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<ul> 49 <li> 50 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Uninformed search strategies">Uninformed search strategies</a> 51 52 <ul> 53 <li> 54 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Uninformed search strategies-Breadth-first (BF) search">Breadth-first (BF) search</a> 55 56 <li> 57 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Uninformed search strategies-Depth-first (DF) search">Depth-first (DF) search</a> 58 59 <li> 60 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Uninformed search strategies-Depth-limited search">Depth-limited search</a> 61 62 <li> 63 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Uninformed search strategies-Iterative deepening search">Iterative deepening search</a> 64 65 </ul> 66 <li> 67 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Informed search (heuristics)">Informed search (heuristics)</a> 68 69 <ul> 70 <li> 71 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Informed search (heuristics)-A Search">A Search</a> 72 73 <li> 74 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Informed search (heuristics)-A* Search">A* Search</a> 75 76 </ul> 77 <li> 78 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Adversarial search">Adversarial search</a> 79 80 <ul> 81 <li> 82 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Adversarial search-Minimax">Minimax</a> 83 84 <ul> 85 <li> 86 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Adversarial search-Minimax-Setup">Setup</a> 87 88 <li> 89 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Adversarial search-Minimax-Optimal strategies">Optimal strategies</a> 90 91 <li> 92 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Adversarial search-Minimax-Evaluation">Evaluation</a> 93 94 </ul> 95 <li> 96 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Adversarial search-Reducing problems of complexity with Minimax">Reducing problems of complexity with Minimax</a> 97 98 <ul> 99 <li> 100 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Adversarial search-Reducing problems of complexity with Minimax-Cutting off search:">Cutting off search:</a> 101 102 <li> 103 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Adversarial search-Reducing problems of complexity with Minimax-Alpha-Beta pruning (efficient Minimax)">Alpha-Beta pruning (efficient Minimax)</a> 104 105 </ul> 106 <li> 107 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Adversarial search-Search with no or partial information">Search with no or partial information</a> 108 109 <ul> 110 <li> 111 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Adversarial search-Search with no or partial information-Perfect information Monte Carlo sampling (rdeep)">Perfect information Monte Carlo sampling (rdeep)</a> 112 113 </ul> 114 <li> 115 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Adversarial search-Games with chance">Games with chance</a> 116 117 </ul> 118 <li> 119 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Summary (Schnapsen)">Summary (Schnapsen)</a> 120 121 <li> 122 <a href="state-space-search.html#State space search-Search direction">Search direction</a> 123 124 </ul> 125 <li> 126 <a href="rational-agents.html#Rational agents">Rational agents</a> 127 128 <ul> 129 <li> 130 <a href="rational-agents.html#Rational agents-Agents">Agents</a> 131 132 <li> 133 <a href="rational-agents.html#Rational agents-Rationality">Rationality</a> 134 135 <li> 136 <a href="rational-agents.html#Rational agents-Task environments">Task environments</a> 137 138 <li> 139 <a href="rational-agents.html#Rational agents-Agent types">Agent types</a> 140 141 <ul> 142 <li> 143 <a href="rational-agents.html#Rational agents-Agent types-Simple Reflex">Simple Reflex</a> 144 145 <li> 146 <a href="rational-agents.html#Rational agents-Agent types-Reflex & State">Reflex & State</a> 147 148 <li> 149 <a href="rational-agents.html#Rational agents-Agent types-Goal-Based">Goal-Based</a> 150 151 <li> 152 <a href="rational-agents.html#Rational agents-Agent types-Learning">Learning</a> 153 154 </ul> 155 </ul> 156 <li> 157 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents">Logical agents</a> 158 159 <ul> 160 <li> 161 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-What is logic">What is logic</a> 162 163 <li> 164 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax">Syntax</a> 165 166 <ul> 167 <li> 168 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-Propositional logic (PL)">Propositional logic (PL)</a> 169 170 <li> 171 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-First order logic (FOL)">First order logic (FOL)</a> 172 173 <ul> 174 <li> 175 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-First order logic (FOL)-Basic elements:">Basic elements:</a> 176 177 <li> 178 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-First order logic (FOL)-Sentences">Sentences</a> 179 180 <li> 181 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-First order logic (FOL)-Quantification">Quantification</a> 182 183 <ul> 184 <li> 185 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-First order logic (FOL)-Quantification-Universal quantification">Universal quantification</a> 186 187 <li> 188 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-First order logic (FOL)-Quantification-Existential quantification">Existential quantification</a> 189 190 <li> 191 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-First order logic (FOL)-Quantification-Quantifier Duality">Quantifier Duality</a> 192 193 </ul> 194 <li> 195 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-First order logic (FOL)-Decidability vs undecidability">Decidability vs undecidability</a> 196 197 <li> 198 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-First order logic (FOL)-Knowledge engineering in FOL">Knowledge engineering in FOL</a> 199 200 </ul> 201 <li> 202 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-Choice of formalisms">Choice of formalisms</a> 203 204 <li> 205 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-Propositionalising FOL">Propositionalising FOL</a> 206 207 <ul> 208 <li> 209 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-Propositionalising FOL-Reduction to propositional inference">Reduction to propositional inference</a> 210 211 <li> 212 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-Propositionalising FOL-Universal instantiation (UI):">Universal instantiation (UI):</a> 213 214 <li> 215 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-Propositionalising FOL-Existential instantiation (EI):">Existential instantiation (EI):</a> 216 217 <li> 218 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-Propositionalising FOL-Applying in Schnapsen - Strategies (examples)">Applying in Schnapsen - Strategies (examples)</a> 219 220 <ul> 221 <li> 222 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-Propositionalising FOL-Applying in Schnapsen - Strategies (examples)-Play Jack">Play Jack</a> 223 224 <li> 225 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-Propositionalising FOL-Applying in Schnapsen - Strategies (examples)-Play cheap">Play cheap</a> 226 227 <li> 228 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Syntax-Propositionalising FOL-Applying in Schnapsen - Strategies (examples)-Play trump marriage">Play trump marriage</a> 229 230 </ul> 231 </ul> 232 </ul> 233 <li> 234 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Semantics">Semantics</a> 235 236 <ul> 237 <li> 238 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Semantics-Interpretations & Models">Interpretations & Models</a> 239 240 <li> 241 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Semantics-Entailment">Entailment</a> 242 243 <li> 244 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Semantics-Truth">Truth</a> 245 246 <li> 247 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Semantics-Validity">Validity</a> 248 249 <li> 250 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Semantics-Satisfiability">Satisfiability</a> 251 252 </ul> 253 <li> 254 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Calculus (algorithms for inference)">Calculus (algorithms for inference)</a> 255 256 <ul> 257 <li> 258 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Calculus (algorithms for inference)-Properties of inference">Properties of inference</a> 259 260 <li> 261 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Calculus (algorithms for inference)-Proof methods">Proof methods</a> 262 263 <ul> 264 <li> 265 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Calculus (algorithms for inference)-Proof methods-Model checking & search">Model checking & search</a> 266 267 <ul> 268 <li> 269 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Calculus (algorithms for inference)-Proof methods-Model checking & search-Truth Tables for inference">Truth Tables for inference</a> 270 271 <li> 272 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Calculus (algorithms for inference)-Proof methods-Model checking & search-Effective proofs by model checking">Effective proofs by model checking</a> 273 274 <li> 275 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Calculus (algorithms for inference)-Proof methods-Model checking & search-Clause Normal Form (CNF)">Clause Normal Form (CNF)</a> 276 277 <li> 278 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Calculus (algorithms for inference)-Proof methods-Model checking & search-DPLL algorithm">DPLL algorithm</a> 279 280 <ul> 281 <li> 282 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Calculus (algorithms for inference)-Proof methods-Model checking & search-DPLL algorithm-Heuristic search in DPLL">Heuristic search in DPLL</a> 283 284 </ul> 285 <li> 286 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Calculus (algorithms for inference)-Proof methods-Model checking & search-Satisfiability modulo theory">Satisfiability modulo theory</a> 287 288 </ul> 289 <li> 290 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Calculus (algorithms for inference)-Proof methods-Rule-based reasoning">Rule-based reasoning</a> 291 292 <ul> 293 <li> 294 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Calculus (algorithms for inference)-Proof methods-Rule-based reasoning-Inference rules">Inference rules</a> 295 296 <li> 297 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Calculus (algorithms for inference)-Proof methods-Rule-based reasoning-Searching for proofs">Searching for proofs</a> 298 299 <li> 300 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Calculus (algorithms for inference)-Proof methods-Rule-based reasoning-Forward and backward chaining">Forward and backward chaining</a> 301 302 <li> 303 <a href="logical-agents.html#Logical agents-Calculus (algorithms for inference)-Proof methods-Rule-based reasoning-Resolution">Resolution</a> 304 305 </ul> 306 </ul> 307 </ul> 308 </ul> 309 <li> 310 <a href="probability-uncertainty.html#Probability and Uncertainty">Probability and Uncertainty</a> 311 312 <ul> 313 <li> 314 <a href="probability-uncertainty.html#Probability and Uncertainty-Vagueness: Fuzzy Set Theory">Vagueness: Fuzzy Set Theory</a> 315 316 <ul> 317 <li> 318 <a href="probability-uncertainty.html#Probability and Uncertainty-Vagueness: Fuzzy Set Theory-Fuzzy sets">Fuzzy sets</a> 319 320 <li> 321 <a href="probability-uncertainty.html#Probability and Uncertainty-Vagueness: Fuzzy Set Theory-Fuzzy relations">Fuzzy relations</a> 322 323 <li> 324 <a href="probability-uncertainty.html#Probability and Uncertainty-Vagueness: Fuzzy Set Theory-Evaluation">Evaluation</a> 325 326 </ul> 327 <li> 328 <a href="probability-uncertainty.html#Probability and Uncertainty-Uncertainties: Probability Theory">Uncertainties: Probability Theory</a> 329 330 <ul> 331 <li> 332 <a href="probability-uncertainty.html#Probability and Uncertainty-Uncertainties: Probability Theory-General">General</a> 333 334 <li> 335 <a href="probability-uncertainty.html#Probability and Uncertainty-Uncertainties: Probability Theory-Axioms of probability">Axioms of probability</a> 336 337 <li> 338 <a href="probability-uncertainty.html#Probability and Uncertainty-Uncertainties: Probability Theory-Joint probability distributions">Joint probability distributions</a> 339 340 <li> 341 <a href="probability-uncertainty.html#Probability and Uncertainty-Uncertainties: Probability Theory-Bayesian networks">Bayesian networks</a> 342 343 <li> 344 <a href="probability-uncertainty.html#Probability and Uncertainty-Uncertainties: Probability Theory-Evaluation of probabilities">Evaluation of probabilities</a> 345 346 </ul> 347 </ul> 348 <li> 349 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning">Machine Learning</a> 350 351 <ul> 352 <li> 353 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Learning problems">Learning problems</a> 354 355 <li> 356 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Methodology">Methodology</a> 357 358 <ul> 359 <li> 360 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Methodology-Data">Data</a> 361 362 <li> 363 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Methodology-Experimentation">Experimentation</a> 364 365 <li> 366 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Methodology-Evaluation">Evaluation</a> 367 368 </ul> 369 <li> 370 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Machine Learning Steps:">Machine Learning Steps:</a> 371 372 <ul> 373 <li> 374 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Machine Learning Steps:-Choose the features">Choose the features</a> 375 376 <ul> 377 <li> 378 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Machine Learning Steps:-Choose the features-Inductive learning method">Inductive learning method</a> 379 380 <li> 381 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Machine Learning Steps:-Choose the features-Classifying with naive Bayes">Classifying with naive Bayes</a> 382 383 <li> 384 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Machine Learning Steps:-Choose the features-Clustering with K-nearest neighbor">Clustering with K-nearest neighbor</a> 385 386 <li> 387 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Machine Learning Steps:-Choose the features-Linear classifier">Linear classifier</a> 388 389 <li> 390 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Machine Learning Steps:-Choose the features-Support vector machine">Support vector machine</a> 391 392 </ul> 393 <li> 394 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Machine Learning Steps:-Choose the model (model search)">Choose the model (model search)</a> 395 396 <ul> 397 <li> 398 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Machine Learning Steps:-Choose the model (model search)-Regression">Regression</a> 399 400 <li> 401 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Machine Learning Steps:-Choose the model (model search)-Gradient descent">Gradient descent</a> 402 403 </ul> 404 </ul> 405 <li> 406 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Neural Networks">Neural Networks</a> 407 408 <ul> 409 <li> 410 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Neural Networks-Overview">Overview</a> 411 412 <li> 413 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Neural Networks-Training neural networks">Training neural networks</a> 414 415 <li> 416 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Neural Networks-Autoencoders: a NN architecture">Autoencoders: a NN architecture</a> 417 418 <li> 419 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-Neural Networks-Trying it out">Trying it out</a> 420 421 </ul> 422 <li> 423 <a href="machine-learning.html#Machine Learning-The promise of depth">The promise of depth</a> 424 425 </ul> 426 <li> 427 <a href="ethics.html#Ethics of AI">Ethics of AI</a> 428 429 <ul> 430 <li> 431 <a href="ethics.html#Ethics of AI-Sci-fi ethics (problems down the road)">Sci-fi ethics (problems down the road)</a> 432 433 <li> 434 <a href="ethics.html#Ethics of AI-Today's problems">Today's problems</a> 435 436 </ul> 437 <li> 438 <a href="philosophy.html#Philosophy of AI">Philosophy of AI</a> 439 440 </ul> 441 442 </body> 443 </html>