1 +++ 2 title = "Lecture 14: Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)" 3 +++ 4 # Lecture 14: Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) 5 6 ## Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) 7 - analysis of actions performed by users and apps to identify evidence of maliciousness 8 - stream of events generated by event sources (traffic dumps, system calls, kernel messages, logs) 9 - typically streams go to analysis engine, which can dispatch actions for protection and add stuff to databases 10 - approaches: 11 - misuse detection: relies on models of wrong behavior, identifies matching entries in event stream 12 - pros: not many false alarms, givs explanation, attack modesl are easy to understand, more resilient and usually faster 13 - cons: needs constant updating, vulnerable to over-stimulation, detects only known attack types 14 - anomaly detection: have a model of "normal behavior", identifies anomalous entries in event stream 15 - pros: detects previously unknown attacks, doesn't need updating 16 - cons: hard to configure, assumes anomalous == malicious, many false alarms, easy to evade, usually slow and resource-intensive 17 - event sources: OS audit records, network packets, app logs, intrusion detection alerts 18 - timeliness: real-time or non-real-time (offline/periodic) 19 - response type: passive (logs, alerts) or active (reconfigures e.g. firewalls) 20 - state-dependency: stateful or stateless analysis 21 22 23 Confusion matrix: 24 - "hit": detecting an actual attack (true positive) 25 - "miss": not detecting an actual attack (false negative) 26 - "false alarm": detecting a non-attack(false positive) 27 28  29 30 Metrics: 31 - Accuracy: (true_positives+true_negatives)/total 32 - Precision: true_positives/(true_positives+false_positives) 33 - Recall: true_positives/(true_positives+false_negatives) 34 - F-measure: 2×(precision×recall)/(precision+recall) 35 36 ROC curves 37 - ROC (receiver operating characteristic): curve expressing performance of classifier 38 - plots true positive rate vs false positive rate 39 - false positive rate: false_positives/(false_positives+true_negatives) 40 - true positive rate: true_positives/(true_positives+false_negatives) 41 - ideally, area under the curve should be 1. 42 43 The false positive rate dominates the effectiveness of an IDS (look at Bayes' Theorem calculation of P(intrusion|alert)). 44 45 IDS output should have truth file: meta-information about even stream describing attacks and relationships between each attack and events in stream 46 47 ## Host vs Network IDS 48 Host IDS: 49 - monitors internals of computing system for unusual activities, file changes, signature patterns 50 - honeypots: special machines that are there to be attacked and are used to analyze the attacker's activities 51 - taint analysis (e.g. Argos): mark some bytes as tainted with propagation using shadow memory, raise alarm when tainted bytes are loaded into program counter 52 53 Network IDS: 54 - based on analysis of network traffic 55 - sniffing traffic: 56 - pros: access to events from multiple host at single point, no performance effect on hosts. 57 - cons: vulnerable to evasion techniques, limited by switched architectures and encryption 58 - vulnerable to: 59 - susceptible to DOS attacks 60 - insertion: an IDS may accept packet that end-system rejects, so victim forms proper payload but IDS misses it 61 - evasion: end-system may accept packet that IDS rejects 62 - OS-level network tap: 63 - pros: can analyze encrypted traffic after decryption, IDS view == host view, less traffic 64 - cons: affects performance of host, must be deployed on each host, can't access info related to other hosts. 65 - desynchronising viewpoints 66 - IP: 67 - IP TTL field may not be large enough for number of hops to destination 68 - packet may be too large for downstream link without fragmenting 69 - destination may drop source-routed packets 70 - processing of fragmentation may be different 71 - TCP: 72 - destination may not accept packets with certain options 73 - destination may silently drop packets with old timestamps (protection against wrapped sequence numbers, PAWS) 74 - destination may not check sequence numbers on RST 75 - destination may resolve conflicting segments differently 76 - reassembly may be different 77 - a potential solution: "normalizer" at network access point to process suspicious packets ('scrubbing') 78 79 Evaluating IDS: 80 - effectiveness: how many detected 81 - precision: how many false positives 82 - performance: how much traffic can be processed 83 - descriptiveness