
Lecture notes from university.
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Physical_ Basis for data communication.md (1123B)

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      2 title = "Physical: Basis for data communication"
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      5 # Physical: Basis for data communication
      6 information can be transmitted by varying voltage on a wire
      8 a link has properties:
     10 - bit rate: bits per second, depends on channel’s bandwidth
     11 - delay: how long it takes a bit to get to the end of the link
     12 - error rate: probability of bit flipping
     13 - bandwidth: analog (cutoff frequency in Hz) or digital (max data rate in bits per sec)
     15 there are some limits to how data can be transmitted:
     17 - bandwidth-delay product: bits have a physical size on the channel
     18     - a channel can store (bit rate × delay) bits
     19 - signal has a finite propagation speed, noise increases, and the signal is attenuated by km
     20 - lower bandwidth limits the harmonics that can be transmitted (and decreases quality, as seen in Fourier analysis)
     21 - a channel has a maximum data rate
     22     - Nyquist (perfect noiseless channel):
     23         - 2B log2V bits/sec
     24         - B bandwidth
     25         - V number of signal levels)
     26     - Shannon (more realistic):
     27         - B log2(1 + S/N) bits/sec
     28         - B bandwidth
     29         - S/N signal strength to noise ratio