Lecture 7.md (1063B)
1 +++ 2 title = "Lecture 7" 3 +++ 4 # Lecture 7 5 6 ## Digital culture 7 8 originally, there was an information society. shifts towards a knowledge society. 9 10 in 1980s, online library catalogues started popping up 11 12 desktop publishing: you can use a text editor to publish whatever you want without having to go through publisher, printing, and whatever else 13 14 digital art 15 Derksen and online meetings 16 17 knowledge society in the 1990s: people who know how to use net, they could be smart and get away 18 19 changed movies with motion graphics — Jurassic Park, The Matrix. couldn’t exist without a computer 20 21 Risk society in at the end of the 1990s 22 23 - politicised (even more so after 9/11) 24 - rise of big data, risks coming with it, new thoughts about privacy 25 - have to assess what’s happening and how we might control what goes wrong 26 - Project X where you post about a party in a little village and half the world turns up 27 28 Saskia Stuiveling 29 30 - president of Dutch Court of audit 31 - transparency in spending of gov money & NGO budgets, open data 32 - focused a lot on openness and spendin