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personas-scenarios-and-use-cases.md (4432B)

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      2 title = 'Personas, Scenarios, and use cases'
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      5 ## Personas, Scenarios, and use cases
      6 ### Goal directed design
      7 Design activity that links requirements to implementation (what do you need, why? what are you solving?)
      9 Generally, you have marketers, decision makers, and developers making decisions, and the result is shit.
     10 What's missing is the user's perspective: goals, actions, motivations, responses, and the context (how it fits into the user's wider activities)
     12 Design interactions - mental models
     13 The user's mental model is not the implementation model, the user has to adapt to understand the implementation.
     14 It's better if design model is good fit for user model (unless it hides important features)
     16 Steps in design process:
     17 * Research users: observation, interview, etc
     18 * Discover non-user goals (business, technical, whatever else)
     19 * Develop personas
     20 * Use personas in scenarios to establish design requirements
     21 * Find the functional requirements - use cases
     23 Users react to a product on 3 levels:
     24 * Visceral - the user's _immediate_ reaction before even using the product, should trigger emotional responses that are appropriate
     25 * Behavioural - we need design that fits where the user currently is with knowledge, assumptions, and mental models
     26 * Reflective - integrating product and its values into wider life, and if done well, you get brand loyalty
     28 User goals:
     29 * Experience: how the user wants to feel (visceral)
     30 * End goals: what the user wants to do
     31 * Life goals: who the user wants to be
     33 Non-user goals:
     34 * Customer goals (the customer is _not_ the user, like corporate IT buyers)
     35 * Business/organisational goals (increasing profit, market share, reducing costs, increase QOS)
     36 * Technical goals (maintaining security, cross-platformness, backwards compatibility)
     38 User stories & goals:
     39 * As a <type of user> I want <some goal> so that <some reason>
     40 * As a <persona> I want <action> so that <expected outcome>
     41 * When <situation> I want to <motivation> so I can <expected outcome>
     43 ### Personas - archetypal users
     44 Modelling users: identify major goals and behaviours, then build models of idealised users ("personas")
     46 There isn't an 'average user', you use personas that capture important characteristics of users.
     48 Persona:
     49 * Demographic details: name, occupation, age
     50 * Personal details: short biographical summary
     51 * Attitudinal details: mental model, pain points, feelings about stuff that has to be done
     52 * Goals and motivations: for using the product (maybe for life in generalâ„¢)
     53 * Behavioural details: how they act when using the product
     54 * generally about half a page in length
     56 Why?
     57 * Coordination, getting a shared vision of the users and market
     58 * Communication between devs, designers, marketers, other stakeholders
     59 * Determining functionality and behaviour o product
     60 * Help design decisions without testing on users
     61 * they work. you don't focus on edge cases but on normal use, avoids the self-referential user (developers thinking users are like them), and avoids the elastic user (cuz users won't bend to your will, they don't give a shit)
     63 ### Scenarios
     64 Informal narrative descriptions:
     65 * describe human activities in short stories
     66 * You can explore needs, requirements, contexts
     67 * Don't explicitly mention tech
     68 * Are written in the users' language (well, english in our case)
     69 * Have varying levels of detail
     70 * You focus on the user's perspective
     72 ### Design Requirements & principles
     73 1. Establish needs & goals
     74     * what info do users need?
     75     * what capabilities?
     76     * what goals must be achieved (business, technical)?
     77 2. Brainstorm
     78     * time-limited, like half an hour
     79     * write them _all_ down
     80     * no criticism allowed
     81     * ideas are culled and refined later
     83 Don't make the user feel stupid.
     84 Define what the product will do before designing how.
     86 ### Use Case
     87 Focus on user-system interaction instead of user's task itself.
     88 Describe processes as text or use case diagram
     90 structure:
     91 * users are actors - user types or categories
     92 * use case consists of:
     93     * header:
     94         * name of use case
     95         * goal of use case
     96         * scope and level use case is covering
     97         * preconditions
     98         * success/failure conditions
     99         * trigger that starts use case
    100         * notes on performance, frequency, etc.
    101     * steps (each assumed to be successful):
    102         * description narrative
    103         * variations
    104         * notes
    105     * exceptions
    106         * notation is per step