1 +++ 2 title = 'Glossary' 3 +++ 4 # Glossary 5 - // — denotes a comment 6 - << — “put into” operator 7 - C++ — the language C, but improved 8 9 - comment — documentation, only seen by the programmer and not read by the compiler 10 11 - compiler — turns source code into object code 12 - compile-time error — an error caught while compiling 13 - cout — character output stream 14 - executable — a program that can run on a computer 15 16 - function — a subprocess that has multiple parts to it (return type, name, parameters, code) 17 18 - header — an external file with code 19 20 - IDE — development environment that has everything, and can both compile and execute code 21 22 - #include — make available code from other libraries (preprocessor directive) 23 - library — an external file with functions 24 - linker — ‘links’ together code compiled separately into one executable file 25 - main() — every C++ program needs this, the first method that is executed 26 - object code — compiled source code 27 - output — result from a program 28 - program — a thing you can run on your computer 29 - source code — text written by programmer 30 - statement — a single line of code 31 - assignment — giving a value to a variable 32 - cin — character input stream 33 - concatenation — combining two strings 34 - conversion — changing from one type to another 35 - declaration — naming something (variable, function, etc.) in a statement 36 - decrement — decrease value 37 - definition — declaration that sets aside memory for an object 38 - increment — increase value 39 - initialization — give a variable an initial value 40 - name — (obvious) 41 42 - narrowing — putting a value into an object that is too small for the value (e.g. large int into a char) 43 44 - object — region of memory with a type 45 - operation — something that you do to a value 46 - operator — +, -, /, *, ==, <=, ……... 47 - type — int, float, bool, double.. 48 49 - type safety — safely converting from one type to another (initializing a variable before using it, converting correctly) 50 51 - value — set of bits in memory, interpreted according to type 52 - variable — a named object