40 * examples: clustering images 41 42 == Methodology == 43 === Data === 44 labeled instances (like spam, not spam) 45 * training set 46 * held out set (e.g. for validation) 47 * test set (don't even look at this until you want to test your model) 48 49 randomly allocate to data sets. 50 51 features: attribute-value pairs characterizing each x 52 53 === Experimentation === 54 experimentation cycle: 55 1. select hypothesis, tune hyperparameters on held-out/validation set 56 2. compute accuracy of test set (never "peek" at test set itself) 57 58 === Evaluation === 59 accuracy -- fraction of instances predicted correctly 60 61 Cross validation: 62 63 {{file:img/cross-validation.png|Cross validation diagram}} 64 65 create a confusion matrix (TODO: there's a diagram for this but not in the old slides) 66 67 == Machine Learning Steps: == 68 1. choose the features 69 2. choose the model class 70 3. choose a search method 71 72 === Choose the features === 73 create a feature space: features on x-y axes, points are individual data, classification would be a color scheme. 74 75 {{file:img/feature-space.png|Feature space graph}} 76 77 78 ==== Inductive learning method ==== 79 * construct/adjust h to agree with f (function predicting value) on training set 80 * h is consistent if it agrees with f on all examples 81 * for example, curve fitting: 82 83 {{file:img/curve-fitting.png|Curve fitting graph}} 84 85 Occam's razor: "one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything" 86 basically, choose the simplest option. 87 88 ==== Classifying with naive Bayes ==== 89 90 Binary classification 91 * input: email 92 * output: spam, not spam 93 * setup: 94 * get large collection of example emails, labeled "spam/not spam" 95 * someone has to hand-label that 96 * want to learn to predict label for new emails in future 97 * features: attributes used to make label decision 98 * words, text patterns (e.g. caps), non-text 99 100 calculation for Bayesian classifier: $P(C|F_1,...,F_n)$ 101 102 using Bayes' theorem: 103 104 $P(C|F_1,...F_n)=\frac{P(C)P(F_1,...,F_n|C)}{P(F_1,...,F_n)}$ 105 106 rewrite the numerator of the equation: 107 108 $P(C)P(F_1,...,F_n |C) = P(C)P(F_1 | C)P(F_2 | C, F_1)P(F_3|C, F_1, F_2)P(F_4,...,F_n | C, F_1, F_2, F_3)$ 109 110 that uses the chaining rule. but it's too computationally expensive. 111 so naively assume conditional independence: 112 113 $P(F_i | C, F_j) = P(F_i | C)$ 114 115 This simplifies the formula to: 116 117 $P(C)P(F_1,...,F_n | C) = P(C) PI(0 to n) P(F_i | C)$ 118 119 {{file:img/bayes-calculation.png}} 120 121 Laplace smoothing helps with really small probabilities. 122 Naive Bayes often works. sometimes performs well even if the assumptions are badly violated. 123 classification is about predicting correct class label, _not_ about accurately estimating probabilities 124 125 ==== Clustering with K-nearest neighbor ==== 126 k nearest neighbor classification: find k most similar case, copy majority label 127 128 e.g. to classify unlabeled document, find most similar document and copy label: 129 130 {{file:img/knn.png|K-nearest neighbor example}} 131 132 the _k_ helps get rid of noise which would lead to misclassification 133 134 ==== Linear classifier ==== 135 linear classifier: come up with a line that divides feature space, use that for prediction. 136 137 works for stuff like $x \lor y$, but not if we want $x \oplus y$ or other things that are not linearly separable. 138 139 you can build a design matrix of all the different features you want to include. here's an example with 5 different features *age, height, age², age × height, height²) that classifies a person as male/female: 140 141 {{file:img/design-matrix.png|Design matrix}} 142 143 if you go to more dimensions (so more features in a design matrix), you need hyperplanes. 144 145 hyperplanes sound fancy af but it's just a line in some higher dimension. for example, this is how you would use a hyperplane in the third dimension to separate points: 146 147 {{file:img/3d-hyperplane.png|3D hyperplane example}} 148 149 ==== Support vector machine ==== 150 k(x,y): "distance" function between instances x and y 151 152 SVMs create a linear separating hyperplane 153 154 they can embed that hyperplane into a higher dimensional domain using the kernel trick -- so long as _k_ is a kernel, you don't have to explicitly compute the design matrix (that drastically reduces the computation) 155 156 try to achieve a good margin -- a large separation from the line for both classes (so reduce the blur between two classes, make a clear distinction). 157 158 watch out for over-fitting -- you might end up with the model being trained extremely specifically to your data. 159 160 === Choose the model (model search) === 161 162 so we have a lot of ways to put a line on a graph. but how do you choose the right one? 163 164 ==== Regression ==== 165 train a learner to produce a model (the model is the line/hyperplane). then you give the model a new instance, and it produces a new value based on a function. 166 167 assign a value for each of the points in the feature space. 168 169 evaluating regression -- what's a good model for a regression? 170 171 you use an error function (the difference between predicted and real values, square to avoid negatives): 172 173 $error(p) = \sum_i (f_p (x_i) - y_i)^2$ 174 175 {{file:img/error-graph.png|Error graph}} 176 177 in this example, each of the possible lines is represented by two parameters (s the slope, b the y-intercept), in the left graph. those parameters can be plotted on 2D axes, on the right graph. 178 179 {{file:img/feature-model-space.png|Feature and model space}} 180 181 Then you can take those points in the right graph, and plot their respective error rates (from the error function above) on the z axis, so you end up with a 3D graph -- an error surface: 182 183 {{file:img/error-surface.png|Error surface}} 184 185 now the point is to find the one with the lowest error (the lowest point in the surface, colored green). and that's what calculus is for, specifically differentiation. 186 187 if you've never done calculus, it's not easy to explain, but basically taking the derivative means you're looking for the slope of a certain function at some point in that function. if you set the derivative to zero, you're looking for the point where the slope is zero -- specifically the minimum or maximum of a function. 188 189 quick example: if you have a function $y = x^2 + 2$, there's a minimum at x = 0. you may know that by intuition, but you can also take the first derivative ($y' = 2x$), set $y'$ equal to zero, and solve for x -- you'll get the same result. it's trivial with a simple function, but once you get into cubic and quartic functions, you can't really do it by intuition.. 190 191 so a derivative $f'(x)$ of a function $f(x)$ gives the slope of $f(x)$ at any point in the domain (where $f(x)$ has a value $y$). 192 193 the rules for taking derivatives (don't need to memorize these, they will be provided on the exam): 194 195 {{file:img/derivative-rules.png|Derivative rules}} 196 197 the problems: 198 * not all derivatives that we find can be resolved to zero 199 * and we also have to consider that this can be in higher dimensions 200 201 ==== Gradient descent ==== 202 you use a variant of the hill climbing algorithm 203 204 the steps: 205 1. pick random parameters s (slope), b (intercept) 206 2. repeat: 207 1. compute the gradient 208 2. move a small step in the opposite direction 209 210 but there may be multiple zero points -- local optima. there's no guarantee of convergence. 211 212 == Neural Networks == 213 === Overview === 214 the difference between original machine learning and deep learning: 215 216 {{file:img/ml-vs-dl.png}} 217 218 the original perceptron: 219 * binary classifier 220 * bias node, always set to 1 221 * n inputs for each feature, with weights 222 * $y=w_1 x_1 _ w_2 x_2 + b$ 223 224 but chaining doesn't make it more interesting, the function collapses to a linear one 225 226 {{file:img/perceptron.png}} 227 228 So introduce an activation function instead of using a standard linear calculation. This puts the values in a certain range, and now the diagram looks like this: 229 230 {{file:img/activation-functions.png}} 231 232 Then you can build a feed-forward network with hidden layers between input and output: 233 234 {{file:img/feedforward.png}} 235 236 237 === Training neural networks === 238 Loss function determines how close a given network is to being correct for an input. 239 If you plot neural networks on x-y, and the amount of loss on z axis, you end up with a loss surface. Then you want to find a point in that surface where the loss is the lowest. 240 241 {{file:img/loss-plot.png}} 242 {{file:img/loss-surface.png}} 243 244 You can find the low point in the error surface with gradient descent (differentiation). 245 246 Stochastic gradient descent: 247 1. pick random weights w 248 2. loop: 249 * $w = w - r \triangledown loss (w)$ 250 251 where r is the learning rate. make sure to pick a good learning rate because if it's too high (like 0.1), it will be inaccurate, while if it's too low, it will take a long time. 252 253 so in summary: 254 * get examples of input and output 255 * get a loss function 256 * work out the gradient of loss with respect to the weights 257 * use (stochastic) gradient descent to slowly improve the weights 258 259 how do you calculate the gradient for complex data? 260 * symbolically? too computationally expensive 261 * numerically? too unstable, also expensive 262 * so settle for a middle ground -- backpropagation 263 264 backpropagation: if the system is a composition of modules, the gradient is the product of the gradient of each module with respect to its arguments 265 * break computation down into chain of modules 266 * work out derivative of each module with respect to its input (_symbolically_) 267 * compute the gradient for a given input by multiplying these gradients for the current input 268 269 {{file:img/backpropagation.png}} 270 271 for a given input x, you do a forward pass (calculating the value for each part), then fill in into final calculation. 272 273 so like this, with x = 0: 274 275 {{file:img/backpropagation-calculation.png}} 276 277 neural networks are just a way of thinking about differentiable computation. 278 279 === Autoencoders: a NN architecture === 280 bottleneck architecture: 281 282 {{file:img/autoencoder-architecture.png}} 283 284 input should be as close as possible to the output. but it must pass through a small representation 285 286 autoencoders map data to a _latent representation_ 287 288 === Trying it out === 289 * code: 290 * setup: 291 292 == The promise of depth == 293 if you have many dimensions, the gradient isn't as easy to detect anymore. there's a huge number of parameters. 294 295 solutions: 296 * Pretraining (no pre-classification by humans) 297 * train the network on itself in hidden layers 298 * similar to the autoencoder idea 299 * you can then stack the autoencoders (hidden layers) 300 301 {{file:img/pretraining.png|Pretraining}} 302 303 * Pruning the network 304 * convolutional neural network: combine multiple input nodes into one node of a hidden layer