1 +++ 2 title = "Aggregations" 3 +++ 4 5 # Aggregations 6 7 A view declaration registers a query (not the result) under an 8 identifier 9 10 Simple aggregation functions: COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN 11 12 Restrictions: 13 14 - aggregations can\'t be nested 15 - aggregations can\'t be used in the `WHERE` clause 16 - if aggregation function is used, and there\'s no `GROUP BY`, 17 attributes can\'t appear in the `SELECT` 18 19 Null values and aggregations 20 21 - usually, they\'re ignored before the aggregation 22 - `COUNT(*)` counts null values. it counts rows, not attribute values 23 24 GROUP BY partitions tuples of a table into groups, based on value 25 equality for the GROUP BY attributes. It can never produce empty groups. 26 Aggregation functions are applied to groups separately. Sequence of 27 GROUP BY is not important. 28 29 `HAVING` is a way to filter out groups based on some property. E.g. 30 `HAVING SUM(POINTS) >= 18`. `HAVING` should *only* contain aggregation 31 functions, not single attributes.