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      1 +++
      2 title = 'Routing'
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      5 # Routing
      6 Guiding a packet in network to its destination.
      8 Routing table at node u stores for each v a neighbor w of u.
      9 Packets with destination v that arrive at u re passed to w.
     11 ## Chandy-Misra shortest path algorithm
     12 Undirected weighted network with positive weights.
     13 Centralised algorithm to compute shortest paths to initiator u₀.
     15 Initially:
     16 - dist(u₀, u₀) = 0
     17 - dist(v, u₀) = ∞ for othe nodes
     18 - parent(v, u₀) = ⊥ for all v
     20 u₀ sends message ⟦0⟧ to its neighbors
     22 node v receives ⟦d⟧ from neighbor w. if d + wt(v, w) < dist(v, u₀), then
     23 - dist(v, u₀) = d + wt(v, w) and parent(v, u₀) = w
     24 - v sends ⟦dist(v, u₀)⟧ to its neighbors (except w)
     26 Termination detection by e.g. Dijkstra-Scholten
     28 Complexity:
     29 - worst-case message; exponential
     30 - worst-case messag efor minimum-hop: O(N²·E)
     32 ...
     34 ## Merlin-Segall shortest path algorithm
     35 Centralised algorithm to compute shortest paths to initiator u₀.
     37 Initially, dist(u₀, u₀) = 0, dist(v, u₀) = ∞ for other nodes, and parent(v, u₀) values form sink tree with root u₀.
     39 Each round, u₀ sends ⟦0⟧ to its neighbors.
     40 1. let node v receive ⟦d⟧ from neighbor w.
     41     - if d + wt(v, w) < dist(v, u₀), then dist(v, u₀) = d + wt(v, w)
     42         - v stores w as future value for parent(v, u₀)
     43     - if w = parent(v, u₀), then v sends ⟦dist(v, u₀⟧ to its neighbors except parent(v, u₀).
     44 2. When a v ≠ u₀ has received message from all neighbors, it sends ⟦dist(v, u₀)⟧ to parent(v, u₀) and updates parent(v, u₀).
     46 u₀ starts a new round after receiving a message from all neighbors.
     48 Complexity:
     49 - message: Θ(N²·E)
     51 Topology changes:
     52 - number attached to distance messages
     53 - when edge fails or becomes operational, adjacent nodes send message to u₀ via sink tree
     54 - when u₀ receives such a message, it
     55     - rebuilds sink tree
     56     - starts new set of N-1 rounds, with higher number
     58 ## Floyd-Warshall all-pairs shortest path algorithm
     59 Initially, S = ∅ (S is explained in the next section).
     61 While S doesn't contain all nodes, a pivot w ∉ S selected:
     62 - d[S ∪ {w}] computed from d[S]
     63 - w is added to S
     65 When S contains all nodes, d[S] is standard distance function.
     67 Complexity:
     68 - time: Θ(N³)
     70 ## Toueg's algorithm
     71 Computes for each pair (u,v) a shortest path from u to v
     73 dS(u, v), with S set of nodes, denotes length of shortest path fro u to v with all intermediate nodes in S
     74 - d[S](u, u) = 0
     75 - d[∅](u, v) = wt(u, v) for two different nodes connected by an edge
     76 - d[∅](u, v) = ∞ for two different nodes not connected by an edge
     77 - d[S ∪ {w}](u, v) = min{ d[S](u, v), d[S](u, w) + d[S](w, v)} if w not in S
     79 When S contains all nodes, d[S] is the standard distance function
     81 Assume each node knows the IDs of all nodes
     83 Initially at each node u:
     84 - S(u) = ∅
     85 - dist(u, u) = 0 and parent(u, u) = ⊥
     86 - for each other node,
     87     - either dist(u, v) = wt(u, v) and parent(u, v) = v if there is an edge uv,
     88     - or dist(u, v) = ∞ and parent(u, v) = ⊥
     91 At w-pivot round, w broadcasts its values dist(w, v) for all nodes v.
     93 If parent(u, w) = ⊥, for a node u ≠ w at the w-pivot round, then dist(u, w) = ∞, so dist(u, w) + dist(w, v) ≥ dist(u, v) for all nodes v.
     95 Hence the sink tree toward w can be used to broadcast dist(w)
     97 If u is in sink tree toward w, it sends ⟦request, w⟧ to parent(u, w), to let it pass on dist(w).
     99 If u isn't in sink tree towards w, it proceeds to next pivot round, with S(u) = S(u) ∪ {w}
    101 Consider any node u ni sink tree toward w:
    102 - if u ≠ w, it waits for values dist(w, v) from parent(u, w)
    103 - u forwards values dist(w, v) to neighbors that send ⟦request, w⟧ to u
    104 - if u ≠ w, it checks for each node v whether dist(u, w) + dist(w, v) < dist(u, v)
    105     - if yes, dist(u, v) = dist(u, w) + dist(w, v) and parent(u, v) = parent(u, w)
    106 - finally, u proceeds to next pivot round, with S(u) = S(u) ∪ {w}
    108 Complexity:
    109 - message: O(N²)
    111 ## Distance-vector routing
    112 Network in which nodes/links may fail or be added.
    113 Such a change is eventually detected by its neighbors.
    115 If topology change is detected, a node sends its entire routing table to its neighbors.
    116 Each node locally computes shortest paths.
    118 ## Link-state routing
    119 Nodes periodically send link-state packet, with
    120 - node's edges and their weights (based on latency, bandwidth)
    121 - sequence number (increases with each broadcast)
    123 - Link-state packets are flooded through the network
    124 - Nodes store link-state packets to obtain view of the entire network
    125 - sequence numbers avoid old info overwriting new info
    126 - each node locally computes shortest paths, e.g. with Dijkstra's
    128 When node recovers from crash, its sequence number starts at 0
    129 - so packets carry time-to-live (TTL) field
    130 - after this time, info from packet may be discarded by packet with lower sequence number
    131 - to reduce flooding, each time a link-state packet is forwarded, its TTL field decreases
    132     - when it becomes 0, the packet is discarded
    134 ## Autonomous systems
    135 RIP protocol uses distance-vector routing
    137 OSPF protocol uses link-state routing
    139 These routing algorithms don't scale to the internet because of sending whole routing tables, or flooding.
    140 So, internet divided into autonomous sytems, where each system uses RIP or OSPF.
    142 Border Gateway Protocol routes between autonomous systems.
    143 - border routers broadcast updates of their routing tables (like Chandy-Misra)
    144 - border router updates its routing table
    145     - because it detects topology change
    146     - or because of update in routing table of neighbor
    148 You can still get deadlock, if you fill up memory at the nodes.
    150 ## Slow-start with TCP
    151 TCP protocol provides reliable packet delivery.
    153 To avoid congestion, nodes maintainn congestion window for each of their edges.
    154 This is the max number of unacknowledged packets on this edge.
    156 Congestion window grows linearly with each received ack, up to some threshold.
    158 With each lost data packet, the congestion window is reset to initial size (TCP Tahoe) or halved (TCP Reno)