1 +++ 2 title = 'Functions' 3 +++ 4 # Functions 5 defined by types of input parameters, its name, type of return value, and algorithm that computes return value from input values 6 7 example: 8 9 ```cpp 10 int add(int a, int b) { 11 return a+b; 12 } 13 ``` 14 15 when a function is called, thread of execution continues within code of function 16 17 as soon as it returns, code that called the function continues 18 a function returns if: 19 1. It reaches a return statement 20 2. It reaches the end of its code block 21 22 a void function is allowed to reach end of its code block 23 24 a function that has a return value must reach a return statement or throw an exception 25 26 ## Parameters 27 parameters in declaration of function are called *formal parameters* 28 parameters in call of function are called *actual parameters* 29 30 Rules of thumb: 31 1. Use pass-by-value for small objects 32 2. Use pass-by-const-reference for large objects that you don’t need to modify 33 3. Return a result rather than modifying parameter through reference 34 4. Use pass-by-reference only when you have to — when there’s no alternative 35 36 pass-by-value: 37 38 - copies actual parameters into formal parameters 39 - formal parameters in function can’t modify anything outside the function 40 - happens by default 41 - inefficient with large parameters 42 - `void print(vector<double> v) {}` 43 44 pass-by-const-reference 45 46 - passes address of values (reference) 47 - efficient, no copying of data 48 - safe, parameter is const and can’t be overwritten 49 - `void print(const vector<double>& v) {}` 50 51 pass-by-reference 52 53 - if we want to modify contents of parameters, pass by reference 54 - `void init(vector<double>& v) { v[2]=2; }`