1 +++ 2 title = "The relational model" 3 +++ 4 5 # The relational model 6 7 ## Concepts: schema, state 8 9  10 11 ### Data types 12 13 all table entries are data values that conform to some selection of data 14 types. 15 16 example data types: 17 18 - strings: 19 - `VARCHAR(n)` strings up to n characters, use this if you know a 20 certain maximum length 21 - `TEXT` variable length up to 2 GB (but does not always take up 2 22 GB) 23 - numbers: 24 - `INT` integer 25 - `NUMERIC(n)` decimal number with n digits 26 - date and time 27 - binary data, like a `BLOB` (binary large object) 28 29 domain `val(D)` of a type D is the set of possible values for that type 30 31 with SQL, we can create our own application-specific domains (new data 32 types). examples: 33 34 - `CREATE DOMAIN EXNUM AS NUMERIC(2)` 35 - `CREATE DOMAIN EXNUM AS NUMERIC(2) CHECK(VALUE > 0)` 36 37 ### Relation schema 38 39 relation schema s (schema of single relation) defines: 40 41 - finite sequence A₁..An of distinct attribute names 42 - for each attribute Ai a data type (domain) Di 43 44 written as: s = { A₁ : D₁, \..., An : Dn } 45 46 SQL notation: 47 48 ```sql 49 CREATE TABLE exercises 50 (CAT CHAR(1), 51 ENO NUMERIC(2), 52 TOPIC VARCHAR(40), 53 MAXPT NUMERIC(2)) 54 ``` 55 56 a relational database schema S defines: 57 58 - finite set of relation names {R₁, \..., Rm} 59 - for every relation R a relation schema sch(R) 60 - a set of C integrity constraints 61 62 so S = ({R₁, \..., Rm}, sch, C) 63 64 ### Tuples 65 66 used to formalize table rows. so e.g. in table exercises: 67 `(’H’, 1, ’Rel.Alg.’, 10)` 68 69 ### Database states 70 71 let a database schema ({R₁, \..., Rm}, schema, C) be given. 72 73 a database state I for this database schema defines for every relation 74 name Ri to a finite set of tuples I(Ri) w.r.t the relation schema 75 Schema(Ri) 76 77 ## Null values 78 79 relational model allows missing attribute values. 80 81 these are represented by `NULL`. not the same as 0 or an empty string. 82 83 used to model scenarios like: 84 85 - a value exists IRL but is not known 86 - no value exists 87 - attribute is not applicable 88 - any value will do 89 90 without null values, you\'d have to split a relation into specific 91 relations, like `student_with_email` and `student_without_email`. or the 92 users would have to make up a fake value, which would not be uniform and 93 you\'d have no idea how to query. 94 95 problems: 96 97 - no clear semantics, since null values can be used in many scenarios 98 - SQL has three-valued logic (true, false, unknown), so if you want to 99 check for null, you have to say `WHERE A IS NULL` 100 101 so declaring many attributes as NOT NULL simplifies the program, but 102 only do that if you\'re sure that there\'s always a value. 103 104 ## Constraints 105 106 the database should be an image of the relevant subset of the real 107 world. plain definition of tables often allows too many database states. 108 109 Integrity constraints (IC): conditions which every database state has to 110 satisfy, restricting the set of possible database states. 111 112 In `CREATE TABLE`, possible constraints: 113 114 - `NOT NULL`: no value in this column can be null 115 - `Keys`: each key value can only appear once 116 - `Foreign keys`: values in a column must appear as key values in 117 another table 118 - `CHECK`: column values have to satisfy a given predicate 119 120 Why specify constraints: 121 122 - some protection against data input errors 123 - document knowledge about database states 124 - enforce law/company standards 125 - protect against inconsistency 126 - simplify queries in programs 127 128 ## Keys 129 130 key of relation R is attribute A that uniquely identifies tuples in R. 131 this refers to all possible database states, not just the current one. 132 133 key constraint is satisfied in database state iff all tuples have 134 different values for A. 135 136 once something is declared as a key, the DBMS refuses insertion of 137 tuples with duplicate key values.. this refers to all possible database 138 states, not just the current one. 139 140 keys can consist of several attributes, then they are composite keys. if 141 columns A,B form a composite key, there cannot be two tuples t ≠ u which 142 agree in both attributes. keys should never change. 143 144 a key constraint becomes weaker (less restrictive) if attributes are 145 added to it. 146 147 a key is minimal if no attribute can be removed without destroying the 148 key constraint. 149 150 a relation may have more than one minimal key. one is the primary key, 151 which cannot be null. other keys are alternate/secondary. 152 153 choosing a primary key: single simple attribute, never updated 154 155 ### Foreign keys 156 157 use key attributes to uniquely reference a tuple, like a pointer. 158 denoted with arrows: 159 160 ```sql 161 RESULTS (SID → STUDENTS, 162 (CAT, ENO) → EXERCISES, 163 POINTS) 164 STUDENTS (SID,FIRST,LAST,EMAIL) 165 EXERCISES (CAT,ENO,TOPIC,MAXPT) 166 ``` 167 168 to refer from relation R to tuples of S, add primary key attributes of S 169 to attributes of R. only stable if the logical \'address\' of a tuple 170 does not change. 171 172 implements a one-to-many relationship. 173 174 an existence guarantee is needed. 175 176 foreign key constraints in SQL: 177 178 ```sql 179 CREATE TABLE RESULTS ( 180 ... 181 FOREIGN KEY (SID) REFERENCES STUDENTS(SID) 182 ) 183 ``` 184 185 this ensures that every referenced row exists, which ensures referential 186 integrity of the database. 187 188 these operations violate the constraints: 189 190 - insertion into table with foreign key without matching referenced 191 tuple. DBMS rejects update. 192 - deletion from table if the tuple is referenced via foreign key. 193 either DBMS rejects, both are deleted (cascade), or foreign key is 194 set to null. 195 196 only keys may be referenced. a table with composite key must be 197 referenced by composite key that has same number of attributes.