1 +++ 2 title = "Transactions" 3 +++ 4 5 # Transactions 6 7 transaction: a sequence of actions we want to perform on a database 8 9 should be atomic: either run fully, or not at all. this avoids 10 concurrency problems like: 11 12 - losing effects of one transaction due to uncontrolled overwrite by 13 another (\'lost update anomaly\') 14 - transaction reads partial result of another transaction 15 (\'inconsistent read anomaly\') 16 - transaction reads changes made by another transaction before they 17 are rolled back (\'dirty read anomaly\') 18 - transaction reads value which is afterwards changed by another 19 transaction (\'unrepeatable read anomaly\') 20 21 For this, we need to get some ACID: 22 23 - Atomicity: transaction executes fully or not at all (commit or 24 abort) 25 - Consistency: transactions always leave database in consistent state, 26 where all defined integrity constraints hold 27 - Isolation: multiple users can modify database at the same time 28 without seeing partial actions 29 - Durability: when transaction is committed successfully, the data is 30 persistent, regardless of crashes 31 32 transaction: a list of actions 33 34 - reads - R(O) 35 - writes - W(O) 36 - end with Commit or Abort 37 - e.g.: T₁: R(V)\< R(Y), W(V), W(C), Commit 38 39 ## Schedules 40 41 scheduler decides execution order of concurrent database access 42 43 schedule is list of actions from set of transactions (\'plan on how to 44 execute transactions\'). order in which 2 actions of transaction T 45 appear in schedule must be same as order in T. 46 47 ## Serializability 48 49 serial schedule: if actions of different transactions are executed one 50 after another (e.g. all of T2, then all of T1) 51 52 serializable schedule: if its effect on database is same as that of some 53 serial schedule 54 55 actions in schedule conflict if they 56 57 - are from different transactions 58 - and involve same data item 59 - and one action is write 60 61 conflicts may cause schedule to not be serializable 62 63 conflict types: 64 65 - write read (WR) - T₁ writes Y, then T₂ reads Y 66 - read write (RW) - T₁ reads Y, then T₂ writes Y 67 - write write (WW) - T₁ writes Y, then T₂ writes Y 68 69 we can swap actions of different transactions if actions are 70 non-conflicting. 71 72 conflict equivalent schedules: if they can be transformed into each 73 other by swapping non-conflicting, adjacent transactions. 74 75 conflict-serializable: if conflict equivalent to some serial schedule 76 77 check it with a precedence graph: 78 79 - graph has node for each transaction 80 - edge from T₁ to T₂ if conflicting action between T₁ and T₂ (with T₁ 81 first) 82 - conflict-serializable iff no cycle in the graph 83 - if no cycles, serial schedule is a topological sort of precedence 84 graph 85 86 ## Runtime serializability strategies 87 88 serializability during runtime: system doesn\'t know which transactions 89 will run, and which items they\'ll access 90 91 strategies: 92 93 - Pessimistic: lock-based, timestamp based 94 - Optimistic: read-set/write-set tracking, validation before commit 95 - Multi-version techniques: eliminate concurrency control overhead for 96 read-only queries 97 98 ### Pessimistic: lock-based, two phase locking 99 100 transactions must lock objects before using them 101 102 types: 103 104 - shared lock (S-lock): acquired on Y before *reading* Y, many 105 transactions can hold a shared lock on Y 106 - exclusive lock (X-lock): acquired on Y before *writing* Y. 107 transaction can hold exclusive lock on Y if no other transaction 108 holds a lock on Y. 109 110 2 phase locking protocol: 111 112 - each transaction must get: 113 - S-lock on object before reading it 114 - X-lock on object before writing it 115 - transaction can\'t get new locks once it releases any lock 116 - any schedule that conforms to 2PL is conflict-serializable 117 118 #### Deadlock handling 119 120 2 PL has the risk of deadlocks where both transactions wait for each 121 other indefinitely. need to detect deadlock. 122 123 detection with Wait-for-Graphs 124 125 - system maintains wait-for-graph, where nodes are transactions and 126 edges A→B mean A is waiting for B to release lock 127 - system periodically checks for graph cycles 128 - if cycle detected, you abort a transaction 129 - selecting the victim is a challenge: 130 - if you abort a young one, there will be starvation 131 - if you abort an old one, you\'ll be throwing away what you 132 invested in it 133 - phrasing, dude. 134 135 detection with timeout 136 137 - let transactions block on a lock request for a limited time 138 - after timeout, assume deadlock and abort T 139 140 #### Cascading rollbacks 141 142 cascadeless schedule 143 144 - delay reads, only read value produced by already committed 145 transactions 146 - so if a value is required, wait for the commit 147 - no dirty reads, so abort doesn\'t cascade 148 149 recoverable schedule: 150 151 - delay commit - if T2 reads value written by T1, commit of T2 has to 152 wait until after commit of T1 153 154 schedules should always be recoverable. all cascadeless schedules are 155 recoverable. 156 157 #### Strict 2 phase locking 158 159 same as 2PL, but a transaction releases all locks only when it\'s 160 completed (commit/rollback). it\'s cascadeless, but still has deadlocks. 161 162 #### Preclaiming 2 phase locking 163 164 all needed locks are declared at start of transaction. therefore, no 165 deadlocks. however, not applicable in multi-query transactions (where 166 queries might depend on results of previous queries) 167 168 #### Granularity of locking 169 170 there\'s a tradeoff. the more specific your locking is (database, vs 171 table, vs row level), the higher concurrency you have, and the higher 172 overhead 173 174 multi-granularity locking - decide granularity of locks held for each 175 transaction depending on characteristics of transaction 176 177 intention locks (do not conflict with each other): 178 179 - intention share (IS) 180 - intention exclusive (IX) 181 182 an intention lock on coarser level of granularity means there is S/X 183 lock on finer level of granularity. 184 185 before a granule *g can* be locked in S/X mode, the transaction has to 186 obtain an IS/IX lock on all coarser granularities containing *g* 187 188 after all intention locks are granted, transaction can lock *g* in the 189 announced mode 190 191 levels of granularity: database → table → row 192 193 #### Optimising performance 194 195 for each query in log: 196 197 - analyse average time and variance for this type of query 198 - if long delays or frequently aborts, might be contention 199 - read only or updating query? 200 - compute read-sets, write-sets 201 - will it require row/table locks? shared/exclusive? 202 203 How do read- and write-sets of queries intersect? What is chance of 204 conflicts? 205 206 When you understand the query workload, you can: 207 208 - rewrite queries for smaller read- and write-sets 209 - change scheduling of queries to reduce contention 210 - use different isolation level for queries 211 212 #### Isolation levels 213 214 some degree of inconsistency may be acceptable to get increased 215 concurrency & performance 216 217 SQL-92 levels: 218 219 - `read uncommitted`: only write locks acquired, any row read can be 220 concurrently changed by other transactions 221 - `read committed`: read locks held for as long as application cursor 222 sits on a current row, write locks as usual 223 - `repeatable read`: strict 2PL, a transaction may read phantom rows 224 if it runs an aggregation query twice 225 - `serializable`: strict 2PL, multi-granularity locking. no phantom 226 rows. 227 228  229 230 phantom row problem: T1 locks all rows, but T2 inserts new row that 231 isn\'t locked. 232 233 solutions: 234 235 - multi-granularity locking (locking the table) 236 - declarative locking - key-range or predicate locking 237 238 many applications don\'t need full serializability, selecting a weaker 239 but acceptable isolation level is part of database tuning. 240 241 ### Optimistic concurrency control 242 243 hope for the best, only check that no conflicts happened when 244 committing. this saves locking overhead. 245 246 three phases: 247 248 1. Read phase: execute transaction, but don\'t write data to disk. 249 collect updates in transaction\'s private workspace 250 2. Validation phase: when transaction wants to commit, DBMS test 251 whether execution correct, and abort if needed. 252 3. Write phase: transfer data from private workspace into database. 253 254 Phases 2, 3 have to be in non-interruptible critical section (val-write 255 phase). 256 257 #### Validation 258 259 typically implemented by maintaining: 260 261 - read set RS(Tk) - attributes read by Tk 262 - write set Ws(Tk) - attributes written by Tk 263 264 Backward-oriented optimistic concurrency control (BOCC) 265 266 - on commit, compare Tk against all *committed* transactions Ti 267 - succeeds if 268 - Ti committed before Tk started 269 - or Rs(Tk) ∩ WS(Ti) = Ø 270 271 Forward-oriented optimistic concurrency control (FOCC) 272 273 - on commit, compare Tk against all *running* transactions Ti 274 - succeeds if 275 - Ws(Tk) ∩ RS(Ti) = Ø 276 277 #### Multiversion concurrency control 278 279 with old object versions around, read-only transactions never need to be 280 blocked 281 282 - might see outdated but consistent version of data 283 - like everything in query happened the moment it started 284 285 issues: 286 287 - versioning requires space and management overhead 288 - update transactions still need concurrency control 289 290 snapshot isolation: 291 292 - each transaction sees consistent snapshot of database corresponding 293 to state at moment it started 294 - read-only transactions don\'t have to lock anything 295 - transactions conflict if write to same object 296 - pessimistic concurrency control - only writes are locked 297 - optimistic concurrency control - only write-sets interesting 298 - does not guarantee serializability 299 - avoids dirty read, unrepeatable read, phantom rows 300 - introduces write skew, with complex assertions involving multiple 301 tuples