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Lecture 9_ Web security.md (6655B)

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      2 title = "Lecture 9: Web security"
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      5 # Lecture 9: Web security
      6 ## Overview
      7 Requests:
      8 - request is composed of header and optional body separated by CRLF
      9 - header contains method, resource, protocol version, other info
     10 - body is considered as byte stream
     12 Resource can be specified by absolute URI or absolute path.
     13 In HTTP/1.1, Host field is required to specify server to receive request.
     14 HTTP/2 lets server to push content (respond with data for more queries than client requested).
     16 Replies:
     17 - composed of header and body separated by CRLF
     18 - header contains protocol version, status code, diagnostic text, other info
     19 - body is a byte stream
     21 Header fields:
     22 - general: refer to message (date, pragma, cache-control, transfer-encoding, etc.)
     23 - request: accept (MIME type), host, authorization, from, if-modified-since, user-agent, referer, etc.
     24 - response: location, server, www-authenticate
     25 - entity: allow (methods that can be invoked), content-encoding, content-length (required if body not null), content-type (MIME type of body), expires, last-modified
     27 URIs
     28 - syntax: {scheme}://{authority}{path}?{query}
     29 - can be absolute or relative
     31 Authentication
     32 - simple challenge-response theme
     33 - challenge returned by server as part of 401 reply, specifies auth schema to be used
     34 - auth request refers to realm (set of resources on server)
     35 - client must include Authorization header field with required valid credentials
     36 - examples:
     37     - Basic HTTP auth:
     38         - server replies to unauthorized request wit 401 message containing header field: `WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="ReservedDocs"`
     39         - client retries access including in header a field containing cookie composed of base64 encoded username and password: `Authorization: Basic <token>`
     40     - HTTP1.1 auth:
     41         - defines additional auth scheme based on cryptographic digests
     42             - server sends nonce as challenge
     43             - client sends request with digest of username, password, given nonce value, HTTP method, and request URL
     44         - to authenticate users, web server must have access to plaintext user passwords
     45     - WebAuthn
     47 Maintaining State
     48 - HTTP is stateless, but many apps require maintaining state across requests
     49 - ways:
     50     - embedding information in URLs: app embeds user-specific info in every link contained in page returned to user
     51     - putting information in forms: use hidden input tags, contains names/values
     52     - cookies: set by server by including Set-Cookie header, cookies are passed in every further transaction with the site, accessible only by site that set them
     53     - sessions: implemented at app level, at the beginning of session a unique ID is generated for the user, and is used to index info stored on server side
     55 ## Server side
     56 Common Gateway Interface:
     57 - mechanism to invoke programs on server side
     58 - program's output returned to client
     59 - input parameters passed using URL in GET, or using body in POST
     60 - programs can be written in any language
     61 - input to program passed to process' stdin
     62 - parameters passed by setting environment variables (REQUEST_METHOD, PATH_INFO, QUERY_STRING, CONTENT_TYPE, etc.)
     64 Active Server Pages (ASP, ASP.NET)
     65 - Microsoft's version of CGI scripts
     66 - pages containing mix of text, HTML tags, scripting directives (VBScript, JScript), server-side includes
     67 - directives executed on server side before serving page
     69 Servlets, JavaServer pages
     70 - Servlets: Java programs executed on server, similar to CGI programs, can be executed within existing JVM without making new process
     71 - JavaServer pages (JSP): static HTML intermixed with Java code, similar to ASP, compiled into servlets
     73 PHP:
     74 - scripting language embedded in HTML pages
     75 - PHP code executed on server side when page containing code request
     76 - common setup is LAMP (Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP)
     78 Web Application Frameworks
     79 - provide support for fast development of web apps
     80 - might be based on existing web servers, or have a new environment
     81 - often based on Model-View-Controller architecture
     82 - provide automatic translation of objects from/to database
     83 - provide templates for generating dynamic pages
     85 ## Client side
     86 Java applets:
     87 - compiled Java programs downloaded into browser and executed in context of web page
     88 - access to resources regulated by implementation of Java Security Manager
     89 - dead
     91 ActiveX controls
     92 - binary, native code downloaded and executed in context of page
     93 - only supported by Windows-based browsers
     94 - code signed using Authenticode mechanism
     95 - once executed, complete access to client's environment
     96 - dead
     98 JavaScript/JScript, EcmaScript/VBScript
     99 - scripting languages for dynamic behavior in web pages
    100 - JS initially introduced by NetScape, JScript is Microsoft's version
    101 - EcmaScript standardised version of JS
    102 - VBScript is based on Microsoft Visual Basic
    104 asm.js:
    105 - subset of JS allowing for fast code
    106 - can use special compiler passes to e.g. translate C to asm.js
    108 webassembly
    109 - low-level bytecode for in-browser client-side scripting
    110 initial aim to support compilation from C and C++
    111 - initial implementation support in browsers based on feature set of asm.js
    113 Code is embedded into HTML pages using script tag.
    114 Window is top of hierarchy of objects.
    115 DOM (Document object model) lets your script manipulate content.
    116 BOM (Browser object model) is interface to browser's properties.
    118 JS security policies:
    119 - same origin: JS code can only access resources (e.g. cookies) associated with same origin/host
    120     - every frame in browser's window is associated with domain (origin = URI scheme, hostname, port number)
    121     - web browser only lets scripts contained in web page A to access data in web page B if they have the same origin
    122     - even iframes/included scripts execute within frame domain
    123 - signed script: signature on JS code is verified and principal identity extracted; principal identity compared to policy file to determine level of access
    124 - configurable: user can manually modify policy file to allow/deny access to specific :/methods for code from specific sites
    126 Site isolation
    127 - site-dedicated processes, with browser process as interface
    128 - cross-origin read blocking: stop access to specific types of data
    130 AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
    131 - way to modify page based on result of request, without need of explicit user action
    132 - relies on JS-based DOM manipulation, and XML-HTTP request object
    133 - using `onreadystatechange` property of XML-HTTP request, set callback for result of query
    135 Possible attacks:
    136 - bug in renderer process
    137 - universal cross-site scripting bugs let attacker bypass same origin policy
    138 - side channel attacks like Spectre/RIDL let attacker read arbitrary renderer process memory